[figure appears here on page 474]
[1] An. reg. 1. _RIcharde the firſte of that name, and ſeconde ſonne of Henry the ſecond, be|ganne hys raigne ouer England the ſixth day of Iuly, in the yeare of oure Lord.1189 1189. in the ſeuen and thirtith yeare of the Emperour Frederick the firſt, in the eleuenth yere of the raigne of the ſecond Phillip K. of Fraunce,VVil. Par. and Kyng William ſurnamed the Lion, as yet liuing in the gouernement of Scotland.
[2] This Richard immediately after the ſolemni|ties of his fathers funerals were
ended, made haſt to Rouen, where hee was ioyfully receyued, and proclaymed
Duke of Normandy,Mat. Par. receyuing the inueſture
according to the cuſtome, on the twen|tith day of Iuly. Then ſtudying to ſet
all thyngs in good order on that ſide ye Sea, he maketh ſearch where his
fathers treaſures were preſerued, and therevppon attached Stephen de
Turnham,Stephen de Turnham committed to priſon.
the whiche was Seneſhall or gouernour (as we may cal him) of Aniou, and
committing him to priſon, cõpelled him to make deliuery of all ſuch ſummes
of money as he had hidde and layde vp in certaine Caſtels by the
commandement of the late Kyng his father. Whileſt he was thus occupied,Mat. Paris. Polidor. his bro|ther Iohn commeth to
him, whome hee ioyfully welcommeth, & beſides al other things whiche
his father had bequeathed vnto him by his teſtamente in Englãd, amounting
to ye value of four M.
of yerely rent, with ye Erledome of Morteigne, he procured a
mariage for him being now a Wido|wer) for his further aduauncement with the
[figure appears here on page 474] Iſabell,
Iſabel daugh|ter to the Erle of Glowceſter, married to Iohn the kings
brother. She is named by diuerſe Au|thors Hau [...]ſia.
Mat. Paris. Rog. Houed.
[1] Mat. ParisAt lẽgth, King Richard remembring himſelfe of his mother Queene Eleanor, which had beene ſeparated from the bed of hir huſband for the ſpace of ſixteene yeres, and was as yet deteyned in pri|ſon in Englande, wrote his letters vnto the Ru|lers of the Realme,The King mother ſet at libertie. commaunding them to ſet hir agayne at libertie, and withall appoynted hir by his letters patẽts, to take vpon hir the whole go|uernement of the Kingdome in his abſence. The Queene being thus deliuered, and hauing nowe the chiefe authoritie and rule in hir hands ſhe rode in progreſſe about the Realme, to ſee ye eſtate ther|of, and as ſhee paſſed frõ place to place, ſhe ſhewed gladſome countenance to the people whereſoeuer ſhe became, doing alſo what ſhe could to pleaſure thẽ, that ſhe might therby win their good willes to hir, and to hir ſonne: but ſpecially remembring [page 475] by hir late experience and taſt thereof what an irkſome and moſt greeuous thing impriſonmente was, ſhe cauſed the iayles to be opened, and forth|with ſet no ſmall number of priſoners at libertie by the way as ſhe paſſed through the coũtreys, ac|cording to the verſe of Virgill.
[1]Non ignara mali miſeris ſuceurrere diſco.
Which may be thus engliſhed.
By proofe earſt had of others ill,Their woe, to eaſe I learne the skill.
[1] In the meane time, King Richard concluding a league with Phillippe King of Fraunce, recey|ueth all thoſe places againe which were taken frõ his father by the ſame Phillip, togither with his wife Adela, whom vpon ſuſpition that ſhe had bin diſhoneſted in hir perſon before, without any ſuf|ficient proofe therof had, he forſaketh, & ſendeth hir home with hir dower and otherwiſe with greate and princely giftes, moſt bountifully enriched (ha|uing already concluded a marriage with the La|dy Berengaria, daughter to Garſias Kyng of Nauarre, who was ſente into Sicill vnto hir ſy|ſter Ioane, that hee mighte marry hir, there as hee paſſed that way toward the holy lande.
[1] Whileſt theſe things paſſed thus in theſe par|ties, the Chriſtians in the
holy land dayly ſent hi|ther for ayde, whervpon the two Kings of Frãce and
Englande tooke counſell togither, and deter|mined with all conueniente
ſpeede to ioyne theyr powers,
[...]e two kings Englãd and [...]nce deter| [...]ne to go in| [...] the holy [...]de. Southham| [...] the xii. of [...]guſt hath [...]. Dor
[1] Moreouer, vnto William Marſhall he gaue in marriage the daughter of Richard Erle of Chep|ſtow, togither with the Earledome which hir fa|ther poſſeſſed, and to Gilbert Fitz Roger the ſon of Ramfrey, he gaue the daughter of William de Loncaſter.
[1] After he was landed as before ye haue heard, he haſted to Wincheſter, where his mother Queene Eleanor, with the moſt part of the Engliſh nobi|lite, hadde layne a good ſpace to attende his com|ming, and there on the euen of the aſſumption of our Lady, the King was by them receyued with great ioy and triumph.
[6] Heere is to bee noted, that whileſt the Queene and Lordes lay in Wincheſter
wayting for the Kings arriuall, Geffrey Riddle the Biſhop of E|ly departed
this life. Hee is named by Geruaſius Dorobernenſis the proude Biſhop of Ely:
but hee might rather haue named him the rich Biſhoppe, for he left in his
cofers no ſmall quantitie of trea|ſure, of the which three thouſand and two
hũdred marks, came to the Kings part towards the char|ges of his
coronation. It is no maruell although Geruaſius ſpake ſomewhat in his
diſprayſe: for as he himſelfe confeſſeth, he was no friend but an enemie to
Monkes. But to let this paſſe, ſoone af|ter the Kings comming into Englande,
hee was enformed that the Welchmẽ had broken into the Engliſh marches, and
deſtroyed certain townes, to repreſſe whoſe preſumptuous attẽptes he made
towards them, but was yet ſtayed for that tyme,His
fathers treaſure. and reuoked by his mother. At Saliſburie he
foũd his fathers treaſure, highly reioycing for that the ſumme was farre
greater than he thought it wold haue prooued, beſides the precious ſtones,
appar|rell, and iewels. It was reported he hadde here the ſumme of nine
hundred thouſand poundes in rea|dy Coyne. With this good happe, King Richard
not a little aduaunced,
Rog. Houedẽ. Gau. Vinſaf. Nic. Triuet.
The ſeconde of September hath Geruaſi. The order of his Coronatiõ
Mat. Par.
[1] [2] VVi. Paruus.Vpon this day of King Richards Coronatiõ, the Iewes yt dwelt in Londõ and in other parties of the Realm, being there aſſembled, had but ſory hap, as it chanced, for they meaning to honor the ſame Coronation with their preſence, and to pre|ſent to the K. ſome honorable gift,The Iewes meant to pre| [...]ent him with [...] rich gifte. whereby they might declare themſelues glad for his aduaunce|ment, and procure his friendſhip toward them, for the confirming of their priuiledges and liberties, according to the grauntes and charters made to them by the former Kings, King Richard of a zelous minde to Chriſtes Religion,Math. Paris. abhorring their nation (and doubting ſome ſorcerie by them to be practiſed) commaunded that they ſhould not come within the Church when he ſhould receyue the Crowne, nor within the Palace whileſt hee was at dinner. But at dinner time, among other that preſſed in at the Palace gate, diuers of the Iewes were about to thruſt in, till one of them was ſtriken by a Chriſtiã,A Iew ſtriken. who alledging ye kings commaundement, kept them backe from cõming within the Palace, which ſome of the vnruly peo|ple perceyuing, and ſuppoſing it had bin done by ye kings commaundement, tooke lightly occaſion heereof, and falling vpon the Iewes with ſtaues,The people fall vpon the Iewes and beate them. battes and ſtones, beate them and chaſed them home to their houſes and lodgings. Herewith roſe a rumor through the Citie, that the K. had com|maunded the Iewes to be deſtroyed, and there|vppon came running togither, to aſſault them in their houſes, whiche when they coulde not eaſily breake vp nor enter by reaſon ye ſame were ſtrõg|ly builded they ſet fire on thẽ, ſo that diuers hou|ſes were conſumed, not only of the Iewes,Their houſes are ſet on fire. but al|ſo of their neighbours, ſo hideous was the rage of the fire.
[figure appears here on page 477]
[1] [2] The K. being aduertiſed of this riotous attẽpt of the outragious people, ſent ſome of his Coun|ſellours, as Raufe de Glaunduile Lord Iuſtice, and other officers to appeaſe the tumulte: but their authoritie was nothing regarded, nor their per|ſwaſions any thing heeded, but their threatnings rather brought themſelues in daunger of lyfe a|mong the rude ſorte of thoſe that were about to ſpoyle, robbe, and ſacke the houſes and ſhoppes of the Iewes, to the better accompliſhment of which their vnlawfull acte, the light that the fire of thoſe houſes that brẽned, gaue after it was once night, did miniſter no ſmall help and occaſion of furthe|rance. [...]ewes brent [...]o death. The Iewes that were in thoſe houſes that were ſet on fire, were either ſmoldred and brenned to deathe within, or elſe at their comming foorthe moſt cruelly receiued vpon the poyntes of ſpeares, billes, ſwordes & gleaues of their aduerſaries that watched for them very diligẽtly. This wood rage of the furious and diſordred people, continued frõ the middeſt of the one day, till two of the clocke on the other, the commons all that while neuer ceaſ|ſing their fury againſt ye nation, but ſtil killing thẽ as they met with any of them, in moſt horrible, raſh & vnreaſonable maner. At length, rather we|ried with their cruell doings, than ſatiſfied with ſpoyle, or moued with reſpect of reaſon or reuerẽce of their Prince, they withdrewe themſelues from their riotous enterpriſe after they had executed ma+ny vnlawfull & horrible enormities ſo great a riot wel deſerued ſore & greeuous puniſhment, but yet it paſſed ouer without correction, in reſpect of the great number of the trãſgreſſors, and for that the moſt part of mẽ for the hatred generally cõceiued againſt obſtinate frowardnes of ye Iewes, liked ye doings hereof well ynough, interpriting it to be a good token yt the ioyfull day of ye kings aduance|mẽt to ye Crown ſhuld be doleful to the Iewes in [page 478] than to ſuch ſlaughter and deſtruction.
[1] Finally, after that the tumult was ceaſſed, the King commaunded that no man ſhould hurte or harme any of the Iewes, and ſo they were reſto|red to peace after they had ſuſteyned infinite do|mage.
[1] Shortly after, to witte,A Counſell [...] Pipewell. the fifteenth daye of September, a Counſell was holden at Pipewell, [figure appears here on page 478] where the Biſhoppes and Abbots beeing aſſem|bled, there were in preſence of the king and of the Archebiſhoppe of Canterburye elected certayne Biſhops and Abbots to ſuche places as then were vacant: and amongeſt other, William de Long|champe the kings Chancellor was elected to the ſea of Elye,VVi. Paruus. Geffrey the kings baſtarde brother vnto the Archbiſhoprike of Yorke, who was the xxxij. in number that hadde gouerned the ſame, Geffreye de Lucy to Wincheſter, one Huberte Walter to Saliſburye, and Richard Archdea|con of Elye, and the kings Treaſorer to the ſea of London. The Abbeys that were prouided of Abbots were theſe, Glaſtenbury, Shirborne, Per|fore and Feuerſham.The Biſhop of Whiterne conſecrate [...]. In lyke maner, Iohn the e|lect of Whiterne, was conſecrated Biſhop of that ſea by the handes of the Archbiſhop of Dublyn. Alſo in this Councell the kyng ordeyned Hughe Biſhop of Durham,Rog. Houed. and William Mandeville Earle of Albemarle, Lord chiefe Iuſtices of En|gland, hauing depoſed Ranulf de Glanuille from that roomth.
[1] Moreouer, the king being thus eſtabliſhed in the eſtate of the kingdome did not forget his ior|ney which he had promiſed into the holy land, but with all diligence made his prouiſion, and name|ly he ſought to gather money to furniſh his char|ges, and ſo therevpon leuied a taxe, engaged ſold, and let to ferme his lãds, his tolles, his cuſtomes, and other his reuenewes, with certayne counties and offices, ſo that he made an exceeding ſumme of money.
[1] [2] Math. Paris.He alſo found, that Ranulfe de Glanuile Lord chiefe Iuſtice, and other of the head magiſtrates had not borne themſelues vprightly in the admi|niſtration of their offices, ſo that hee both depoſed the ſayd Lord chiefe Iuſtice as is aforeſayd, and almoſt all the Sheriffes and their deputies with in the Realm of England, putting them to gree|uous fynes for their offences and tranſgreſſions, and ſo by that meanes hee gotte no ſmall deale of money. Heere note by the way,VVil. Par. how William Parvus affirmeth, that where this Ranulfe Glã|uille being a man of high wiſedome and ſtept in|to age, ſawe that many things were done by the new King, not ſo aduiſedly, nor with ſuche fore|ſight, as they ought to be, ſought of his owne ac|cord to be diſcharged of his office, that he myghte the better prepare himſelfe to goe in that iourney to the holy land, as by taking vpon him the croſſe he had vowed in the dayes of King Henry, and ſo he ſolemnly renounced his office, which other no|thing ſo worthie of, it did afterwards enioy.
[1] Moreouer, the King vnderſtãding that Hugh Putſey or Pudſey Biſhop of Durham, beeyng a very aged man, had muche money, he ſold to hym the manor of Seggeſfielde or Sadberg, with the wapentake belonging to the ſame, and alſo found meanes, to perſwade him to buy his owne Pro|uince, which he did, giuing to the King an ineſti|mable ſumme of money, and was therevpon cre|ated an Erle by the King for the ſame:The Biſhop of Durham. Sadberge. The Biſhop Durham [...] an Earle. wherevp|pon he was entitled both Biſhoppe and Earle of Durham, whereat the Kyng woulde ieſt after|wards and ſay, what a cunning craftes man am I, that haue made a newe Earle of an olde By|ſhoppe.
[1] Moreouer, the ſame Biſhop gaue to the kyng [page 479] a thouſande
markes to be made chiefe Iuſtice of England, and that he mighte tarry at
home, and not goe into the holy land, and bycauſe he would not be reprooued
of any perſon, he obteyned of the Apoſtolike See (whiche fayleth no man that
is ſurcharged with white or red mettall, and would be eaſed) a licence for a
ſumme of money to be diſ|penſed with for that iourney. The King thus beeyng
earneſtly about to make chieuauncie of thoſe things, for the which he might
get any mo|ney at all,
[...]e citezens [...] London pre [...]t money to [...]e king.
[1] The Citie before thoſe dayes euer ſith the comming in of William Cõquerour, and a good while before his time, [...]rte grenes. was gouerned by certayne officers or rulers named Port Greues (whiche worde is deriued of two Saxon words, as Porte & Greue, Port is as much to meane as a towne, and Greue a gardeyne or a ruler, as who ſhoulde ſay a keeper or a ruler of a Towne.) Theſe ru|lers with the lawes and cuſtomes then vſed with|in this Citie in olde time, were regiſtred in a booke called (as ſome haue ſayd) domeſday, but through negligence after theſe lawes and cuſtomes were chaunged and altred, the booke was loſt, ſo that the remembraunce of ſuche rulers as were before the dayes of this Richarde the firſte, are not to bee had.
[1] Theſe Baylifes euer entred at Michalmas, and ſo continued foorth their yeare.
[1] Thus began the citie nowe firſt to receyue the forme and ſtate of a common wealthe, and to bee deuided into felowſhippes whych they cal craftes. Such alſo are admitted to the felowſhips of theſe companies, [...]prentices. as haue truely ſerued as apprentices a certaine number of yeares, as ſeauen at the leaſt, vnder which time of ſeruice expired, there is no [...] made free, nor ſuffred to enioy the liberties of that Citie, [...]emen. ſauing ſuch as are borne free, that is to ſay, of freemen within the Citie, of whome at thys time, it is not muche materiall to make any fur|ther report.
[1] The Citie thus conſiſting of the ſayd craftes, chooſeth out of the ſame a Senate or compa|ny of graue councellors, whome they name Al|dermen, the .E. changed into. A. according to the olde Saxon pronunciation. [...]ardes. It is alſo deuided in|to. 26. tribes or wardes, of the whiche euery one hath his ſeueral Alderman, or ouerſeer, who haue both authoritie ſufficiente, and large priuileges to mainteyne the good gouernement of their portions withall.
[1] Out of the number of theſe, there is ano|ther officer yearely choſen and appoynted, called the Maior, who ruleth all the reſt.The Maior.
[2] But now to returne vnto the further doings of K. Richard before his
departure out of England towards his iourney into the lande of Paleſtine,
commonly called holy lãd, it is ſaid, he made ſuch ſales of things
apperteyning to hym, as well in right of the Crowne, as otherwiſe, that it
ſeemed to diuers, how he made his reconing neuer to re|turne againe, in ſo
much, that ſome of his Coun|cellors told him playnely, that hee did not well
in ſetting things away ſo freely, to the diſhonoryng of his maieſtie, and
preiudice of his ſucceſſor,
King Richard ſetteth things things on ſale.
Ran. Higd. VVil. Par.
[1] Thys yeare alſo in the moneth of Nouem|ber, as Mathewe Paris hathe, Iohannes de Anagnia a Cardinall and Legate from the Pope arriued heere in Englande, commyng a land at [figure appears here on page 479] [page 480] Douer, and bycauſe the King was as then in the North parts, the ſame Cardinall was prohibited on the behalfe of the Kings mother Queene E|leanor, to paſſe any further without the Kyngs commaundement. And ſo he ſtayed there thirtene dayes at the charges of the Archbiſhop of Caun|terbury, till the King came into thoſe parties, by whoſe wiſedome, a direction was taken for the quieting of the controuerſie betwixt the Archby|ſhoppe, and the Monkes of Caunterbury for the Chappell Church of Hakinton now called Saint Stephens.
[1] In the ſame moneth of Nouember,Rog. Ho [...]
by ye kings appoyntmente, the electe of Yorke Geffrey that was the
Kings brother,William [...] of Scottes. with other Barons and Lords of Yorkſhire,
receyued William Kyng of Scotlande at the water of Tweede, and from thence
with all due reuerence and honor, they broughte hym vnto Caunterbury,A Counſell called at Caunterbu [...]
where the King had called a Counſell of the Lordes of hys
[figure appears here on page 480] Realme both ſpirituall and temporall in the whi|che,
An othe.
Mat. Par.
Math. Paris. Polidor.The Kyng of Scottes therefore
hauyng re|ceyued this othe, and thynkyng the tyme to ſerue hys purpoſe for redeemyng of thoſe Caſtels whi|che were
deliuered to King Henry as guages for his raunſome, payde now vnto Kyng
Rycharde tenne thouſand markes, and hadde reſtitution of the ſame,
Reſtitution made to the K. of Scottes.
VVil. Par.
[1] Kyng Richarde alſo aſſigned to Queene E|leanor hys mother, the accuſtomed dower, with many Lordſhippes and honors beſide, as an aug|mentation thereof.Rog. Houed. About which tyme dyed Wil|liam de Maundeuille Earle of Albemarle at Rouen, and Hugh de Putſey the nephew of the Biſhoppe of Durham, dyed at Aclet, and was buryed at Durham.
[1] [2] Alſo Formalis Archbiſhoppe of Trier dyed at Northampton,Nic. Tr [...] and was there buried in the Church of S. Androwes. In the meane tyme, Kyng Richard ſtill deſirous to furniſhe himſelfe of money, deuiſed yet another ſhift, and feigned that hee hadde loſt his ſeale, wherefore hee com|maunded a new to be made, which being done, he commaunded it to bee proclaymed and publiſhed in euery countrey, that thoſe to whome hee hadde graunted any thing by his deede or charter,Mat. Pa [...] mea|ning to enioy the ſame in ſuretie, ſhuld not thinke it muche to come and haue it confirmed by his new ſeale, leaſt afterwarde the other beeing loſt, their lawfull titles might be called into queſtion. Wherevppon many that could not come to hym whileſt he was in England, were glad to followe him and to ſayle ouer into Normandy, and there to fyne at his pleaſure for the newe ſeale, to the ende that their writings mighte bee confirmed thereby, and made ſo much the more ſure to them and their ſucceſſors. For the ſame buſineſſe al|ſo, Remigius the Prior of S. Albons, and many other went ouer to their great coſtes, charges, and trauel, after he was tranſported ouer into France.
[1] I fynde moreouer, about the ſame tyme that the kings brother Erle Iohn exhibited a ſore cõ|plainte before the Romaine Legate and other [page 481] Biſhops, for that the Archbiſhop of Canterbu|rye after the appeale made vnto the Apoſtolike ſea, had put his landes vnder interdiction for hys mariage made wyth the Earle of Glouceſters daughter: whiche when the Legate hearde, hee foorthewith confirmed the appeale, and releaſſed the Earles landes of the aforeſayde interdiction. The ſame tyme alſo, the tenth part of at the mo|uable goodes thorough the realme of Englande was leuyed to the ayde of the warres in the holy land. And this collection, paſſing vnder the name of an Almes, was extended vpon the goodes as well of the ſpirituall men as temporall.
[2] After all thys, Kyng Richarde deſyrous to ſette order in the gouernemente of
his Realme,
Hughe bishop of Durham go|uerneth the north partes. Math. Paris.
Rog. Houed.
King Richarde paſſeth ouer in to Normandie. 1190. Vadum ſancti Remigit. A league be|tvvixt the kin|ges of England and Fraunce.
[1] And furthermore, aboute the Purification of our Ladye, Eleanor the Queene mother, and the Lady Alice ſiſter to the French kyng,Rog. Houede. Bald|wyne the Archebiſhop of Canterbury, Iohn bi|ſhoppe of Norwiche, Hugh Biſhop of Dur|ham, Geffrey Byſhoppe of Wyncheſter, Regi|nalde Biſhoppe of Bathe, William Biſhoppe of Elye, Huberte Biſhoppe of Saliſburye, and Hugh Biſhoppe of Cheſter, with Geffreye the electe of Yorke, and Iohn Earle of Mortaigne the kynges two bretherne, by commaundement of the Kyng paſſed ouer into Normandye, to commen with him before his ſetting forwarde.
[1] Some write, that nowe at this preſente, the Kyng ſhoulde ordeyne or rather confirme the Biſhoppe of Elye his Chauncellour to be Lorde chiefe Iuſtice ouer all Englande, and the biſhop of Durham to bee. Lorde Iuſtice from Trente Northwardes. But when ſoeuer they were thus aduaunced to ſuche dignities,Contẽtion be|tvvixte tvvo ambitious By|shops. true it is that im|mediatly thervpon ſtryfe and diſcorde did aryſe betwixt them, contending which of them ſhuld bearemoſt rule & authoritie, in ſo muche yt what ſoeuer ſeemed good to the one, the other miſly|ked therof, as in caſes where parteners in autho|ritie are equall, it often hapneth: But thoſe con|trouerſies are nowe decided, and all matters be|tweene them, lykely hereafter to moue conten|tion, appeaſed by the king.
[1] Moreouer, at the ſame time he cauſed his two brethren, Earle Iohn and the Electe Archbiſhop of Yorke Geffrey to take an othe not to return into England during the terme of .iij. yeres next enſuing, without his conſent & licence firſt had.
[1] [2] This he didde, foreſeeing what myghte hap|pen, prouiding as it were agaynſte ſuche practi|ſes as his brethren might haply attempt againſt him. But yet his mother Queene Eleanor pro|cured him to reuoke that decree immediatly, leaſt it myght ſeeme to the world, that hir ſons ſhould ſtande in feare one of an other.Earle Iohn li|cenced to re|turne into En|glande. And ſo the Erle of Mortaigne was licenced to returne into En|gland at his pleaſure, ſwearing an othe at his de|parture to obey the kings pleaſure, and truly to ſerue hym, accordyng to the duetie of a good and loyal ſubiect. The Biſhop of Ely lord Chaun|cellor and chiefe Iuſtice of Englande was alſo ſent back hyther into this realme, to ſet forward thyngs behouefull for the kings iourney. And in like maner the king ſent to Rome to obteyn that the ſaid biſhop of Ely mighte be conſtituted the Popes Legate through bothe the Prouinces of Canterbury and Yorke,The bishop of of Elye retur|neth. and likewyſe thorough Wales and Ireland. Which was ſoone granted by the bulles of Pope Clement the third, bearing date the .v. of Iune. For the which office the Bi|ſhops gaue him .1500. markes, to the greate of|fence of the king, as he ſhewed afterward to Car+dinal Octauiã, ye came to viſit him when he arri|ued in the riuer of Tyber, being vpon his iorney towards Meſſina, as after may appere. But in ye mean time, calling togither ye lords & peeres of thoſe his dominions on ye ſide the ſea, to wit,Polidor. Nor+mãdie, Britain, Aniou, Poytou, & Guyen, he cõ|ſulteth with them what number of ſoldiors and howe many ſhippes it ſhould bee conuenient for hym to take with hym and furniſhe into Aſia: and herewith he dothe commaunde them alſo to obey Robert Earle of Leyceſter, whome he ap|pointed to remayn amongſt them as his Lieu|tenaunt [page 482] or vicegerent of thoſe parties during his abſence.
[1] But here to leaue king Richard in conſulta|tion for matters apertayning to his iourney, and ſhewe briefly what happened (by the way) to the Iewes, whiche as then dwelt here in Englande, after that king Richarde was paſſed ouer into Normandie.
[1] Ye haue hearde alreadie howe after the ryotte committed againſte them at London,VVil. Paruus when the king was crowned, the king toke order that they ſhould remayn in peace vnder his protection, and commaunded that no perſon ſhoulde in any wiſe moleſt them. But nowe after that he was gone ouer, and that the Souldiours (whiche prepared themſelues to follow him) beganne to aſſemble in routes, the heades of the common people be|gan to waxe wylde,The hatred borne to the Ievves. and fayne would they haue had ſome occaſion of reyſing a newe tumulte a|gaynſt the Iewes, whome (for theyr vnmercy|full vſurye practiſed to the vndoyng of many an honeſt man) they moſte deadly hated, wyſhing moſt earneſtly their expulſion out of Englande.
[1] Herevpon by reaſon of a riot committed late|ly againſt them, at the towne of Linne in Nor|folke, where many of them were ſlayne, other people in other partyes of the Realme, takyng occaſion hereof, as if they hadde bin called vp by the ſounde of a bell or Trumpette, aroſe a|gaynſt them in thoſe Townes, where they had any habitations, and robbed and bet them after a diſordered and moſt riottous manner.
[1] As at Stanforde (on the fayre day in Lente) at Lyncolne, and at Yorke,Io. Taxter. in whiche Citie af|ter a number of them had bene beſieged certaine dayes within a towre of the kings (whither they fledde for ſuccour) one of their lerned gouernors cauſed foure hundred of their companie to con|ſente to haue their throates cut one at an others hands, he himſelf cutting his wiues throate firſt,Fiue hundred hath Ho [...]ede [...] and Taxter. [figure appears here on page 482] whoſename was Anna, thẽ his childrens, one af|ter an other, and laſt of all, ſlewe hymſelfe, one|ly rather than hee woulde fall into the handes of the Chriſtians, that hadde thus long beſieged them. The reſt perceyuing what the great Rab|bi had done, they ſet fire vpon all their goods and ſubſtance which they had gotten into the Tower with them, and ſo conſuming the ſame, woulde haue brente alſo the reſidue of their fellowes which would not agree to the Rabbies counſell, in the cruell murthering of themſelues, if they had not taken a ſtrong turret hard by within yt tower and defended themſelues both from the fyre, and crueltie of their brethren, who had made awaye themſelues in ſuche manner as I haue ſayd: and that to the number of foure hundred, or (as ſome write) fyue hundred at the leaſte.
[1] On the morowe, thoſe that were ſaued, cal|led out to the people, and not onely ſhewed how and after what ſorte their fellowes were diſpat|ched but alſo offred to bee baptyſed, and forſake theyr Iudaiſme, if they myght haue theyr liues ſaued from the imminent and preſent daunger wherein they ſawe themſelues to be wrapped, thorough the furie of the people. To be ſhort, thys thyng was graunted, and they came foorthe, howbrit they were no ſooner entred in|to the preaſe, but they were all ſlayne, and not one man of them preſerued.
[1] After this alſo, the people ranne to the Cathe|drall Churche, and broke into thoſe places, where theyr bondes and oblygations laye, by the whyche they hadde dyuers of the Kynges ſubiectes bounde vnto them in moſte vncon|ſcionable ſorte, and for ſuche deteſtable vſurye, (as if the Authours that wryte therof were not of credite) would hardly be beleeued. All whyche Euydences or bondes they ſolemnely burned [page 483] in the myddeſt of the Churche. After whyche, eche went his way, the Souldiours to the king, and the commons to their houſes, and ſo was the Citie quieted.
[1] This hapned at Yorke on Palmſunday men, being the .xvij. of Marche: and vpon the .xv. of that moneth, thoſe that inhabited in the towne of Saint Edmunds Burye in Suffolke, were ſette vppon, and manie of them ſlayne. The reſidue that eſcaped, thorough the procuremenſe of the Abbotte then, named Sampſon, were expulſed, ſo that they neuer had anye dwellings there ſince that tyme.
[1] Thus were the Iewes vnmercyfully dealte with in all places in maner through this realme, the firſt beginning wherof chaunced at London (as before ye haue heard) and the next at Linne, of whiche I thinke it good to note ſome parte of the maner thereof, although briefly, and [...] to re|turne to my purpoſe agayne.
[1] The occaſion therfore of the tumult at Linne chaunced by this meanes: It fortuned that one of the Iewes there, was become a Chriſtian, wherwith thoſe of his nation were ſo moued, that they determined to kill hym where ſoeuer they might find him. And herevpon they ſette vppon him one day as he came by, through the ſtreates: he to eſcape their handes fled to the nexte churche, but his countreymen were ſo deſirous to execute theyr malicious purpoſe, that they followed him ſtill, and enforced themſelues to breake in|to the Churche vpon him. Heerewith the noyſe beeing rayſed by the Chriſtians that ſoughte to ſaue the conuerted Iewe, a number of mariners beeing forreyners, that were arriued there wyth their veſſells out of ſundrye partes, and dyuerſe alſo of the Towneſmen came to the reſkue, and ſetting vpon the Iewes, cauſed them to flee into their houſes.
[1] The Towneſmen were not verie earneſt in purſuing of them, bicauſe of the kings proclama|tion and ordinaunce before tyme made in fauour of the Iewes:The ſlaughter made of the Ievves at Lyn. but the maryners followed them to theyr houſes, ſlewe diuers of them robbed and ſacked their goods, and finally ſet their dwellings on fyre, and ſo brente them vp altogither.
[1] Theſe Marriners beeing enryched wyth the ſpoyle of the Iewes goodes, and fearyng to bee called to accompte for their vnlawfull acte by the Kinges officers, gotte them foorthwith to ſhip|boorde, and hoyſting vp ſayles, departed with their ſhippes to the ſea, and ſo eſcaped the danger of that whiche might haue bene otherwyſe layde to their charge.
[1] The Townſmen being called to an accompt excuſed them ſelues by the Mariners, burde|ning them with all the faulte. But thoughe they of Lynne were thus excuſed, yet they of Yorke eſcaped not ſo eaſyly. For the Kyng bryng ad|uertiſed of ſuche outrage, done contrarie to the order of his Lawes and expreſie commaunde|ment, wrote ouer to the Biſhoppe of El [...]e hys Chauncellour, commaunding him to take cruel puniſhement of the offenders.
[1] The Biſhop with an armye wente to Yorke, but the chiefe authors of the ryot hearyng [...] his comming, fledde into Scotlande: yet the Biſhop at his comming to the Euie, cauſed earneſt in|quirie to bee made of the whole matter.
[1] The citezens excuſed themſelues, and [...] to proue that they were not of counſell with them that had cõmitted the ryot, neither had they [...]ydes nor cõforted thẽ therin in any maner of wiſe. And in deede the moſt part of thẽ that were the offen|ders, were of the coun [...] townes neere to the citie, with ſuch as wer [...] into [...] [...]nd, & now goneouer to the king, ſo that ve [...] [...] or none of the ſubſtantiall men of the Citie were founde to haue ioyned with them. Howbeit, this woulde not excuſe the Citizens, but that they were put to their fine by the ſ [...]te Biſhop,The Citizens of Yorke put to their fyne for the ſlaughter of the Ievves. [...]ery of them paying his portion according to [...] [...]o|wer and abilitie in ſubſtance, the common [...]rte of the poore people being pardoned, and not cal|led into iudgement, ſith the ringleaders were [...]led and gone out of the way.
[1] But now to return vnto the king, who in this meane time was very bulle to prouide all things neceſſarie to ſet forward on his iourney, his ſhip|pes whiche laye in the mouthe of the ryuer of Sayne, beyng readie to put off, he tooke order in many poyntes concerning the ſtate of the com|mon wealth on that ſide, and chiefely hee called to mynde, that it ſhould be a thyng neceſſarie for him, to name who ſhuld ſuccede him in the king|dome of Englande, if his chaunce ſhoulde not bee to returne agayne from ſo long and daunge|rous a iourney. He therfore named (as ſome ſup|poſe) his nephewe Arthure,Mat. VVest. the ſonne of his bro|ther Geffreye Duke of Britayne, to bee his ſuc|ceſſour in the Kingdome, a young manne of a lykely proofe and Princely towardneſſe, but not ordeyned by GOD to ſucceede ouer this king|dome.
[1] Aboute the ſame tyme the Biſhoppe of Elye, Lorde Chauncellour and chiefe Iuſtice of En|glande, tooke vp to the kinges vſe, of euerye citie in England two Palfreys and two Sump|ter horſſes, and of euery Abbey one Palfrey, and one Sumpter horſe, and euery Manour within the Realme, founde alſo one Palfreye and one Sumpter horſe.
[1] Moreouer, the ſayde Biſhoppe of Elye deli|uered the gouernement of Yorkeſhire to his bro|ther Oſberte de Longchampe: And all thoſe Knyghtes of the ſayd ſhire, the whyche woulde [page 484] would not come to make aunſwere to the lawe vpon ſommons giuen them, hee cõmaunded to be apprehẽded and by & by laid in priſon. Alſo when the Biſhoppe of Durham was returned from the Kyng and come ouer into England to goe vnto his charge, at his meting with the lord Chance|lor at Bice notwithſtanding that he ſhewed him his letters patentes of the graunt made to him to be Iuſtice from Trent Northwarde) the ſayde Lorde Chancellor taking his iourney to South|well with hym,The Bishop of Durham re| [...]rayned of li| [...]ertie. there deteyned him as priſoner, till he had made ſurrender to him of the Caſtell of Wyndſore, and further had delyuered to him his ſonnes, Henrye de Putſey, and Gilbert de la Ley as pledges that he ſhould keepe the peace a|gaynſt the king and all his ſubiectes, vntill the ſaid Prince ſhould retourne from the holy lande. And ſo he was deliuered for that tyme, though ſhort|ly after, and whyleſt hee remayned at Houeden, there came to hym Oſberte de Longchanipe the Lord Chancellors brother, & William de Stute bille, the whiche cauſed the ſayd Biſhop to fynde ſufficient ſuretie that he ſhould not thence departe without the kings licence, or the Lorde Chancel|lours, ſo long as the king ſhould be abſent.
[1] Herevpon the Biſhop of Durham ſent know|ledge to the kyng howe and in what ſorte he had bin handled by the Chauncellour.
[1] In the meane tyme the king was gone into Gaſcoigne, where he beſieged a Caſtell that be|longed [figure appears here on page 484] to one William de Chiſi, and toke both the Caſtell and the owner,VVilliam de Chiſi. whome he cauſed to be hanged for the ſpoyles and robberies whiche hee had committed vpon Pilgrimes that paſſed by thoſe parties towarde Compoſtella, to viſite the bodie of Saint Iames.
[1] After this, the king came backe vnto Chinon in Aniou, [...] kinges na| [...] is ſet foorth and there toke order for the ſettyng forth of his nauie by ſea, ouer which he appointed chiefe gouernours Gerarde Archbiſhop of Aux, Bernard biſhop of Baieux, Robert de Sablius, Richarde de Camville, [...]ion. Sab [...]olus, or Sabaille. and William de Forz de Vlerun, commaundyng all thoſe that ſhoulde paſſe foorth with his ſayde nauie to be obediente vnto theſe perſones as his deputies and lieute|nauntes.
[1] [2] Herewith they were appointed to prouide vic|tuals to ſerue all thoſe that ſhoulde goe by ſea for the ſpace of threeſcore dayes,Polidor. the king alſo made the ſame tyme certaine ordinaunces to be obſer|ued among the ſeafaring men whiche tended to this effect:
[1] [2] [...]lcers of men.Firſt, that if any man chaunced to ſlea an o|ther on the ſhipbourde, he ſhould be bounde to the dead bodie, and ſo throwne into the ſea: ſecondly if he killed hym a lande, he ſhoulde yet be bounde to him as afore, and ſo buryed quicke together.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Thirdly,Bravvlers. if any man ſhoulde be conuicted by lawfull witneſſe, that he drewe any weapon to ſtrike any other, or chaunced by ſtrikyng at any man to draw bloud of him that was ſmitten,Punishment in bloud dra [...] he ſhoulde loſe his hand. Fourthly if he gaue but a blowe with his fiſte without bloudſhedding, he ſhould be ſowſed .iij. ſeuerall times ouer head and eares, in the water. Fiftly,Reuliers. if any man reuiled an other, he ſhoulde for euery tyme ſo miſuſing him ſelfe, forfait an vnce of ſiluer. Sixtely, that if any man were taken with theft or pikerie, and thereof conuicted, hee ſhoulde haue his head polled,Thefts and pi+kerie. and hotte pitche powred vppon his pate, and vpon that, the feathers of ſome pillowe or Cuiſhion ſhaken alofte, that he myghte therby be knowne for a theef, and at the next arriuall of the ſhippes to any lande, be put for thof the company to ſeke his aduenture, without all hope of returne vnto his fellowes.
[1] And theſe were the Statutes whyche this famous Prince did enacte at the fyrſte for hys [page 485] Nauie, which ſithens that time haue bene very much enlarged. About the ſame tyme Iohn Bi|ſhop of Whiterne in Scotlande, Suſtragant to the Church of Yorke ordeyned Geffreye Arche|biſhoppe of Yorke,VVil. Paruus. Prieſt, and at the ſame ſea|ſon the election of ye ſame Geffrey was cõfirmed by Pope Clement, the whiche among other thin|ges that he wrote to the Chapiter of Yorke on his behalfe: In the ende he addeth theſe wordes:
We doe therefore admoniſhe you all, and by the Apoſtolicall Bulles commaunde you, that you exhibite bothe reuerence and honoure vnto him as vnto your Prelate, that thereby you may ap|peare commendable dothe before God and man.
Yeuen at Lathetani the Nones of Marche the third yeare of our gouernement.
[1] Whyleſt theſe thynges were in doing, there came into Fraunce Legates from the ſayde Cle|mente to moue the two kyngs to make all the ſpeede poſſible towardes their iourney, bycauſe of the greate daunger where in things ſtoode in Pa|leſtine, requiring preſent helpe. Herevpon K. Ri|charde (his men and prouiſion being ready) com|maunded that his ſhippes ſhuld ſet forwarde, and to caoſte aboute by the ſtreytes of [...]nora [...]terre to come vnto Marſe [...]es,Polidor. where hee appoynted to meete them,King Richard ſette forvvard on his iourney. and ſo with a choſen company of men, he alſo ſette foorth thitherwardes by [...]nde, and commyng to Tears, receyueth the ſcrippe and ſtaffe,Rog. Houed. as a Pilgrime ſhoulde, at the handes of the Archbiſhop there.
[1] After this, both the Kings of Englande and Fraunce met at Vizeley in the Octaues of the Natiuitie of Saynt Iohn Baptiſt, and when they had remayned there two dayes they paſſed foorth to the Citie of Lyon.
[1] Anno. 2.Where the two Kyngs departed in [...]under, and eache one kept his iourney, the one towarde Genes, where his nauie was appoynted to come to him, and the other to Marſeilles, there to mete with his fleete, accordyng to his appoyntement.
[1] But the Engliſhe ſhippes being let and ſtayd by the waye by contrary wyndes and rigorous tempeſtes,The Englishe fleete ſtayd by contrary vvin|des. whiche toſſed them to and fro vppon the coaſtes of Spayne, coulde not come in a|ny conuenient tyme vnto Marſeiles,Tvventie ga|leys and .xii. other veſſelles hath Houeden. ſo that king Richarde thinkyng long to tarrie for them, and perceyuing they could not keepe their appoynted tyme, he hired ſhips from al places theraboutes, & embarquyng himſelfe and his men in the ſame,Vpon the .7. daye of Auguſt hath Houeden. vpon S. Laurẽce euen, ſailed forth towards Si|cile, wher he was apointed to mete wt K. Philip.
[1] Heere is to be noted, that king Richard made not all that iourney from Marſeilles to Meiſina by Sea,Rog. Houedẽ but ſundry times comming a lande, hy|red Horſes, and rode foorth alongſt the coaſt, ap|poynting with his Shippes and Galleyes where to meete him, and ſometimes hee reſted certayne dayes togither in one place or other, as at Port-Delph [...]n, at Naples, and at Salerne, from wh [...]ce there departed from him Baldwine Archbyſhop of Counterburie, Huberte Biſhop of Saliſburie, and the Lorde Ran [...]te or G [...]amiſſe, the whyche taking vpon them to goe before, with proſperous wind and wether in ſhort ſpace, landed at Icon, which was the beſieged as you that hear herafter.
[figure appears here on page 485]
[1] At Rome the King came not, but being with|in the ſtreame of the Riuer of Tibet, there came to him a Cardinall named Octa [...]n [...], Biſhop of Hoſtia,King Richarde blameth the court of Rome for couetouſ|neſſe. to whome hee ſpake many reprochfull wordes of the couetouſneſſe vſed in the Courte of Rome, bycauſe they had receyued ſeuen hundred markes for the conſecration of the Biſhoppe of Manus, and .1500. markes for the confirming of the Biſhop of Elie the Popes legate: And againe no ſmall ſum of money they had receiued of the Archb. of Burdeaur, when vpon an accuſation brought againſt him by ye clergie of his prouince he ſhould haue bin depoſed. In the meane time whyles King Richarde thus paſſeth forwarde towardes Meſſina, the nauie that was appoin|ted to coaſt about Spayne and to meete him at Marſeiles, was toſſed (as before is ſayde) with wynde and tempeſtes, and sparte therof, that is to witte, tenne ſhippes driuen here and there on the coaſtes of Spayne, of whiche number nyne arriued at Liſbone, and the tenth beyng a ſhippe of London, arriued at the Citie of Sylua, whi|che was then the vttermoſte Citie of Spayne, that was inhabited with Chriſtians.
[1] [2] [3] The Sarazenes at that tyme made warres agaynſte the Kyng of Portyngale, ſo that the Portyngales ſtoode in neede of ayde, in ſo much that they of Sylua didde not onely entreate the Engliſhemenne to ſtay wyth them for a tyme, but alſo gotte graunte of them to breake theyr ſhyppe, wyth the tymber, wherwyth they might the better, fortifye theyr towne, promylyng that theyr King ſhoulde recompence them with an other as good as theyrs, and alſo further ſatiſ|fye [page 486] them for their ſeruice, duryng the tyme of their aboade there in defence of that Citie. Lykewiſe of thoſe that arriued at Liſborie there went to the number of fyue hundred vnto Saint Iranes,The king of Portingale. where the Kyng of Portyngale then was, lookyng to bee aſſaulted by his enimyes: but by the counterfaite death of the great kyng of the Sarazen named Boiac Almiramumoli, (who feared theſe newe ſuccoures,Almiramumoli king of the Sa|racenes. and doubte the ſequele of hys dooyngs, to the ende he might departe wyth honoure, he fayned hymſelfe [...]ad) ſo that the kyng of Portyngale was for that tyme preſentely delyuered oute of daunger. Wherevpon he retourned to Liſbone, where he founde three ſcore and three other ſhippes of king Richardes Nauie there newely arriued, ouer the whyche were chiefe Capitaynes Robert de Sabuville,Robert de Sa|buville. VVilliam de Camville. and Richarde de Camville: The whych at theyr commyng to lande coulde not ſo gouerne theyr people, but that ſome naugh|tye fellowes amongeſt them fell to breakyng and robbyng of Orchardes: ſome alſo entring into the Citie, behaued themſelues very diſor|deredly: But yet by the comming of the kyng, theyr lewdneſſe was ſtayed, ſo that hee ſeemed not to ſeeke reuenge of the Pilgrimes, but ra|ther with courteous meanes to brydle their vn|lawfull attemptes: wherevnto the diligence of the Engliſhe Capitaynes not a little preuay|led for a whyle, but yet for all that coulde bee doone on bothe ſydes, within three dayes after, a newe tumulte was reyſed betwixte the En|gliſhe Pilgrimes and the Towneſmen,A mutenie be|tvvixt the En|glishmen and the tovvnſmen of Lisbone. and di|uers hurte and kylled on eyther parte, whervp|pon the king cauſed the gates of the Citie to be ſhut, and al thoſe that were come from the ſhips into the citie to eate and drinke (beyng in num|ber aboute ſeauen hundred) were apprehended and committed to warde:Englishmenne committed to priſon. and before they could bee releaſſed ſir Roberte Sabville and ſir Ry|charde Camville were gladde to agree wyth the kyng, ſo as all former offences beeyng re|mitted, and thynges taken by eyther parte re|ſtored, the Engliſhmenne promyſed to obſerue the peace aneynſt the Kyng of Portyngale and hys people, and hee lykewyſe couenaunted for hym and hys ſubiectes, that they ſhoulde keepe the peace aneynſt all Pilgrimes that went foorthe in thys voyage, and vſe them lyke hys frendes, and thus the quarell ceaſſed.
[1] [2] Soone after, the Englyſhe Nauye departed from Lyſbone, and came vnto the mouthe of the Ryuer of Taye betweene Caperico and Belem,The Englishe shippes meete agayne togi|ther. where the ſame daye on Saint Iames euen the Lorde Willyam de Forzdulerun ar|ryued alſo wyth three and thyrtie other ſhip|pes, and ſo then they were in all aboute an hun|dred and ſixe ſayles very well furniſhed and man|ned, and ſo frõ thence taking their courſe towards Marſeiles finally they arriued there in the octa|ues of the Aſſumption of our Lady, and ſtaying there an eight dayes (till they had repared ſuche thinges aboute their ſhippes as were needefull) they ſette forwarde againe, and came to meſſi|na in Sicile in the [...]raſte of the Exaltation of the Croſſe. On the Sunday folowing alſo, came the Frenche king thither,They a [...] Meſsina. hauing loſt no ſmall parte of hys nauye by tempeſts of weather. King Ri|charde as then remayned at Salerue, and hea|ryng that his nauy was gone towardes Meſ|ſina, he departed thence on the thirtene daye of September, and haſted forthe towardes Meſſi|na, paſſing by Melphi and Cocenza, and ſo at length comming to Faro de Meſſina, hee paſ|ſed the ſame and on the .xxiij.Kyng Richard [...] arriueth as Meſſina. day of September arriued at Meſſina with greate noyſe of trum|pettes and other inſtrumentes, to the wonder of the Frenche king and other that behelde his great puiſſance and royall behauiour now at his com|myng. The ſame tyme he went vnto the French kings lodging, to commen with him of their bu|ſines: and immediatly the French king tooke the ſea, in purpoſe to haue paſſed forward on his ior|ney, but by contrary winde he was ſtayed and kept backe within the hauen, whereupon bothe the Kings determined to Winter there, and in the meane time to prouide them ſelues of all things neceſſarie for their iorney, againſt the beginning of the next ſpring.
[1] The .xxx. of September he receiued his ſiſter the Quene of Sicil, the widow of William late king of that yle, whom he placed in a ſtrong for|treſſe, which he tooke the ſame day, and left ther|in a conuenient garniſon of menne at armes and demylaunces for the ſafegarde of the place and of his ſaid ſiſter.
[1] But nowe for the better vnderſtandyng of the cauſe of ſuche quarellyng as fell out betwixt the Engliſhmen and ye Siciliãs, ye ſhal vnderſtand that a little before the arriuall of the Kings of Englande and Fraunce in thoſe parties, Kyng William of Sicile was departed this life, lea|uing no iſſue behinde him: Whereupon the lor|des of the Ile elected one Tancrede to their king, a baſtard ſonne of Roger ſometyme king of that lande, and Graundfather to this laſte deceaſſed king William.
[1] This Tancrede though he receiued king Ri|chard very courteouſely: Yet he greately truſted him not, bicauſe he demaunded the dower of his ſiſter Quene Ioane, wife to the late king Wil|liam to be reſtored, wheras he had not ready mo|ney to diſcharge it.
[1] And furthermore to departe with the Ci|tie of Mount Sainct Angelo, with all the coun|tye therevnto belongyng, whiche was in deede [page 487] aſſigned to hir for hir dower, he thoughte in no wyſe profytable: but king Rychard did not only require that Citie & countie wyth a chaire of gold,A chaire of golde. accordyng to the cuſtome of that king|dom in ryght of his ſiſter, as due to hir by way of hir dower, but alſo herequired to his owne vſe a table of golde conteyning .xij.King Kichards demaundes for for the dovver of Meſsina by of his ſiſter vvife to king VVilliam. foot in length, & one foot, and an half in breadth, and ij. treſtelles of golde to beare vp the ſame table with .xxiiij. ſiluer cuppes and as many diſhes of ſiluer, with a tente of ſilke of ſuche largeneſſe that two hun|dred knightes might ſyt at meate within it: alſo fortie thouſande meaſures of wheate, wyth as many of barly, and as many of wine, beſide one hundred armed Galleys with all furnyture and victuales ſufficiente to ſerue the Galey men in the ſame for the terme of .ij. yeres. Theſe things he demaunded as due to him being heyre to his father king Henrye, accordingly as was deuiſed by kyng William in his laſt wil and teſtament, which demaundes ſeemed intollerable to the ſaid Tancred: ſo that if he could haue ſhifted the mat|ter he was lothe to haue harde thereof.
[1] Moreouer, bycauſe Pope Clemente in right of the Churche pretended a title to the Realme of Sicille, nowe that King William was dead without heires, hee doubted of ſome practiſe that myghte bee made agaynſte him betwixte King Richard and the Pope. Wherevppon he thought to prouide againſt all attemptes that mighte bee made, fortifying hys Townes and Caſtels with ſtrong garniſons, and tooke counſell with the Citizens of Meſſina, by what meanes hee mighte ſooneſt diſpatche hys Countrey of that preſent daunger, and procure King Richarde to get him forward on his iourney.
[1] Whileſt theſe things were in hand, there was miniſtred to the Engliſh-men occaſion of diſple|ſure: for as it oftentimes chanceth (where an ar|my is) certaine of the vnruly Souldiers with|in Meſſina vſed themſelues ſomewhat riotouſly, wherevpon the Citizens offended therewith, go [...]e them to armoure, and chaced all the Souldiers out of the Citie. King Richarde who lay in Campe without the Walles, neere to the Citie, was ſo highly diſpleaſed herewith, that he cauſed his men to arme them ſelues, and to prepare lad|ders and other neceſſary things to aſſault the ci|tie: but by the mediation of the Frenche Kyng, and curteous excuſe of Kyng Tancred (alled|ging the faulte to reſt only in a ſorte of rude Ci|tizens, whome he promyſed to puniſhe) the mat|ter was taken vp, and ſtayed for a tyme, tyll at lengthe it was perceyued, that the Sicilians went about to feede foorth king Richarde with fayre wordes, tyll he ſhould be ready to ſet for|wardes on his iourney, and ſo ſhould the mat|ter paſſe without worthy puniſhmente.
[1] Whervpon king Richarde not mynding to be ſo mocked at their handes, approched one daye to the walles and gates with his armie in good away of battayle to giue the aſſaulte, whiche [figure appears here on page 487] was giuen ſo earneſtly,K. Richard aſ|ſaulteth and en+treth the citie force. and ſo well maynteyned that finally the Citie was entred by force, and manye of the Citizens ſlayne, but the ſlaugh|ter had bene muche greater, if kyng Richarde had not commaunded hys menne to ſpare the ſworde, moued with the lamentable noyſe of the poore people, crying to hym for mercye and grace.
[1] The Engliſhmen hauyng got poſſeſſion of the Citie pighte vp the banners wyth the Ar|mes of the King of Englande rounde aboute the walles, wherewith the Frenche kyng was ſore diſpleaſed, and required that the ſame myghte be taken downe, and hys ſette vppe: [page 488] But the king of England woulde not ſo agree. Neuertheleſſe to pacifie the French kings moode, he deliuered the citie of Meſſina vnto the cuſto|die of the Knightes Templers and Hoſpitalers, tyll he might be ſatiſfied of ſuche things as hee demaunded of king Tancrede.
[1] After this on the .viij. day of October, the two kings of Englãd & France, before a great num|ber of Earles,The tvvo kin|ges of England and France re|ceyue a ſolemn othe. and Barons, and other, bothẽ of the Clergie and temporaltie tooke their ſolemne othes, that the one ſhould defend the other, and alſo eyther others armye in this iourney, bothe comming and going, without fraude or deceipt: and the lyke othe was receyued by the Erles and Barons on both partes.
[1] [2] [3] Ordinaunces deuiſed.After this the two kings by aduiſe and cõſent of both their armies, deuiſed theſe ordinaunces, that all Pilgryms which chaunced to dye in this iourneye myghte diſpoſe at their pleaſure of all their armure, horſes, and apparell, and of half of thoſe things whiche they had with them, ſo that they ſent nothing home into their countreys, and the other half ſhuld be at the diſcretion of Walter Archbiſh. of Rouen, Manſer biſhop of Langres, of the maiſter of the Temple, & of the maiſter of the Hoſpitall of Hugh duke of Burgoigne, of Rafe de Coucy, of Drogo de Marlow, of Rob. Sabuill, Andrew de Chauenny, and of Gilbert Waſcoyle, which ſhuld imploy the ſame towar|des the ſupport of the warres in the holy Lande againſt the Infidels as they thought moſte expe|dient.Play forbidden Moreouer it was ordeined that no man ſhoulde play at any game within the armie for money, except knights and chapleyns, the which ſhuld not loſe in one day and nyght aboue .xx.ſs. they to forfait an .C.ſs. ſo ofte as they loſt aboue that ſumme: the perſons aforenamed to haue the ſame to be diſtributed as afore is ſayd. The two kyngs might playe, and commaunde their ſer|uants in their preſence likewiſe to play, ſo yt they exceded not the ſumme of .xx.ſs. And alſo the ſer|uants of Archbiſhops, biſhops, erles and barons, by their maiſters cõmandemẽt might play, not exceeding that ſumme: But if any ſeruants or Maryners, or other of lyke degree, were found to play without licence, the ſeruauntes ſhoulde bee whipped naked .iij. days round about the campe, excepte they raunſomed foorth themſelues at the pleſure of the perſons aboue named: and the Ma|tyners ſhould be dowſed ouer heade and eares in the ſea for .iij. mornings togither, after the vſe of ſeamen, except they redeemed that puniſhmẽt at the diſcretion lykewiſe of the ſayd perſons: and thoſe of other the lyke meane degrees being ney|ther knyghtes nor chapleyns ſhould be puniſhed as ſeruauntes.
[1] Borrovving.Alſo if any Pilgrime borrowed any thyng of an other whyleſt he was on his iourney, hee ſhould be bound to pay it: but if he borrowed it before his ſetting forth, he was not bound to an|ſwere it till his returne home.Souldiours [...] mariners d [...]|ting from [...] maiſters.
[1] If any mariner or ſeruaunt reteyned in wa|ges with any man in this iourney, departed from his maſter without licẽce, no other perſon might receiue him, and if he did, he ſhoulde be puniſhed at the diſcretion of the forenamed perſones.
[1] Moreouer it was ordeyned,Victualers. that no vittayler or other ſhold buy any bread to ſel again, nor any meale within the cõpaſſe of the campe, except the ſame were brought by a ſtranger, neyther might they buy any paſte or other thing to ſell agayne within the campe, or within a league of it.
[1] [2] [3] If any man any bought corn to make bread of, was appoynted howe muche hee ſhoulde gayne in one meaſure beſyde the branne. Other occu|piers that vſed buying & ſellyng of wares ſhould gayne one peny in .x. d neither ſhould any man refuſe any of the kynges coyne, excepte it were broken within the circle. No man ſhoulde buye any fleſhe to ſell it agayne, except a lyue beaſte, whiche he ſhould kill within the campe.
[1] Moreouer, no man ſhoulde make bread to ſell, but after the rate of penye loanes. Wherein the peny Engliſh was apointed to go for foure pens Aniouyne. Al theſe ordinances with other were decreede and ordayned to be obſerued and keepte by the councell, conſente, and agreemente of the kinges of England, Fraunce, and Sicile.
[1] But to returne now to the diſſention betwixt the Engliſhmen and them of Meſſina: Ye ſhall vnderſtande that the tumult beyng once ceaſſed,Polidor. and dyuers of the chief offenders in the late com|motion being put to deth, king Tankrede ſhort|ly after came thyther, and ſought to auoyde al ſuſpition out of king Richardes heade, that hee might conceyue of hym: for beeing in any wyſe culpable in that whiche his ſubiectes of Meſſina had attempted againſt him, and therfore hauing recouered money of his friendes, he reſtored vn|to kyng Richarde the dowrie of his ſiſter Quene Ioane, and further offred vnto him to ioyne in newe allyance with hym, offering his daughter in mariage vnto Arthur Duke of Britayne, the kings nephewe, with a greate ſumme of money for hir dowrie, if it ſo ſhould pleaſe hym.
[1] King Richarde accepted the offer, and ſo ioy|ned in peace and affinitie with the king of Sicil, receyuyng of hym twentie thouſande ounces of golde for the ſame maryage to bee had, and an honorable dowrie aſſigned foorth of the landes that belonged to the ſayde Arthure for the ſayde Lady to enioye duryng hir lyfe, in caſe ſhe ſur|uiued hir huſbande. And if it ſo chaunced, that by the death of either of them the mariage could not take place, then ſhoulde King Richarde re|ſtore the ſame twentie thouſand ounces of golde [page 489] agayne. But beſyde theſe twentie thouſand vn|ces of Golde thus giuen by kyng Tancrede for the mariage of his daughter, he gaue other twen|tie thouſande ounces to King Richarde for an acquitaunce and quite clayme of all manner of dueties, rightes, and demaundes, whiche eyther he or his ſyſter myghte pretende, eyther by rea|ſon of any bequeſt, dower, or by any other man|ner of waye.
Here is to bee noted, that before thys conclu|ſion of peace was hadde, kyng Richarde proui|ded for his own defence, in caſe that king Tan|crede and his people would haue attempted force agaynſt him, in ſomuch that he fortified certaine [figure appears here on page 489] places, and buylte a ſtrong caſtell alofte vpon the toppe of an hill faſt by Meſſina, whiche ca|ſtell he called Mategriffon.
Alſo where as the Admirall of Sicile called Margaret, and one Iordane del Poyn, men of great authoritie vnder king Tancrede, fledde out of Meſſina with all their families & riches, which they had eyther in golde or ſiluer, king Richard ſeyſed vppon theyr houſes, theyr Galeys, and poſſeſſions, ſo that he made hymſelfe as ſtrong as he coulde, to reſiſt all attemptes that myght bee made agaynſt hym by his enimies. But now to proceede.
The variance beeing thus appeaſed betwixte them, greate diſcorde chaunced to aryſe betwixt King Richarde and kyng Philippe, who was muche offended wyth king Richard, for that he had thus vſed violẽce againſt them of Meſſina,The lavves of Herbour|rough. & compelled king Tancrede to agree with him for money, to the greate offence and breache of the lawes of Herberrough, ſith the Sicilians verye liberally ayded and furniſhed the Chriſtians ar|mie with victuals and neceſſarie prouiſions.
The Frenchemen alſo had muche enuie ther|at, that ſhortly after vpon a ſmall occaſion they picked a quarell agaynſt the Engliſhemen,Englishmen & Frenchmen fought. and from wordes fell to ſtrokes on bothe ſydes, ſo that there had bin much hurt and ſlaughter com|mitted,Diſcorde in an armye, the hin|derer of al pro+fitable enter|priſes. if the two kings had not doone their beſt to appeaſe the fray begonne.
But this buſineſſe though it was quietlye as then taken vp and ſtayed, yet bredde it ſuche diſpleaſure betwixt the Princes and their people, that it turned to the greate hurte and hinderance of their good proceedings in their whole enter|priſe, ſo that the occaſion of a full and perfecte victorie eaſily ſlipped out of their handes, as you ſhall heare hereafter.
In other alſo of the chiefeſt cauſes of grudge betwixt the two kings was, for that king Ry|charde in familiar talke, confeſſed vnto Kyng Philip, that he woulde marrie the king of Na|narres daughter, and cleerely forſake his ſiſter Adela: Whiche grieued king Philippe not a lit|tle, though he diſſembles the matter for a tyme, and rather alledged, other cauſes of diſpleaſure, wherwith to defame king Richard to the world, as one that ſought his own commoditie in ſpoy|ling thoſe whome he ought rather to haue defen|ded. But to procede.
Whyleſt the Engliſhe and Frenche armyes thus ſoiorned for the Winter time in Sicile, not withſtanding the troubles aforeſayd, to the hin|deraunce of king Richards purpoſes, for the ma|king of his prouiſions readie for his iourney, he yet cauſed engins to be framed, his ſhippes to be newly calked, rigged and repared of ſuch hurtes as they had receyued both in their long voyage which they had made, & alſo by certaineworms the which duryng the tyme of theyr lying there, had in diuers places gnawen and eaten thẽ tho|rough to the great daunger of their loſſe, & vtter decay Moreouer at ye ſame time he pardoned al wreckes by ſea throughe all hys dominions,VVreckes par|doned. re|leaſing [page 490] for euer al his right to the ſame, in ſuch wiſe that euery perſõ makyng wrecke by ſea, & comming aliue to lande, ſhoulde haue all his goodes free and cleare to him ſelf. Furthermore he decreed, that if he chaunced to periſhe in the ſhippe, then his ſonnes and daughters, bre|thren or ſiſters, that coulde proue themſelues to be next heires to him, ſhoulde haue the ſame goodes, but yf he had neither ſonne nor daugh|ter, brother nor ſiſter, then ſhoulde ye king haue thoſe goodes by way of his prerogatiue.
This reſignation made by king Richard, was confirmed by his charter gyuen at Meſſi|na in the Moneth of October and ſecond yeare of his raigne. Alſo vpon a godly repentaunce wherewith it dyd pleaſe the mercyfull God to touche his harte, he called all thoſe prelates to|gether which were then with him at Meſſina into the Chappell of Reginald de Moyac,King Richards confeſsion. and there in preſence of thẽ all falling downe vpon his knees hee confeſſed the filthy life whiche in lecherous luſtes he had before that time led, and humbly receyued pennaunce enioyned hym by the ſame biſhops, and ſo became a newe man fearing God, and delyghting to lyue after hys lawes.
Furthermore hearing of the greate fame of Abbot Ioachim,Abbot Ioa| [...]him. he ſent for him ouer into Ca|labria, who came to Meſſina, and being aſked ſundry queſtions by kyng Richard, hee made wonderfull aunſwers thereto: as in Houeden and other writers it maye appeare, whiche for breefneſſe I paſſe ouer.
Aboute the ſame tyme he gaue vnto his ne|phue Otho, the ſon of his ſiſter Mande, ſome|time Ducheſſe of Saxonie, the Countie of Yorke. But although ſome were contented to receyue hym as theyr lorde, and to do homage to him, yet other refuſed him, alledging yt they woulde not renounce theyr fealties due to the kyng, till they might ſee him agayn, and talke with him face to face. Wherevpon the kyng chaungyng his purpoſe, gaue vnto the ſayde Otho the Countie of Poycton in ſtead of the ſayd Countie of Yorke, as after ſhall appere.
The two kings of Englande and Fraunce helde their Chriſtmaſſe this yeare at
1191 The large ex|penſes of king Richard.
In the month of February be ſent his Gal|lies to Naples there to receiue his mother & his wife that ſhould be, to wit the Lady Be|rengaria daughter to the king of Nauar, and Philip Erle of Flaunders that came with thẽ. But his mother Queene Elynore and the la|dye Berengaria, went to Brindize in Puglia,The earle of Flanders where they wer honorably receiued of Marga|ret king Tancrede his admirall. Moreouer the Erle of Flaunders comming to Naples, and finding there the Galleyes of king Richarde, went a boorde the ſame, and ſo came to Meſſi|na, at the firſt following the king of England in all things, tyll the French kyng hauing en|uie thereat, allured hym awaye, and then he hoong altogither on his ſleeue.
The firſt daye of Marche the kyng of En|glande departed from Meſſina, to goe to the Citie of Cathina, there to commen with king Tancrede, who came thyther to meete hym.
Here king Richarde vnderſtoode,K. Richard tal|keth vvith king Tancrede. that the Frẽch king had ſolicited king Tancrede to ſet vpon the king of Englande and his armye, to chaſe them out of his realme: and for the more eaſy accompliſhment therof, he had promyſed him his ayde, whenſoeuer he would giue the aduenture.
King Tancrede deliuered alſo to king Ri|chard ſuche letters as the Frenche king hadde written to him cõcerning this matter. Wher|vpon at his returne to Meſſina, king Richard ſhewed by his frowning countenaunce that he was nothyng pleaſed with the Frenche king, but ſought occaſiõs to get him out of his com|panie.
[1] The Frenche king perceyuing it, required to vnderſtande the cauſe of this his ſodain mu|tation: Whervpon king Richard nothing fea|ring his power, declared the trouthe playnely vnto hym by the mouth of the Erle of Flan|ders: and when the other denyed the practiſe, he for profe of the thing, ſhewed him the ſame Letters whiche king Tancrede had deliuered vnto hym. The Frenche kyng was not a lit|tle abaſhed hereat, and wiſt not well what to ſay, nor what excuſe to make, the matter was ſo playne. But yet at length he ſayde: Well nowe I perceyue the king of England ſeeketh to haue ſome quarel why he may refuſe to ma|ry with my ſiſter For theſe are but forged mat|ters, and no truth reſteth in them.
[1] [2] When the King of Englande vnderſtode this maner of anſwere, he replied in this wiſe That as for the Frenche kings ſiſter, he might not marry, for as muche as he was able to pro|duce good witnes to proue that his father had lyen with hir and got a child of hir. And as for his priuie proceedings and practiſe with Tan|crede, he neded no further teſtimonie than his owne hande and his ſeale, the partie himſelfe being preſent who receiued them, the meſſen|ger alſo being not far off that carried them be|tweene bothe the parties. When the Frenche [page 491] kyng was thoroughly enfourmed of the firſte point, through councell of the Earle of Flan|ders and others, hee pacifyed hym ſelfe, and was contented to releaſe the king of England of his faith giuen by othe for the contract [...] with his ſiſter Alice [...] inconſideration of whi|che releaſe the Kyng of Englande coue [...]n|ted to gyue yearely to the Frenche K [...] two thouſande Markes of ſterlyng coyne for the terme of fyue yeares togyther. And at [...]i [...] returne home, it was agreed, that he ſh [...]ld al|ſo dely [...] vnto the French Kyng hys ſyſter the ſayde Ladye Alyce, wyth the Towne of Gyſours, and all other thynges whiche the Frenche Kyng hadde graunted to hym with his ſayde ſiſter. On the other part, the French kyng graunted, that the Duchye of Brytaine ſhoulde appertayne to the domynion of the Du [...]e of Normandye, ſo as the Duke of Brytaine ſhould be accompted the liege man of the Duke of Normandye, and that the duke of Normandie ſhould anſwer the French king for bothe the Duchies, as well of Bry|tayne as Normandie.
[1] Theſe agreementes were ratified and con|firmed with ſolemne othes reciued, and char|ters giuen vnder their hands and ſeales, vpon the .xxx. day of Marche.
[1] And herewith the Frenche king nowe that the ſeaſonable tyme of the yeare was come,The Frenche king ſetteth foorth from Meſsina to|vvardes the holy lande. ſet forwarde towarde the Holye lande, leauyng King Richarde behynde him in Sicile: And the two & twentie day after his ſetting foorthe from Meſſina, he arriued at the ſiege of Ar [...] or Acon.
[1] The ſame day alſo that the Frenche King departed from Meſſina, Queene Eleanor the mother of king Richard, arriued there, bryn|ging with his the lady [...]ing [...] [...] m [...]|ter of [...]ctius the kyng of [...]anarre, and the fourth day after Quene Elinore toke leaue of her ſonne King Richarde,Quene Elynor returneth by Rome. and departed h [...]warde towardes Englande, taking hir [...]an by R [...]e, for the [...]ſineſſe of Geffrey the [...] of Yorke; as to intreat the Pope that he would confirme and conſecrate him: A [...]|biſh [...] [...] to autoriſe ſome other to doe it in his [...].
[1] [...]e [...] [...] [...]e [...]engaria remayned behind with the Kings ſiſter [...]on [...] Q [...]ne, of [...]e [...]
[1] (After [...] in the moneth of Aprill, o [...] the Wedneſday in the Paſſ [...]
[...]eake [...] Richarde after hee had finished and made an ende of all [...]lu [...]ions with kyng Tancrede, he did alſo ſet forward with his ſiſter
Ioane, who tooke with hir the Ladie Berengaria, daughter to king of Nauarre,
fianc [...]d to him long before, as aboue is partly mencioned. His nauie
con|ſiſted in [...] mightie greate ſhips with tryple ſayles, an hundred Carikes or ra [...]r H [...]s,
M. Paris.
150. Ships and and .53. galeys hath Roger Houeden.
[1] [2] Kyng Richarde then vnderſtanding thys iniurie to him doone by the Cypriotes, percey|uing they woulde reſiſte his landyng, he pre|pared hym ſelfe and his people to enter vp|on them by force. The king of Cypres Iſakius or Curſach, whome Houeden nameth Empe|rour of Cypres, had aſſembled the moſt parte of all the power of men that he myght make (though fewe of them were armed, or hadde any greate ſkill in feates of warre) and cauſed thẽ to ſet boords, logs of wood, henches, formes, and great cheſtes afore thẽ, as a defence, and as it were in ſteed of a wal, that by ſuccour therof they mighte the better keepe off their enemie, [page 492] from landing, but king Richarde ſo encoura|ged his menne by his preſence, and ſuche com|fortable wordes as he vttered vnto them, that rowing to the ſhoare with their Galeyes and ſmall boates, hauyng the Archers afore them, they eaſily got a lande, droue theyr enimyes backe,The Englishe|men take lande & chaſe their enimies. and chaſed them ſo farre (as they being but footemen,) wetherbeaten, weary, and we at conueniently myghte, for the ſhorteneſſe of the tyme. King Richarde hauing thus got [...]te a land, [...]ſrun. approched the towne of Limeſzun which he wyth hys ſouldyers entred, and fyndyng it emptie of people (the which were ſtedde away) but full of riches and great plentie of victuals, as corne wine, oyle, and fleſhe, he ſeyzed there|vpon.
[1] [2] [3] The ſame daye alſo the Kings ſiſters and ye Ladye Berengaria with the reſid [...] of the Kings nauie entred the hauen of Limezun [...] In the meane time the [...]ing of Ci [...] (hauing eſcaped from the bataile) got together his men whiche were fled and diſperſed ſundry wayes, and encamped within .vj. myles of kyng Ry|chard, threatning that the next daye he woulde eft [...]nes gyue battaile: which when king Ry|chard vnderſtoode, hee cauſed hys people to bee armed the next morning long before daye and to comming by guides vnto the place, where ye [figure appears here on page 492] the Cipriotes with their king were lodged,King Richarde vvith a camiſa|do vanquisheth the Cipriots, & chaſeth them oute of their campe. ſo|denly thei aſſailed them ere they had any war|ning of hys marching towardes thẽ, by reaſon whereof they were ſlaine like beaſtes in greate number. Their king yet and a few other eſca|ped and fled away naked, hauing not time to put vpon thẽ their apparell,Io. Textor. hys treaſure, horſe armour and ſtanderd were taken, which ſtan|derd king Richard ſtraightwayes determined to ſende vnto Sainte Edmunndes ſhrine, and ſo did. And hauing thus vanquiſhed his ad|uerſaries,The K. of Ie|ruſalem and o|ther noble men do fealtie vnto king Richard he came backe to Limeſzun: and the thyrde day after, Guy king of Ieruſalem & his brother Geffrey de Lucignan with the Prince of Antioche Raymond and hys ſonne named alſo Raymonde earle of Tripoli with other noble men arriued at Limeſzun aforeſaid, to viſite king Richard, and to offer to him their ſeruices, and ſo became his menne, in ſwearyng fealtie to him agaynſt all other perſons what ſo euer. The ſame day the king of Cypres percey|uing hymſelf vnable to reſiſt the great puiſſance of king Richards armie, ſent ambaſſadours, and offered to king Richard the ſumme of .xx. thou|ſand marks of gold,The offers of the king of Cy|pres. in recompence of the money whiche his men that were drowned had aboute them, and alſo to reſtore thoſe to libertie whiche he had taken priſoners, and to make deliuerie to their handes of all their goodes. Furthermore, he offered to go with hym into the holy lande in perſon, & to ſerue him with an hundred knightes iiij.C. lyghte horſemen, and .v.C. well armed footmen,The king of Cypres ſub [...]|ceth himſelfe. and alſo to deliuer to king Richard his daughter and heyre in hoſtage, and to acknow|ledge him his ſoueraigne lorde, by ſwearing to him fealtie for his kingdome, as for that which he ſhoulde confeſſe to holde of him.
[1] [2] King Richard accepted theſe offers, and ſo the king of Cypres came in & ſware fealtie to kyng Richard, in preſence of the king of Ieruſalem, the Prince of Antioche, and other barons, and pro|miſed vppon his othe then receyued, not to de|parte till all thinges couenaunted on hys parte were performed. Then king Richarde aſſigned tentes for him and his to lodge in and appointed certayne knyghtes & other men of warre to haue the cuſtody of him, but the ſame day after dinner vpon repentaunce of that which he had done, he deceiued his kepers & ſtale away, ſending know|ledge backe to the king that he woulde not ſtande [page 493] to the couenauntes, which wer concluded vpon betwixt them. King Richarde ſeemed to like the matter well inoughe, and forthwith deli|uered a parte of his army vnto the king of Ie|ruſalem and to the Prince of Antioche, appoin|ting them to purſue the king of Cipres by lãde whyleſt her with one parte of his Gallies and Roberte de Turneham with the other mighte ſearche aboute the coaſte by ſea to prohibite his paſſage by water. In euery place where they came, ſuche ſhippes and Gallies as they found they ſeazed into their handes, and no reſiſtance was made againſte them by reaſon the people fled to the woods and mountains, leauing the cities, townes and caſtelles: boyd in all ſteedes where the King or the ſaide ſir Roberte de Thorneham with theyr veſſelles began to ap|peare. When they had taken their pleſure thus alongſt the coaſtes, they retourned againe vnto Limeſzun.
[1] [2] The king of Ieruſalem and the other that went forthe by lande, when they coulde not ſpeede of their purpoſe, they returned alſo, and in the meane time a great number of Cypriots came in, and ſubmitting them ſelues to king Richar, dwere receiued as his ſubiects. On the xij. day of May the Lady Berengaria daugh|ter to the kyng of Nauarre was maried accor|ding [figure appears here on page 493] to a precontract vnto king Richarde at Limeſzun aforeſaide in the Ile of Cipres,Roberte de Turnham. The king of England mari|eth the Ladye Berengaria. She is crovv|ned Queene. one of the kings Chapleins executing the order of the mariage. The ſame day alſo ſhe was crou|ned by the Biſhoppe of Eureux, the Archebi|ſhoppes of Apamea and Aux, with the Biſhope of Baion miniſtring vnto him.
[4] After the ſolempnitie of this mariage and coronation ended, king Richarde
ſet foreward with his army into the countrey of Cipres and firſt wanne by
ſurrender the citie of Nichoſia, and after the ſtrong caſtell of Cherin,
within the whiche was the daughter of the king of Ci|pres, whiche Ladie
humbly yelded hir ſelfe vnto king Richard, who hauing pitie of hir caſe,
ſent hir to his wyfe the newe Queene, willyng that ſhe might be honorably
vſed. From thence paſ|ſing forward, theſe caſtels were deliuered into his
deliue| [...] the [...]ng [...]
[...]ande. Baffes and Buffevent, Den, Amur, Cã|dace, and
afterwards all the other caſtels and ci|ties, townes and places of ſtrengthe
within that Iſle one after an other. Finally hearing that the king of Cipres
was encloſed in an Abbey called Cap S Andrew, he marched thitherwards: but
when the king of Cypres hearde of his approche, he came foorth and ſubmitted
himſelfe wholly in|to his hands.The K. of Cy|pres agayn
ſubmitteth himſe [...] to the king of Englande. Rafe Fitz Ge [...]+frey. The king fyrſte appointed him to the keping of his
chamberlain Rafe Fitz Geffrey, and after ſent him vnto the Citie of Tripoli,
there to be kept in cloſe priſon. Who when he heard he ſhould be committed
to cloſe priſon, and remayn in fetters, ſayde, that if he lay in yrons, he
ſhould ſhortly ende his lyfe. Wherevnto king Richarde when he hearde of it,
aunſwered: He ſpeaketh it very wel, and therfore bycauſe he is a noble man,
and our minde is not to haue hym dead, but only to be kept ſafe from
ſtarting any more away, and doing newe hurt, let him he chained in giues and
fetters made of ſiluer, and ſo he was. But to pro|ceede. After the king had
ſet the countrey of Ci|pres in a good ſtay, he deliuered the keping therof
vnto Richard de Camvill and Robert de Turn|ham. And this done, vpon the
Wedneſday in the Whitſon weke he tooke the ſea again,
He areiud th [...] on the Sater|day in VVh [...]+ſonvveke, be+ing the ſater|day alſo nex [...] before the fe [...] of S. Bernabe [...]
Galfridus Vinſaunt.
Mat. Paris. N. Triuet.
Saphaldine, the brother of Sa| [...]adine.
[1] But nowe to other incidents that chaunced this yeare. On Midſomer euen there was ſuch an Eclipſe of the Sunne,An Eclipſe of [...]he Sunne the Moone being the ſame time .xxvij. dayes olde that for the ſpace of .iij. hours (for ſo long it laſted) ſuche darknes came ouer the face of the Earthe, that euen in the daye time (for this Eclipſe beganne aboute ix.The ſeuenth [...]oure of the day ſayth Ma| [...]hevv Paris. of the clocke in the morning) the ſtarres ap|peared playnly in the element.
[1] [2] In the ſame moneth of Iune, Richarde de Camville, whom the king had left (as ye haue heard) gouernour in Cypres,Richarde de Camville de|ceaſſeth. chaunced to fall ſicke, and comming without licence to the ſiege of Acres there dyed. After whoſe death the Ci|priots and thoſe called Griffones and Ermi|ans, reuolted from the Engliſhe obedience, and choſe to them a kyng, one that was a Monke of the familie of Iſachius their former kyng: but Roberte de Turnham, who after the de|ceaſſe of Richarde de Camville remained ſole gouernoure of the Ile, gathered a power of men togyther, and giuyng battayle to the newe king (whome Houeden nameth alſo em|perour) vanquiſheth him wyth his complices, taketh him priſoner, and hangeth him on a pair of galowes. The ſame month alſo died Rafe Fitz Geffrey, who had the other king Iſac in in cuſtodie, and then king Richarde deliuered him to the knightes of the Hoſpitall, who ſent him to the caſtell of Margant, there ſafely to be kepte as priſoner to the vſe of the king of Englande. But now at length to returne vn|to the affaires of England to make ſome men|tion of the doings there. Ye ſhall vnderſtande, that after king Richarde was ſet forwarde on his iorney, the Lorde Chauncellour William Longchampe, Biſhop of Ely, appoynted (as ye haue heard) gouernour of the Realme, be|gan to exerciſe his authoritie to the vttermoſt,Polidor. taking vppon him the ſtate of a Prince, rather than of a ſubiect. He had of late (as before ye haue heard) procured ſuche fauour at the hands of Pope Clement, that hee was inſtituted by him Legate of the Apoſtolike ſea here in En|gland,The Lorde Chancellour called the Po|pes legate in Englande. ſo that pretending a rule bothe ouer the clergie and temporaltie, and by reaſon that he had both the authoritie of Pope and King in his handes, he vſed the ſame to his moſte ad|uauntage, as well in cauſes Eccleſiaſticall as temporall, wherby he wrought manie oppreſſi|ons both againſt them of the clergie and tem|poraltie. He mainteined ſuch a port and coun|tenaunce in his doings,The ſtatelye port of the Lord Chaun|cellour. that hee woulde ryde with a thouſande horſſes, by meane whereof when he came to lye at Abbeys and other pla|ces (bringyng with hym ſuch a trayne) he was very burdenous vnto them,Ran. Higd. ſpecially when hee laye at their houſes any ſpace of tyme.
[1] He called a Conuocation at Weſtminſter,A
conuocation wherein at the ſuite of Hugh Nouaunt biſhop of
Cheſter, it was decreed,
Monkes of Co+uentrie diſpla|ced.
Polidore. Ran. Higd. VVil. P [...].
[1] But ſome haue written,VVil. Par [...]
that the Biſhop of Cheſter procured a licence of the Pope, to al|ter
the ſtate of that Churche in ſorte aboue mentioned, whiche is moſte lykely,
ſurmizyng agaynſt the Monkes, that they were manyfeſte and moſte ſtubborne
diſturbers of that peace and quietneſſe whiche oughte to remayne a|mongſt
Churchmen: and yet he him ſelf ſowed the ſtrife and diſſention amongeſt
them, and namelye betweene the Prior and his Couent.Ran.
Higd. Polidore. Moreouer the ſayde Lorde Chauncellor depri|ued
ſuche rulers of theyr adminiſtrations and gouernementes, as the King had
appointed to beare any highe authoritye within the Realme, pretending not
onelye the kings commaunde|ment, but alſo aledging a reaſon whiche mo|ued
him ſo to doe, as thus, that he might thereby [page 495] take awaye
all occaſions of grudges from the people,The Lorde
Chancellors [...]eaſon. which otherwiſe might think, and wold not ſticke to
ſaye, that they were oppreſſed by the rule of many kinges in ſteede of one
The Bishop of Durham. The bishop of VVincheſter.
[1] Moreouer doubting leaſt the Nobles of the realme wold riſe againſt him, and put him out of his place, he ſoughte to keepe them lowe, and ſpoyled them of theyr money and ſubſtaunce.The Lorde Chancellours meanyng to keepe Earle Iohn lovve. Likewiſe pretending a colour of doubte leaſte Earle Iohn the kings broher ſhoulde attempt any thing againſt this brother the kinge nowe in his abſence, hee ſoughte alſo to keepe hym vnder.
[1] [2] To be brief, he played in all points the right parts of a tirant, till at length the king recei|uing aduertiſemẽt frõ his mother Quene Ele|nor of his demeanor, and that there was great likelihood of ſome commotion to enſue, if ſpeedy remedy were not in time prouided, he being as then in Sicile,VValter the Archbishop of Rouen ſent in|to England. ſent Walter the Archebiſhop of Rouen into Englande with Commiſſion to ioyne in adminiſtration of the kingdome with his Chancellor the ſayde Biſhop of Elie. But the Archebiſhop cõming into England was ſo ſlenderly entertayned of the Chauncellor, and in effect ſo litle regarded,He is little re|garded of the Lorde Chaun|cellour. that notwithſtanding his commiſſion and inſtructions brought from the king, he could not be permitted to beare any rule, the chauncellor deteining the ſame wholly in hys handes, ordering all thyngs at his plea|ſure, wythout makyng the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen, or any other of counſel with him, ex|cept ſuche as it pleaſed hym to admitte for the ſeruing of his owne turne.
[1] He certeinely beleeued (as many other did) that king Richarde woulde neuer returne with life into England agayne, which cauſed hym to attempt ſo many vnlawfull enterpriſes and therfore he got into his handes all the Caſtels and fortreſſes belongyng to the Crowne, and furniſhed them with garniſons of ſouldiers, as he thought neceſſarye, depriuyng ſuche Cap|taines of their roomthes as he ſuſpected not to fauout his proceedings.
[1] One Gerarde de Camville had bought of the king the keeping of the Caſtell of Lincolne, vnto whome alſo the Sherifwike of the Shire was commytted for a tyme, but the Lorde Chauncellor, perceiuing that he bare more good will vnto Earle Iohn the kyngs brother than vnto him, (which Iohn he moſt ſuſpected, tooke from hym the Sherifwike, and demaunded alſo to haue the caſtell of Lincolne delyuered into his handes, whiche Gerard refuſed to de|liuer, and perceiuing that the Chancellor wold practiſe to haue it by force, he fledde vnto Earle Iohn, requiring him of syde and ſuccour.
[1] The Chancellor on the other parte percey|uing what hatred diuers of the nobles bare vnto hym, he thought good to prouyde for his owne ſuertye the beſte that hee coulde, and therefore he ſent for a power of men from the partyes of beyonde the ſea, but bicauſe he thought it to long to ſtaye till they came, he commeth to Lincolne,The Lord C [...]+cellour beſie|geth the caſte [...] of Lincolne. with ſuche power as he coulde make, and beſieged the Caſtell.
[figure appears here on page 495]
[1] Earle Iohn vv [...]neth the caſtels of No|tingham and Tickuil.Earle Iohn the Kyngs brother aduertiſed hereof, reyſed ſuche numbers of men as he might make of hys frendes, ſeruauntes and tenauntes, and wyth ſmalle a doe wanne the Caſtelles of Nottyngham and Tickhill within two dayes ſpace.
[1] [2] [3] This done, hee ſendeth to the Lorde Chaun|cellour, commaundyng hym eyther to breake vp [page 496] his ſiege, or elſe to prepare for battaile. The Chancellour conſidering wyth hym ſelfe that there was ſmall truſte to bee put in diuers of thoſe Lordes that were with him, bearing good will to Earle Iohn, and but hollowe hartes towardes hym,The Chaun|cellour rayſeth his ſiege vvith dishonour. reyſed his ſiege and departed wyth dyſhonour. Not long after, one of hys hornes was broken off by the deathe of Pope Clement, wherby his power Legantine ceſſed: and herewith being ſomwhat abaſhed, he com|meth to a cõmunication wyth Earle Iohn, and vpon certayne conditions, maketh peace wyth him.The Lorde Chauncellour and earle Iohn are agreed. Shortly after the ſouldyers which he had ſent for, doe arryue in Englande, and then hee began to goe from the agreemente made wyth Earle Iohn, affyrmyng that he woulde eyther dryue the ſame Earle out of Englande, or elſe ſhulde Earle Iohn doe the like to hym:The Chauncel|lour breaketh the agreement. For it was not of largeneſſe ſufficient to holde them bothe. Yet ſhortelye after peace was efteſoones concluded betwixte them,The lord Chã|cellor and erle [...]ohn make an other agrement with condition, that if it chaunced kyng Rycharde to departe this life before his retourne into Englande, not lea|uing any iſſue of hys bodie begotten, that then the Chancellour renouncyng the ordinaunce made by king Richarde, who had inſtituted his Nephew Arthur Duke of Britayne to be his heyre and ſucceſſour) ſhoulde conſent to admit Earle Iohn for king of Englande contrarye to the ſayde ordynaunce. But in the meane time it was agreed that Earle Iohn ſhulde de|liuer vp the caſtels of Notingham and Tick|hyll, Notyngham to the handes of Wyllyam Marſhall, and Tickhil to the handes of Wyl|lyam Wendenall, they to keepe the ſame vnto the vſe and behoofe of king Richarde, that vpon his retourne he might doe wyth them as ſhulde pleaſe him: but if it ſo chaunced, that hee ſhulde dye before he coulde retourne from his voyage, or that the Chancellour wente from the agree|ment nowe taken, then immediatlye ſhulde the foreſayd caſtelles of Notingham and Tickhill be reſtored vnto Earle Iohn.
[1] Moreouer, the other caſtels of ſuche honours as wer aſſigned to Earle Iohn by the king his brother, were commytted vnto the cuſtodye of certayne perſons of great truſt and loyalty, as the caſtell of Wallingforde to the Archebiſhop of Rouen, the caſtell of Briſtowe to the biſhop of Lincolne, the caſtel of the Peake, to the Bi|ſhoppe of Couentry, the caſtell of Boleſofres vnto Richard del Peake (or if he refuſed, then ſhoulde the biſhop of Couentrey haue it in ke|ping) the caſtell of Eye was comitted to Wal|ter Fitz Roberte, the caſtell of Herford to Ro|ger Bigot, and to Richard Revel the caſtels of Exceter and Launſton. Theſe perſons to whõ theſe caſtels were thus cõmitted to be kept, re|ceiued alſo an othe, yt they ſhuld faithfully kepe them to the kings behoofe, & if he chanced to die, before he ſhulde retourne, then the ſame ſhould be deliuered vnto Earle Iohns handes.
[1] Alſo there were .iij. caſtelles that pertayned to the crowne delyuered,Caſtels deli [...]|red in truſt as the keeping [...] certain per [...] lykewyſe in truſte as the caſtell of Winſor vnto the Earle of Arun|dell, the caſtell of Wincheſter vnto Gilbert de Lacye, and the caſtell of Northampton vnto Simon de Pateſhulle.
[1] [2] [3] It was alſo agreed, that Biſhoppes, Ab|bots, Earles, and Barons, Valuaſores, and Freehoulders ſhoulde not bee diſſeyſed of theyr landes, goodes or catailes otherwiſe than by or|der of the Iuſtices or officers of the king, ſo that they ſhulde be iudged in the kings courtes according to the lawfull cuſtomes and ordy|naunces of the Realme: and lykewyſe Earle Iohn ſhoulde cauſe the ſame orders to be ob|ſerued throughe all his landes: and if any man attempted to doe otherwiſe vpon ſupporte or mainteinaunce of the Earle Iohn, hee ſhoulde ſtande to be refourmed by the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen if he chaunced then to be in Englande, and by the kings Iuſtices, and by thoſe that hadde ſworne to obſerue this peace: and alſo Earle Iohn him ſelfe at theyr requeſt ſhoulde ſee ſuche reformation to bee hadde. All thoſe Caſtels that had bene buylte or begunne to bee buylded ſith the Kinges paſſage ouer towards his iourney, ſhould be raſed, and no new made or fortifyed tyll hys retourne, excepte in Ma|nours perteyning to the Kyngs demayne, if neede required, or by hys ſpeciall commaunde|mente, eyther by Letters, or ſufficiente meſ|ſengers. The Sheriffwike of Lincolne which the Lord Chancellor had aſſigned vnto Wil|liam de Stuteville ſhould be reſtored vnto Ge|rarde de Camville, who had day apointed hym to apere in the kings court, to hear what might be layd againſt him: & if ſuche matter coulde be proued, for ye which he ought to loſe ye ſayd ſhe|riffwike & the caſtell of Lincolne, then he ſhould depart frõ them by iudgemẽt of ye court, or elſe not. Neither ſhuld erle Iohn maintain him a|gainſt yt iudgemẽt of yt court, nor ſhuld receyue any outlaws, or ſuch as were notoriouſly kno|wen for enimies to the king, and ſo named, nor ſhuld ſuffer thẽ to be recepted within precinct of his liberties: & to hold, maintein & obſerue this peace. The ſaid earle & Chãcellor ſware in the hand of ye Archb. of Rouen wt .7. barons on ei|ther part. On the part of earle Iohn theſe were the names of them that receued yt othe: Stephã Ridell his Chancellor, William de la Mare, Rob. de la Mare, Philip de Turecheſter, Wil|liã de Kahennes, Gilbert Baſſet, & Williã de Montacute. On the Chãcellors part, ye erles of [page 497] Arundell and Saliſbury, Earle Roger Bigot, and the Earle of Clare, with Walter Fitz Ro|bert, Williã de Breuſe, and Roger Fitz Ram|fray. Theſe things were concluded in this ſorte, the authoritie and commaundement of the king yet in all things ſaued and reſerued: but ſo that if before his returne hee ſhoulde ſignifie his plea|ſure to the contrary of the ordinances aboue mẽ|tioned, then ſhould the Caſtels of Nottingham and Tickhill be reſtored vnto Earle Iohn not|withſtanding whatſoeuer the King ſhould com|maund touching the ſame.
An. Reg. 3. Math. VVeſt. [...]olidor.
Geffrey the Archbiſhop [...] Yorke.
[...]g. Houed.
[1] In this meane while, the elect Archbyſhop of Yorke Geffrey, after long ſute and many delaies contriued, ſpecially by the Chauncellor, obteyned his Pall, being conſecrated by the Archbyſhop of Tours, by vertue of Bulles obteined from Pope Celeſtine.
[4] The Chauncellor aduertiſed heereof, and vn|derſtanding that hee meant to
come ſhortly into England to be inſtalled, he was in a great chaft, bycauſe
that during the time of the vacation, hee had vſed the reuenewes of that See
at his plea|ſure, and therefore now to forgoe them, hee was nothing
contented. Heerevpon hee wrote his let|ters vnto Mathew de Clere, Sherife of
Kente in this forme:
[...]at. Paris,
[...]he Lorde [...]hancellors [...]ters to the [...]crife of [...]nte.
[...]e death of [...]e Archby|ſhop of Can|terbury.
[1] The newes of whoſe enpriſonement was a|non bruted thorough the realme, wherwith the nobles fretted, and the commons curſſed: final|ly all men deteſted ſuch tyrannie in the Chaun|cellour. But namely the Kings brother Earle Iohn ſtormed at the matter, and with all ſpede aſſembled an armie out of thoſe places where he bare rule, encreaſing the number with a power of Welchemen. There came to him the biſhop of Wincheſter, with many Earles and barons, alſo the biſhop of Bathe and Cheſter, whyche lately before hadde bene chiefe fauourers of the Chauncellour in all his doings: but nowe that the worlde was chaunged, they ſhewed themſel|ues the moſt earneſt enimies hee had, as well in wordes as actes.
[2] In an aſſemblie of all the Biſhoppes of En|gland, al thoſe were
excommunicate in ſolemne wiſe, with Candles light, and other ſuche
Cere|monies which hadde eyther giuen commaunde|ment, or were preſent as
partakers, to pull out of the Church the Archbiſhop of Yorke, or his peo|ple
by violence, and had impriſoned them in ma|ner (as before yee haue heard)
but this was after the Archbiſhop was ſet at libertie, as ſhould ap|peare by
Mathew Paris, for the Chauncelloure repenting himſelfe, (thoughe now too
late) of hys cruell dealing againſt the Archbyſhop of Yorke, wherewith hee
hadde kindled ſuche a brande a|gainſte [page 498] him) commaunded the
ſaid Archbyſhop, (namely at the inſtante ſute of the Biſhoppe of London,) or
rather at the commaundemente of Earle Iohn as Houeden hath) to be ſet at
liber|tie. But the diſpleaſure once kindled in the harts of the Nobles,
coulde not ſo eaſily bee quenched with his deliuerie, as it was ſpeedily ſet
on fire by his empriſonment, ſo that they being now in ar|mour, purpoſed to abate the pride of the
Rog. Houed.
The Chancel|lour ſummo|ned to appeare
[1] [2] After hee was thus retired into the Tower of London, Earle Iohn the Archbiſhoppe of Rouen, and the other Biſhops, Earles, and Ba|rons aſſociate togither againſte hym, followe him at the heeles, enter the Citie, and beſiege the Tower on each ſide. And on the morrowe after, being the fourth day after the Octaues of Sainte Michaell, they come togither into Poules church yarde, where they publikely declare the iniurious wrongs done and practiſed by the Chauncellour,A decla [...] made aga [...] the Lorde Chancel [...] namely againſt the Archbiſhop of Yorke, and the Biſhop of Durham. Thoſe alſo that had bin ap|pointed as aſſociates with him, accuſed hym in that he had taken vpon him to rule and gouerne all things after his owne ſelfe will, not vouching ſaue to haue their aduice or councell in ſuche ſorte as had bin conuenient. The Archbiſhop of Ro|uen, and William Marſhall Earle of Pembroke ſhewed there afore all the people the Kyngs let|ters which he hadde ſent from Meſſina,The te [...] this letter he rea [...] appear [...]. appoyn|ting that they ſhoulde bee aſſociate with hym in gouernement of the Kingdome, and that with|out the councell and aduice of them and others aſſigned thereto, hee ſhoulde not meddle with the rule of the land, and that if hee ſhoulde doe a|nye thing to the hinderaunce of the common wealthe, or ſeeke to meddle with the affayres of the Realme, withoute theyr good aduice, [page 499] that then he ſhould be depoſed.
[1] Heerevppon it ſeemed good to Earle Iohn, and to all the Biſhoppes, Earles and Ba|rons of the Realme, and to the Citizens of London there aſſembled, that the ſayd Chan|cellour ſhould bee depoſed, and ſo they proceeded, and depoſed him indeede, appoynting the Arch|biſhoppe of Rouen in his place, who woulde not take vppon him to do anye thing touching the rule of the land, without conſent of his aſſociates aſſigned to him, and the Barons of the Eſchec|ker.
[1] [2] [3] [4] The ſame day, Earle Iohn, and the Archbi|ſhop of Rouen and other of the Kings Iuſtices, [...]e Citizens London. graunted to the Citizens of London the priui|ledge of their communaltie, and the ſayde Earle and Archbiſhop, and in manner all the Byſhops, Earles and Barons of the Realme, ſware to mainteyne the ſayd priuiledge firme and ſtable, ſo long as ſhould pleaſe their ſoueraigne Lorde. And the Citizens of Londõ ſware to be true, and to do their faithfull ſeruice vnto Kyng Richarde and his heires, and if hee chanced to die withoute iſſue, then to receyue Earle Iohn the brother of Kyng Richarde for their King and ſoueraigne Lord, and therevpon ſware fealty to him againſt all men, ſauing that whiche they owed vnto hys brother Kyng Richard. The Chancellor percey|uing the multitude to be ſuche whiche hee hadde with him in the Tower, as the place was not a|ble to hold them any long tyme, after he had re|mayned within it one night, he came foorth vnto Earle Iohn, and to the other that were thus en|tred the Citie, and now ready to beſiege hym, of whome, hee getteth licence for them that were encloſed within the Tower, to departe withoute domage, [...]e Chaun| [...]lor yeel| [...]th vp the [...]wer. and therewith delyuered vp the To|wer vnto the handes of the Archbiſhoppe of Ro|uen, with the Caſtell of Windſor and certayne other Caſtels, which he held within the Realme, but not all: notwithſtanding hee couenaunted to make deliuerie of the reſidue which yet remained in the hands of them whome hee had appoynted to the keeping of the ſame. And for aſſurance of that couenaunt to be performed before he depar|ted the Realme, hee deliuered his breethren and one that was hys Chamberlayne, to remayne with the Lords as hoſtages. And this done, hee haſted to Caunterbury, where he promiſed to re|ceyue the Croſſe of a Pilgrime to goe into the holy lande, and to render vp the Croſſe of hys Legateſhip, whiche he had vſurped a yeare and a halfe after the death of Pope Clemente, to ye pre|iudice of the Churche of Rome, and to the detri|mente and greate hinderaunce of the Engliſhe Church, [...]e print of [...] Legates [...]oſle. for ther was not any one Church with|in the Realme whyche hadde not bin put to fyne and Raunſome by that Croſſe, nor any eccleſia|ſticall perſon went free, but the print of ye Croſſe appeared in him and his purſe. From Caunter|bury, he getteth hym to Douer vnto his brother in law, and fynally ſeekyng meanes to paſſe o|uer into Fraunce, and doubting to be diſcouered, he apparrelled himſelfe in womans rayment,The Biſhop of Elie late Lord Chancellor diſguiſeth himſelfe in womans ap|parrell. got a webbe of cloth on his arme, as though he hadde bene ſome huſwifely woman of the countrey, but by the vntowardly folding & vncũning han|dling of his cloth, (or rather by a lewde fiſher|man that tooke him for an harlotte) hee was ſuſ|ſpected and ſearched ſo narrowly,He is bewraid that by hys priuy members he was prooued to be a man, and at length, knowen, attached, and committed to priſon, after hee hadde bene reprochfully handled by them that founde hym, and by the Wiues of the Towne, in ſuche vnſeemely apparrell.Earle not the Biſhops friend Earle Iohn woulde haue hadde hym puniſhed, and putte to ſome open reproofe for hys paſſed tyrannicall doyngs, but the Byſhoppes, and o|ther of the Barons, for reuerence of hys order, procured hys delyueraunce, with licence to paſſe ouer into Normandy, where hee was borne.
[1] Thus was the Biſhoppe of Elie depoſed from hys office of being Chauncellour, and not withoute warrant, for in very deede,Mat. Par. King Ri|charde hauing receyued aduertiſementes from the Lordes and Peeres of the Realme, of the Chauncellors preſumptuous and hautie demea|nor, with wrongs offered to dyuers perſons, wrote to them agayne in this wiſe.
[figure appears here on page 499]
[1] [2] [3] [4] RIcharde Kyng of Englande ſendeth gree|tyng to William Marſhall, to Gilberte Fitz Peter, and Henry Berdulfe, and to William Brewer Peeres. If it ſo chaunce that oure Chauncelloure hathe not faythfully handled the affayres and buſineſſe of oure Realme (committed vnto hym) by the aduice and councell of you, and other to whom wee haue [page 500] haue alſo aſſigned the charge of gouernemente of the ſame Realme: wee commaund you, that ac|cording to youre diſpoſition in all things to bee done concerning the gouernemente thereof, you order and diſpoſe as well for eſchetes, as all o|ther things. &c. By force of this commiſſion, the Lords were the bolde [...] to proceede againſte hym as ye haue heard.The Biſhop of Earle compley|neth of hys wrongs recey+ued. After his comming into the parties of beyonde the Seas, he ceaſſed not with letters and meſſengers to preſent his complainte to the Pope of Rome and to King Richarde, of the iniuries receyued at the hands of Earle Iohn and his complices.The Popes letters vnto the Archbi|ſhop and Bi|ſhops of Eng+lande. And heerevpõ Pope Celeſtine wrote indeede to all the Archbiſhops and By|ſhops that were within the Realme of England, in behalfe of the ſayd Biſhop of Elie, declaryng, that for as much as the King of Englande was gone into the holy lande to warre againſt the e|nimies of oure faythe, leauyng hys Kyngdome vnder the protection of the Apoſtolyke See, hee coulde not but haue ſpeciall regard to ſee that the ſtate, rightes and honor thereof, were preſerued from all daunger of decay:Note how the Pope defen|deth hys Chapleynes. wherevppon, vnder|ſtanding that there had bene certayne attemptes made by Iohn Earle of Mortaigne, and others, both againſte the King, and the Biſhop of Elie, that was not onely Legate of the Apoſtolyke See but alſo gouernoure of the land appoynted by the King whyche attempte ſounded greatly to the reproche of the Churche of Rome, and danger of domage to enſue to Kyng Richard, if remedie were not the ſooner founde: wherefore he commaunded them by vertue of their obedience, to excommunicate the Earle of Mortaigne, or any other that was knowen to haue layde any violent hands vppon the ſayde Biſhoppe of Ely, or deteyned him as Capt [...]ne, or enforced hym to any othe, or elſe had chaunged the ſtate of rule in the Kingdome of England to other forme, than Kyng Richarde had ordeyned at his ſetting for|warde towards the holy land: and that not only all the councellors, auctors, ayders and compli|ces of thoſe that had committed ſuch outrage, but alſo theyr landes ſhould ſtande interdited, ſo that no deuine ſeruice ſhoulde be vſed within precinct of the ſame, except pennaunce and Chriſtning of Infants. This to remayne till the ſayde Byſhop and Kyngdome were reſtored into the former e|ſtate: and that the parties excommunicated, ſhuld preſent themſelues with letters from the Biſhops vnto the Apoſtolike See to be aſſoyled. &c. Heere|vppon alſo the Biſhop of Ely himſelfe wrote vn|to the Byſhop of Lincolne and other, touchyng this matter: but the Biſhoppes did neyther anye thing in accompliſhment of the effect of ye Popes letters, nor at his owne contemplatiõ. And ther|fore perceyuing ſmall help to come that way, hee ſoughte to obteyne the fauor and friendſhippe of Earle Iohn, and of his mother Quene Eleanor. In the meane time, the Lords, Barons and Pre|lates of the Realme after they had depriued hym of all authoritie, and baniſhed him ſoorthe of the lande, they ordeyned the Archbiſhop of Rouen in fauour of the Kings commiſſion,The Ar [...]+ſhop of [...] chiefe g [...]+nour of E [...] lande. to haue ye chiefe rule and adminiſtration of things touchyng all the affayres of the common wealth, but yet ſo as Earle Iohn had the doings in many poyntes, ſo that he might ſeeme in manner as aſſociate with him, whereof ſprang muche inconuenience. For this Iohn beeing a man (as hee is noted by ſome writers) of an ambitious nature, was ſuſpected to aſpire vnto the Kyngdome. In ſo much, that hee had ioyned with the French King after the ſame King was returned forth of the holy land againſt his brother Kyng Richard, if his mother Quene Eleanor hadde not perſwaded him to the con|trary.
[1] Whileſt theſe things were a doyng,
R [...]g. H [...] VVil P [...]
Fift [...]e [...] Functi [...] other ag [...] with H [...] as Ger [...] Me [...]cu [...]
[...]+ting Alt [...]+cus a [...]
[1] Heerevppon, the Saraſynes within Acres couenaunted not onely to delyuer the Citie vn|to the Chriſtians with fyue hundred Priſo|ners of Chriſtians whyche they hadde within the ſame, but alſo to procure that the holye Croſſe ſhoulde bee to them deliuered, with a thouſande other Chriſtian Priſoners, ſuche as the Chriſtian Princes ſhoulde appoynte out of thoſe numbers whyche Saladyne hadde in hys cuſtodye, and further, to gyue them two hun|dred thouſande Beſans.
[1] And tyll theſe couenauntes were performed, it was agreede, that the Saraſynes whyche were at that preſente lefte within the Citie, ſhoulde remayne as pledges, vnder condition, that if the ſame couenauntes were not perfor|med within fortie dayes, then ſhoulde they ſtande at the mercy of the Chriſtian Princes as touchyng lyfe and lymme.
[1] Theſe thyngs thus concluded, and the Ci|tie yeelded vp into the Chriſtian mens handes,The Citie of Acres. the Frenche Kyng vppon enuy and malice con|ceyued agaynſte Kyng Richarde although hee pretended ſickneſſe for e [...]cuſ [...] departed home|wardes,The Fre [...] K. ret [...] home. ſetting from Actes the laſt daye of Iu|ly. Nowe then, after the departure of Kyng Phillippe, when the daye approched, in the [page 501] whiche the Saraſines ſhoulde performe the coue|nauntes, or elſe ſtande to the iudgement of lyfe and death at the pleaſure of the Chriſtian Prin|ces. It was perceiued that the couenantes would not bee fulfilled according to the agremeent. For Saladyne, as it well appeared, mente not to per|forme that which for the ſafegarde of his men hee had vndertaken, and did but dally with the Chri|ſtians to prolong the time, whervpõ ſentẽce was giuen forthe that for defaulte in ſuche behalfe, the Saraſynes remayning as pledges ſhuld loſe their heades. Saladyne hauing knowledge thereof, ſent worde to King Richard and to the whole Chriſ|tian army, that if his people that were in the chri|ſtion mens hands loſt their heades, he would not faile but cauſe the heades of all thoſe Chriſtians which he had in captiuitie to be cut off likewiſe: but notwithſtãding this anſwere on the fourtene day of Auguſt King Richarde iſſued forth of the citie paſſing the vttermoſt ditches and encamped himſelfe neere ye army of Saladyne, who ye ſame day ſent vnto King Richarde riche preſentes re|quyring of hym a longer day for performaunce of the couenauntes,Saladine cau|ſeth the Chri|ſtian priſo|ners to be beheaded. but that would not be gran|ted: wherefore vpon the ſayd denyall, Saladyne cauſed al thoſe Chriſtian priſoners which he had in his handes to be beheaded vpõ ye eightenth day [figure appears here on page 501] of Auguſt, on whyche day Kyng Rycharde ad|uaunced forth towardes the lodgings of the Sa|raſins, and ſkirmiſhed wyth them very hottely, ſo [figure appears here on page 501] that manye were wounded and ſlayne on both parts: amõgſt other one of King Richards com|panions at al exerciſes named Peter Mignot loſt his life there. Furthermore, although K. Richard heard that Saladyne had put to death the chriſti|an priſoners in ſuche wiſe as you haue harde, yet woulde not hee preuente his terme appointed for the execution of the Saraſyns that were in hys cuſtody, but abiding vnto the twentie day of Au|guſt, he then cauſed thoſe Saraſyns whiche fel to his lot, at the time of the ſurrender of Acres being in number about .2600. to be brought foorth of the citie, and neere to the walles in the ſight of Sala|dine and all his hoſt, they had their heads chop|ped off.
[1] [2] [3] The Duke of Burgoigne cauſed execution to be done within the citie of thoſe whiche fell to the French Kings ſhare, the number of the which roſe to two thouſande and foure hundred, or therea|boutes, for the whole number was reckned to bee about fyue thouſande that thus loſte theyr lyues through the inconſtancie of their Prince.Rog. Houed. Yet diuers of the principall had their liues ſaued. The Sarazens themſelues alſo ſpake muche euill of Saladine for this matter, bycauſe that refuſing to performe the articles of couenauntes, he hadde occaſioned the enimie to ſlea thoſe that hadde ſo valiantly ſerued in defence of the Citie, to the vt|termoſt ieopardie of their liues.Gerua. Dor [...]. But now to leaue foraine matters, and to returne home into Eng|land: We finde that the ſecond of December, the Monkes of Caunterbury choſe to their Archby|ſhop Reginald Biſhop of Bath, the which with|in fifteene dayes after his election, departed thys life, and lyeth buried at Bath. Alſo this yere, or as Gerua. Doro. hath in the yere following, the Bi|ſhop of Durham ſought meanes to withdraw his ſubiection frõ yt Archbiſhop of Yorke, for whyche [page 502] attempt,S [...]le betwixt the Archby|ſhop of Yorke and the By|ſhop of Dur|ham. the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke vpon truſt of the Popes graunte, did not excommunicate the ſayd Biſhop, notwithſtanding that hee appealled to the Popes conſiſtory three ſeuerall tymes, put|ting his owne matter and his Churches to be ex|amined and tryed by the Pope, wherevpon hee o|beyed not the excommunication: and ſignifying the cauſe vnto Rome, obteyned ſuche fauor, that the Pope and his Cardinals reuerſed the ſentẽce, and iudged the excommunication to be of none effect. And further they decreed, that if the Archbi|ſhop of Yorke had broken the Aulters and Cha|lices, as information was giuen, in whiche the Biſhoppe of Durham had celebrated after his ap|peale made to the Courte of Rome, that then ſhoulde the ſayd Byſhop of Durham be acquited from owing any ſubiection to the ſayde Archby|ſhop for ſo long as they two ſhould liue togither. True it is, that the Archbiſhop had not only bro|ken the Aulters and Chalices which the Byſhop had vſed in deede for the celebration of Maſſe, but alſo helde his owne brother Iohn Earle of Mor|taigne, for excommunicate, bycauſe hee had eate and dronke in company of the ſayd Byſhop, and would not communicate with him, till hee came to receyue abſolution, and to make ſatiſfaction for his fault. In the end, the Biſhops of Lincolne and Rocheſter, with the Abbot of Peterburgh, were appointed by the Pope to haue the hearyng of this matter, as Iudges, authoriſed by hys Bulles, who ſate therevpon at Northampton, vppon Saint Kalixt hys daye, where after they had heard both parties argue what they could in eyther of their caſes, they gaue a longer day, that is to witte, till the feaſt of the natiuitie of Sainct Iohn Baptiſt nexte after, to ſee if by anye good meanes there mighte ſome agreement haue bene hadde betwixt them, or, if that coulde not bee, that then the Popes letters to ſtande in force as before, and the helps of eyther parte ſaued, as though no delay hadde bin vſed. And to thys, both parties were agreeable, ſpecially at the mo|tion of the Byſhoppe of Lincolne.
[1] This yeare alſo, Roger de Lacy Conneſtable of Cheſter, tooke Alan de Lee,Roger Lacy Conneſta [...] of Cheſter. and Peter de Bo|uencort, and vppon deſpite hanged them, for that [figure appears here on page 502] beeyng put in truſt amongſt other with the kee|pyng of the Caſtels of Nottingham and Tick|hill which he had receyued into his cuſtody of the Biſhop of Elie Lord Chauncellor, they had con|ſented to the treaſon of Roberte de Crokeſton, Endo de Duville, which deliuered the ſame Ca|ſtels vnto Iohn Earle of Mortaigne. The ſame Earle of Mortaigne was highly offended for the death of thoſe two perſons, and therefore waſted the lands of the ſaid Roger which lay within the compaſſe of his iuriſdiction.
[1] But now touching the departure of the Frẽch King from Acres, diuers occaſions are remem|bred by Writers of the emulation and ſecret ſpite which he ſhould beare towardes King Richarde, and beſide other already touched, one was, for en|terteyning and relieuing ye Erle of Champaigne in ſuche bountifull wiſe in his neceſſitie, that hee was ready to forſake the Frenche Kings ſeruice, and cleaue to Kyng Richard: but howſoeuer it came to paſſe partly through enuy as hathe bene thought, conceyued at the great deedes of Kyng Richarde, whoſe greate power and valiancie hee could not well abide, and partly for other reſpects hym moouing, hee tooke the Sea with three gal|ltys of the Genewes, and returned firſt into Ita|ly, and ſo home into Fraunce, hauing promiſed firſt vnto Kyng Richarde at hys departure out of the holy lande, and after to Pope Cele|ſtine at Rome, that hee woulde not attempte [page 503] any hurtfull enterpriſe againſte the Engliſhe do|minions, till King Richarde ſhoulde be returned foorth of the holy land: but this promiſe was not kept, [...]e euill dea| [...]g and [...]each of [...]miſe of [...] French K. for after that he was returned into Fraunce, hee firſte ſoughte to procure the foreſayde Earle Iohn King Richards brother, to rebell agaynſte him, promiſing him not onely ayde to reduce all his brothers dominions into his handes, but alſo to giue him his ſiſter Adela in marriage, whome King Richard vpon ſuſpition of vnchaſt lyuing, had forſaken (as before yee haue heard) but when Earle Iohn was diſſwaded by his mother, from accepting this offer (which otherwiſe as it is ſaid he would willingly haue receyued,) King Phillip ſtill reteyned a malitious rancor in his hart, and in reuenge of olde diſpleaſures, woulde haue at|tempted ye war againſt ye ſubiectes of K. Richard, if his Lords woulde haue ioyned with hym: but they conſidering what ſlaunder woulde re|dound hereof, both to him and them for the iniu|rie done to the Chriſtian common wealthe, in making warre againſte hym that was occupyed in defence of the faith againſte the common eni|mies of Chriſtendome, would not giue theyr cõ|ſente hereto, and ſo the matter reſted, till Kyng Richarde was taken priſoner in Almaigne, and then what followed, it ſhall after appeare.
[1] In this meane while,
VVil. Par.
Enuious diſ|cord among the Chriſtiãs.
[figure appears here on page 503]
[1] Amongſt other of the Chriſtians ſlayne at that encounter, was one Iames Dauenes, a mã of high prowes and valiancie.
[1] [...]g. Houed.Moreouer, Kyng Richarde wanne dyuers Townes and Caſtels out of the enimies hands, as Aſcalon, Darus, and dyuers other, and ſome hee fortifyed, as Aſcalon aforeſayde, and Porte Iaph, otherwiſe called Ioppa. There were ſun|dry encounters alſo betwixte the Saraſynes and Chriſtians, wherein Kyng Richarde and hys people bare themſelues ſo manfully, that the vic|tory for the moſt parte continually reſted on their ſide.
[1] 1192At one time alſo, hearing of a great conuoy of vittayles, munitions and other things whiche came from Babylone towardes Ieruſalem to furniſh Saladine and hys army (whych conuoys they call Caravann [...]s) Kyng Richarde with a competente power of menne mette them on the way, and diſtreſſed thoſe that were attendaunte vppon the ſafegarde of that carriage, beeing in number aboute two thouſande Horſemen, be|ſyde a greate multitude of footemenne, and therewith tooke the carriages with foure, thou|ſande and ſyxe hundred Cammels and Drom|modaries, beſyde an innumerable ſort of Mules, Aſſes, and other beaſtes of burthen.
[1] But to ſpeake of all the worthy exploytes at|chieued by King Richarde and his valiant Cap|taynes there in the holy lande againſte the Infi|dels, it woulde require a long treatiſe, and there|fore heere we paſſe them ouer.
[1] [2] This is to bee noted, that amongſt other of [page 504] whome wee finde honorable mention made by writers for their high valiancie ſhewed in thoſe exploytes,The names of ſuch noble men as were famous for their valiant doings in this voyage. theſe are named as chiefe, Robert Erle of Leyceſter, Hubert Byſhop of Saliſburie, with the Earles of Saint Paule and Dreux, beſide di|uers other, as Hugh de Gourney, William de Borrez, Walcline de Ferrers, Roger de Toony, Iames de Auenes, the Byſhop of Beanuoys, William de Barres, William de Tarland, Dro|go de Merlo, Robert de Nealle, Henry Fitz Ni|cholas, Roberte de Newburg, Raufe de Sainte Mary, Arnald du Boys, Henry de Ma [...]loc, Wil|liam and Saul de Bruil, Andrew de Chauigny, Henry de Gray, Peter de Pratellis, Stephen de Turnham, Baldwin Carron, Clarenbalde de Mont Chablon, Manſer de Lyſle, Richarde De|orques, and Theoderike Phillip, Ferrike de Vi|enne, Gilberte Malemayne, Alexander d' Arſy, Stephen de Longehamp, Seguin de Barret, Ro|ger de Glanuille, Raymond Fitz Prince, Bar|tholmew de Mortimer Gerard Furniual, Raufe de Malleon,de Pole alias de Stragno. Roger de Sacy, William de Poole, Hugh de Neuill, Hẽry Teutch, or if ye will Te [...]|tonicus the Kings Standerdbearer, with dyuers other, as well Engliſhmen, Frenchmen, Nor|mans, Poictouins, Iniouines, Britons, Gaſ|coignes, as of other nations, of whome partly mention is already made before in this booke, and partly for breefeneſſe dyuers are omitted. But nowe to returne, ſure it is, that Kyng Richarde meant to haue recouered the Citie of Ieruſalem, and all the holy land out of the Sarazens hands, by the aſſiſtance of almighty God. If the doubte whiche hee had of his brother the Earle of Mor|taings practiſes, and the French Kings doyngs, whiche were brought to him with a greeuous re|port, had not reuoked him home: for diuers meſſẽ|gers were ſent dayly into the holy land to aduer|tiſe hym of ſuch daungers as were like to enſue,Galf. Vinſaf. if by his ſpeedy returne the ſame were not pre|uented.
[1] [2] And firſt after Eſter, there came to him ye Pri|or of Hereforde with letters from the Biſhop of Ely, conteyning a ſore information againſt hys brother Earle Iohn, for hauing expulſed thoſe whome he had appoynted rulers ouer the Realme of England, and altred the ſtate of things there contrary to the ordinances by hym deuiſed afore his ſetting forwarde vpon his iourney (as before yee haue partly heard.) Vpon recept of which let|ters, he meant immediately at the firſt to haue re|turned, and to haue left behinde him a conuenient power of men, to witte, three hundred Knightes or men of armes, and two thouſand choſen foote|men, to abide vpon the defence of the holy lande, with other Chriſtians at his coſtes and charges. But yet at length he was perſwaded to tarry ſpe|cially til things were ſet in ſome better ſtay, whi|che then were out of order by ye death of the Mar|ques of Montferrato, Lord of Tire,The Marques of Montfer|rato m [...] by the A [...]+fini. whome two traiterous Sarazens of ye kinde which they name Aſſaſſini had murthered. After whoſe death, Hẽry Earle of Champaigne that was nephew to kyng Richarde, married his wife, and was made K. of Ieruſalem, Guido reſigning to him his title, vnto whome as it were in recompence, King Richard gaue the Iſle of Cipres, although ſome write, yt ye Knightes templers had bought it of him before. Thus K. Richard remaining ſtil in the holy lãd, ſhortly after Whitſontide, there came an other meſſenger to him, one Iohn de Alenzon a Clerke, [figure appears here on page 504] bringing worſe newes out of Englande than the Prior of Hereford had broughte before, whiche in effect conteyned, that his brother Erle Iohn was alied as a confederate with the French King,Earle Iohn purpoſed [...] leaſe vpon the Kingd [...] in his bro|thers ab [...] and meant through his ſetting on, to ſeiſe into his poſ|ſeſſion the whole Realme of England, notwith|ſtanding the perſwaſion of his mother Queene Eleanor, and other hys friendes to the con|trary.
[1] Herevpon K. Richard was fully perſwaded to returne home, but yet through the admonition of certaine perſons, and namely of one William de Poicters, a Chaplaine of his,William de Poicters Ki [...] Richards Chaplayn [...] hee eftſoones altered his purpoſe, and ſo remayned there, till at length through enuy and malice ſtill encreaſing amongſt the Chriſtians, he perceyued how no good purpoſe could goe forward, ſince that which ſeemed good to ſome, was miſliked of other: and ſpecially oure writers put great blame in the Frenchmenne, the which eyther vpon diſdeyne, or other diſpleaſure, would not be perſwaded to followe theyr aduice, whych were knowen beſt to vnderſtand the ſtate of thinges in thoſe parties. And heerevppon, when the armye was aduaunced vnto Bete|noble, a place not paſt foure leagues diſtaunte from Ieruſalem, bycauſe theyr mynde myghte not bee fulfilled for the beſieging of Ieruſalem, [page 505] which they had intended to take in hand where as the [...] woulde [...]er that they ſhoulde haue gone to beſiege Ba [...]lon in Egypt, and that vppon ſundry greate [...]eſpectes the French [...]tmyſed myſed theyr fielde, and [...]ed agayne to [...] in great deſpite, putting the [...] of the armie alſo ſo much as in them ſay in [...]aunger of [...] [...]ne and diſtreſſe.
[1] An. reg. 4. King Richarde then and the other Chriſ [...]an Captaines perceyuing how ye matter [...]|ned, and giuing ouer all hope of any more good ſa [...]eſſe followed them. And after they were thus re [...]d to Acres, K. Richard [...]ll doubting leaſt his long abſence from home might putte him in daunger of more loſſe here, than hee ſawe hope of preſent gaine to be had there, in ſuch diuerſitie of humours and priuie malice which raigned amõg them, he determined fully to depart homewards, with no leſſe purpoſe to returne thither again af|ter he had ſetled things at home in ſuch ſure ſtay as was expedient for the ſuretie of his own eſtate and quietneſſe of his people.
[1] Herevpon being readie to enter into his ſhips at Acres, [or as ſome haue,VVil. Par, being on his iourney homewardes in Cypres,] he was aduertiſed that the Souldan Saladine had taken the towne of Iapha, ſlaine a great number of the Chriſtians within it, and beſieged the reſidue within the Ca|ſtell, [figure appears here on page 505] the which (conſtreyned through feare) had compounded to yeelde, if within three dayes there came no ſuccour.
[1] King Richarde being hereof aduertiſed, and turning griefe into valiauncie, with all ſpeede ſayled backe vnto Iapha, and landing there with his people, cauſed his enimies to forſake the towne: but anon aſſembling themſelues againe togyther, [...]ing Richard [...]ſcueth Port [...]ph. thy turned once more to beſiege it, wherevpon hee iſſued forth into the fieldes, and fought with them ſundrie dayes togither, tyll fi|nally they were content to forſake theyr enter|priſe and to depart thence for altogyther.
[1] In theſe conflicts the valiant courage of king Richarde, [...]d. Niger. [...]at. Paris. and the worthie manhoode of his ſoul|diers right well appeared: for hee brought not with him at that tyme vnto Iapha about .lxxx. men of armes, and foure hundred other ſouldiers with Croſſebowes, and yet with that ſmal hand|full of men, with ſome ayd of them that he found there in the Caſtell, he did not onely byd battaile to the enimies, which were numbred to .lxij.M. but alſo put them to the worſe, and cauſed them to flee backe, to theyr great ſhame and confuſion.
[4] Thus Iapha beeing deliuered out of the eni|mies hands, king Richarde fell
ſicke at a Caſtell called Cephas, and ſo remayned there certaine dayes, till
he had recouered his health.Cephas. King Richard fell
ſicke. In which meane time, the Soldan Saladine ſeeming to la|ment
his caſe, ſent vnto him certain of his Coun|ſellers to common with him of
peace, declaring that although he well vnderſtoode that king Ri|charde ment
ſhortly to returne into his countrey, and that after his departure out of
the Eaſt par|ties, he coulde with ſmall ado recouer all that the Chriſtians
yet helde within the holye lande, hee woulde neuertheleſſe in reſpect of
king Richardes high prowes, and noble valiancie, graunt a peace for a
certaine time, ſo that not only Iſcalone, but alſo al other ſuch townes and
places as the Chri|ſtians had fortified or wonne ſith the conqueſt of Acres
ſhoulde be razed, as touching their walles, bulwarkes, gates, and other
fortifications. King Richard (though hee perceyued that this offer of peace
tended vnto this poynt chiefly, that Sala|dine woulde thereby a [...]nihilate whatſoeuer the Chriſtian armie had done in the holy lande
ſithe his and the French kings arriuall, ſo that by the ſayd peace he ſhould
gaine more than by the edge of his ſword,) did ſomwhat ſtay at this offer
and [page 506] demaund as a thing greatly diſhonourable to the
Chriſtians, to loſe by treatie of peace ſo muche or rather more than they
gotte by force of warres, (a meere token of faynt and feeble courage) yet
con|ſidering, that in ſuch neceſſitie both of his depar|ture from thence,
and alſo of lacke of other ſuccors to reſiſt the puiſſance of the enimies,
after his cõ|ming away, he iudged it beſt to take the offer at the enimies
handes in aduoyding of ſome greater euill.A peace
con|cluded be|twixt the Chri+ſtians and Sa|rafins. Herevpon
therefore was a peace concluded to endure
for three yeares, three monethes, three weekes, three dayes, & three
houres, to beginne at Eaſter next enſuing. And among other articles, it was
couenaunted, that the Chriſtians ſhoulde haue free paſſage to come and goe
vnto the Citie of Ieruſalem to viſite the holye Sepulchre there, which was
graunted, ſo that amongeſt a great number of Chriſtians that preſently vpon
thys concluſion went thither,Hubert biſhop of
Saliſburie. Hubert Biſhop of Sa|liſburie was one, who had
continued aboute the king during the time
of all his iourney till thys time. King Richard hauing thus cõcluded with
Saladine,King Richard taketh his ior|ney
home|wardes. tooke the Sea, and comming againe into Cypres, ſent
his wife Queene Berengaria with his ſiſter Ioane, late Queene of Sicell into
Englande by the long Seas, but he himſelfe not minding to lie long on the
Seas, determined to take his courſe into Grecia, and ſo by lande to paſſe
homewardes with all ſpeede poſſible. How|beit ere hee coulde attaine his
purpoſe, his chaunce was to bee dryuen by
tempeſt into the coaſt of Iſtria, not farre from Aquileia, where he ſtoode
in ſome doubt of his lyfe. For if hee had beene knowne and taken, they
woulde ſurely haue kyl|led him, bycauſe of the ſlaunder that went of
him,King Richard ſlaundered for the death of the
Marques of Monferrat [...]. as guiltie of the death of Conrade the Marques of
Monferato, who in deede was ſlaine by two of the Aſſaſſini in the Citie of
Ti|rus, whileſt King Richarde was in the holye lande (as before yee haue
hearde.) He therefore hauing here made
Shipwracke, and doubting to fall into the handes of anye perſon in thoſe
parties that bare good will vnto the Marques, (agaynſt whome he had indeede
ſhewed himſelfe not friendly in a quarrell betwixt the ſayd Mar|ques and
Guido the king of Ieruſalem) made the beſt ſhift he coulde to gette away,
yet know|ledge being hadde of him, and ſearch made after him by one Meynard
of Gorezeyn,
VVil. Par [...]s.
Erle of Gorze.
[1] The Duke ſtreight wayes cauſed the houſe where he was lodged,Raufe [...] to bee ſette aboute wyth armed menne, and ſente other into the houſe to apprehende him. He being ware that he was diſcried, gotte him to his weapon: but they ad|uiſing him to bee contented, and alledging the Dukes commaundement, hee boldely anſwered, that ſithe hee muſte bee taken, he beeing a king, woulde yeelde himſelfe to none of the compa|nie but to the Duke himſelfe, and therefore if it woulde pleaſe him to come, hee woulde yeelde himſelfe into his handes. The Duke hearing of this, ſpeedily came vnto hym,King [...] ſubmi [...] himſelfe [...] the Duke o [...] Auſtriche. whome hee mee|ting, deliuered vp his ſworde, and committed him vnto his cuſtodie.
[1] The Duke reioyſing of ſuch a pray, brought him vnto his Palace, and with gentle wordes enterteyned him, thoughe hee ment no greate good towardes him, as well ynoughe appeared in that hee committed hym to the keeping of cer|tayne Gentlemen, which wythout muche cur|teſie looked ſtreightly ynough to him for ſtar|ting awaye, inſomuche that they kept hym in colde Irons as ſome Authours doe wryte.Nic. Tri [...] Hee was taken after the maner aforeſayde in De|cember vpon Saint Thomas euen the yeare of our Lorde .1192. and in the fourth yeare of hys raigne.
[1] The Duke of Auſtriche ought the King no good wil bycauſe he had caſt downe his enſignes pight vp in a Turret at Acres,Polich [...]. whiche hee had wonne at the verye time when that Citie was delyuered by the Saraſins: for whileſt they were in treatie on one ſide, the Duke on the other,The cauſe [...] the diſple [...] betwixt the Duke of [...]+ſtrich & ki [...] Richard. not knowing any thing thereof, gaue the aſſault vn|to that part of the towne which was appoyn|ted vnto him to beſiege. And ſo beeing entred the towne, and perceyuing that by treatie it was to be delyuered, he retired into the Turret which he had firſt wonne and entred, and there ſet vp his Standart and enſignes, whiche king Richarde as the Tentch wryters affyrme, comming thy|ther, threwe downe and trode vnder hys feete.
[1] [page 507] But Geruaſius Dorobornenſis declareth this matter ſomewhat otherwiſe, [...]r. Do. as thus. After that the ſayde Citie of Acres was rendred into the Chriſtian mens handes (ſayth he) dyuerſe Lords tooke their lodgings as they thought good, and hanged forth theyr enſignes. And as it chaunced, the Duke of Auſtriche placing himſelfe in one of the fayreſt Palayces of all the Citie; put forth hys Enſigne, whereof King Richarde beeing ware, came thither wyth a companie of har|die Souldiers aboute hym, and threwe downe the Dukes Enſigne, ſo diſplacing him oute of that ſo pleaſaunt and beautifull a lodging. [...]g. Houed. For this cauſe and alſo ſurmiſing that king Ri|charde ſhoulde be guiltie of the death of the Mar|ques, Conrade the Duke of Auſtriche ſhewed ſuche diſcourteſie towardes him. But concer|ning the murther of the Marques, [...]ing Richard [...]eared of the [...]eath of the [...]arques of [...]ountferate. the chiefe gouernour of thoſe Saraſins called Aſſaſſini cleared King Rycharde by a Letter wrytten and directed vnto the Duke of Auſtriche in ma|ner as followeth.
[1] [2] [3]1.6.1.
LVpoldo Duci Auſtriae, Vetus de Monte ſalu|tẽ.
Cùm plurimi Reges & Principes vltra ma|re Richardũ Regem Angliae & dominũ de morte, Marchiſi inculpent, iuro per dominũ qui regnat in aeternum, & per legem quam tenemus, quod in eius mortem nullam culpam habuit: Eſt ſiquidem cauſa mortis ipſius Marchiſi talis, vnus ex fratribus no|ſtris in vnam nauem de Satalei, ad partes noſtras veniebat, & tempestas illum fortè ad Tyrum ap|pulit, & Marchiſus fecit illum capere & occidere, & magnam pecuniam eius rapuit. Nos verò Mar|chiſo nuncios noſtros miſimus, mandantes vt pecu|niam fratris nostri nobis redderet, & de morte fra|tru nostri nobiſcum ſe concordaret, & noluit. Nec non & nuncios noſtros ſpreuit, & mortem fratris noſtri ſuper Reginaldum dominũ de Sidonis poſuit, & nos tantum fecimus per amicos noſtros, quòd in veritate ſcimus, quòd ille fecit illum occidere & pe|cuniam rapere. Et iterum alium nuncium nostrum nomine Edriſum miſimus adeum, quem in Mare mergere voluit, ſed amici nostri illum à Tiro feſti|nanter fecerunt recedere, qui ad nos peruenit, & ista nobis nunciauit. Nos quo ex illa hora Mar|chiſum deſiderauimus occidere. Tunc duos fratres miſimus ad Tirum qui eum aperte & fere coram omni populo Tiri occiderunt. Haec ergo fuit cauſa mortis Marchiſi, & benè dicimus vobis in veritate, quòd dominus Richardus rex Angliae in hac Mar|chiſi morte nullã culpam habuit. Et qui propter hoc domino regi Angliae malum fecerunt iniustè fece|terunt & fine cauſa: Sciatis pro certo, quòd nullum hominẽ huius mundi pro mercede aliqua vel pecu|nia occidimus, niſi prius nobis malũ fecerit.
Et ſciatis quòd has literas fecimus in domo noſtra ad Castellũ noſtrum Meſsiat in dimidio Septembri anno ab A|lexandro. 1505.
The ſame in Engliſh is thus.
[1] [2] [3]1.6.1.
VEtus de Monte
to Lupolde Duke of Au|ſtriche ſendeth greeting.
Where many kings and princes beyonde the Seas blame Richarde king of Englande of the Marques his death. I ſweare by the Lorde that reigneth euerlaſtingly, and by the lawe whiche we holde, that hee was not in fault for hys death. For the verye cauſe of the Marques hys death was ſuche as follo|weth. One of our brethren in a Shippe of Sa|talie came towardes oure partyes, and chaunced by tempeſt to be driuen vnto Tyre, and the Mar|ques cauſed him to be taken and ſlaine, and tooke a greate portion of money that hee hadde in the Shippe wyth hym. Wherevppon we ſent oure Meſſengers vnto the Marques, commaunding hym to reſtore vnto vs the money of our brother, and to compounde wyth vs for oure ſayde bro|thers death, and he woulde not. Moreouer, he alſo contemned our Meſſengers, and layde the faulte of oure brothers death vppon Reginalde Lorde of Sidon, and wee did ſo muche through our friendes, that wee gotte full vnderſtanding that the Marques himſelfe cauſed him to bee ſlayne, and tooke his money. And therefore we ſent vnto hym againe an other Meſſenger na|med Edriſus, whome he woulde haue drowned in the Sea, but oure friendes made ſuche ſhifte, that they procured hym to departe wyth ſpeede from Tyre, who returned to vs, and ſignifyed theſe thinges to vs for certayne. And from that houre euer after wee hadde a defyre to ſlea the Marques: and ſo then wee ſent two of our bre|thren vnto Tyre, who openly, and in a manner in preſence of all the people of Tyre ſlue hym. This therefore was the verye cauſe of the death of the Marques: and wee ſaye to you in good ſooth, that the Lorde Richarde King of Eng|lande, in thys death of the Marques was no|thing culpable: and they that haue done anye diſpleaſure vnto the King of Englande for thys cauſe, they haue done it wrongfully, and wyth|out any iuſt occaſion. Know ye for certaine, that wee doe not vſe to kill anye man of this worlde for any brybe, or for money, excepte hee haue done to vs ſome harme afore tyme.
And knowe ye that wee haue made theſe letters in our houſe at our Caſtell of Meſſiat, in the middeſt of Sep|tember, in the yeare from Alexander the greate 1505.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Thus wee ſee howe King Richarde was cleared of that cryme concerning the Marques his death by the tenour of this letter. And verily it is moſte lyke that King Richarde woulde haue beene loth to haue communicated his pur|poſe vnto ſuche a wicked kynde of Paganes as the Aſſaſſini were, if hee hadde pretended [page 508] any ſuche matter, but rather would haue ſought his reuenge by ſome other meanes. Now there|fore to our purpoſe. The newes of the taking of king Richard was anon bruted and blowne o|uer al Germany,1193 wherevpon the Emperour Hẽ|ry the .vj. the ſonne of Fredericke the firſt, ſent in al haſt vnto the Duke, perſwading him to deliuer the king into his hands, being able to ſuſteine and abide the malice of all them that would be offen|ded with the taking and deteining of him priſo|ner, as the Pope and other. The Emperour well vnderſtoode the wealthe and riches of Englande, and therefore hoped to make ſome good purchaſe by raunſoming the king, if he might get him out of the Dukes handes. The Duke perceiuing alſo the Emperoures meanyng, durſt not well denye his requeſt, [...] and therfore he deliuered the king vn|to them that were ſent from the Emperour, who couenaunted to giue vnto the ſaide Duke the ſumme of .6000. pounde of Colen weight for the hauing of the ſaid king. The Emperour thus re|ceiuing the king at the handes of the Duke of Auſtriche, commaunded that he ſhoulde be com|mitted to cloſe priſon, and woulde not ſo muche doe as once ſpeake wyth hym. Thys he dyd to cauſe the king vpon an indignation and weari|nes of that maner of life to make ſpede in offering ſome large maſſe of money for his libertie and deliueraunce.Rog. [...] Here is to be remembred by the way, that aboute the ſame time or ſomewhat be|fore, in the yeare of our Lord .1192. the Pope ſent two Legates (that is to witte,Two Leg [...] from the p [...] Octanian Biſhop of Hoſtia, and one Iordane de Foffa noua) into Normandie, to agree the Biſhop of Ely, and the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen: but commyng vnto Giſors, they were ſtaied from entring any further into the countrey,Normandi [...] interdited. wherevpon they dyd interdite the whole Duchie of Normandie, together with William Fitz Radulfe Lorde Steward of that countrey, bycauſe hee was the man that had ſo ſtaied them. Immediatly herevpon, Quene Ele|nor, and the Archebiſhoppe of Rouen ſent vnto thoſe Legates Hugh Biſhop of Durham, requi|ring them to releaſe that ſentence of interdiction ſo pronoũced agaynſt the ſteward and country of Normandie in the kings abſence, but they would not, except they might be receiued into Normã|die: howebeit, the Pope being ſent vnto, releaſed it, and cauſed the Legates to releaſe it alſo, & yet they entred not into Normandie at all. Alſo this yeare whileſt the Seneſhall of Gaſcoigne laye ſicke, the Earle of Pieregort,The Earle of Pieregon [...] others wa [...] king of Eng|land [...] lan [...] and the Vicount of Marche, and almoſt all the Lordes and Barons of Gaſcoignes, began to waſt and deſtroye the [figure appears here on page 508] landes of King Richard, and although the Se|neſhall many tymes by meſſengers required a peace, or at the leaſt ſome truce, yet coulde he not haue any graunte thereof:The Seneſchal of Gaſcoigne reuengeth that [...]tie. wherefore vppon hys recouery of healthe he inuaded the landes of the ſayde Earle, tooke the Caſtels and fortreſſes, and ſome of them he fortefied, and kept to the Kyngs vſe, and ſome of them hee raſed downe to the ground. Hee alſo inuaded the Vicountes coun|trey, and ſubdued it to the Kyngs gouerne|mente.
[1] Shortly after came the brother of the Kyng of Nauarre,The king of Nauerres brother. with eight hundred Knyghtes or men of armes to the Seneſhals ayde, and ſo they two togither entring into the lands of the Earle of Tholouſe, tooke dyuers Caſtels and fortreſ|ſes within the ſame, of the whiche ſome they for|tified, and ſome they raſed, and rode euen to the gates of Tholouſe, and lodged in manner vnder the walles of the Citie.
[1] A little before Chriſtmas alſo, diuers of thoſe that had bin in the holy lande with King Ry|chard, came home into England, not knowyng but that King Richarde had bin at home before [page 509] them, and beeing aſked where they thought hee was become, they coulde ſaye no more but that they had ſeene the ſhippe wherein he firſt went a|boorde, arriued at [...]rendize in Puglia.
[1] At length when the newes came how he was taken and ſtayed as priſoner, the Archbiſhop of Rouen and other the rulers of the realm of Eng|lande, [...]e Abbots of [...]ley & Ro| [...]ts Bridge. ſent with all ſpeede the Abbot of Boxeley, and the Abbot of Roberts bridge into Almaine to ſpeake with him, and to vnderſtand his ſtate, and what his pleaſure was in all things. They com|ming into Germanie, paſſed through the Coun|trey into Baierlande, where at a place called Oxefer, they founde the King as then on hys iourney towardes the Emperour, to whome (as ye haue hearde) the Duke of Auſtriche did ſende him.
[1] [2] The ſayd Abbots attended him to the Em|perours Court, and remayned there with him till the Emperor and he were accorded, in maner as after ſhall be ſhewed: and then after Eaſter they returned with the newes into Englande. [...]r. Do [...] Vpon report whereof order is taken for many things, but chiefely for the ſtate: in which dealings, and foraſmuch as thoſe which had the rule of the land ſtoode in great doubt of things (for the inconſtant nature of Earle Iohn was of them much ſuſpec|ted,) firſt they cauſed a newe othe of allegiance to be made to king Richarde, and receyued of the people. They fortifyed alſo ſuch townes and Caſtelles as were of importaunce, both wyth repayring the walles and other defences aboute the ſame, and furniſhing them with men, muni|tion and vitayles.
[1] [2] Thus was the lande brought into ſome or|der, in which meane while the Frenche King be|ing aduertiſed that King Richarde was detey|ned as priſoner, reioyced not a little thereof, and wyth all ſpeede by ſecrete Meſſages dyd|ſende for hys brother Earle Iohn,The French king counſel|leth king Iohn to vſurge a|gainſt his brother. who was readie to come at his call. And being come, hee exhorteth him not to ſuffer ſo conuenient an oc|caſion to paſſe, but to take the gouernment of the Realme of Englande nowe into his handes promiſing hym all ſuche ayde as hee coulde of hym reaſonably requyre: wyth other like talke ſtill tending to the prouocation of the Earle to forſake hys allegeanuce vnto hys brother. And to ſaye the truth, Earle Iohn was eaſily per|ſwaded ſo to doe, and therefore vpon his imme|diate returne into Englande, he aſſembled an ar|mie, and wyth the ſame (and ſuche ſtraungers as hee brought ouer wyth him) begynneth to proue mayſteryes, fyrſt wynning the Caſtelles of Wyndſore, Wallingforde, Notingham, and dyuerſe other, and fortifying the ſame to his own vſe and defence.
[1] In the meane tyme, the Barons of the land not iudging ſuche vnlawfull doyngs to bee anye longer ſuffered, fyrſt beſieged the Caſtell of Wyndſore, and after preparing to leuie a grea|ter force, did put them within in ſuche feare, that they yeelded vp the ſame, ſeeking to eſcape by flight, ſome into one place, and ſome into an other, the which yet being apprehended were put to worthie execution.
[figure appears here on page 509]
[1] But this was not done without continuance of tyme, [...]er. D [...]r. and without great trouble and charges to the Realme: for where as there was a prac|tiſe betwixt the French King and Earle Iohn, that a great power of ſtraungers, and namely Flemings ſhoulde haue come into the Realme, (for whoſe tranſporting a greate number of Shippes were brought togyther at Witſande) yet the high prouidence and goodneſſe of God diſ|appoynted theyr purpoſe. For their meſſengers being taken whiche were ſent hither into Eng|lande, the treaſon was reuealed, & by the Queene [page 510] mothers appoyntmente, (who chiefly then ruled the lande, a great company of Knightes, men of armes, and commons of the countrey, watched the Sea coaſtes, ouer againſt Flaunders, to keepe the enimies from landing. They began thus to watch in the Paſſion weeke, and ſo continued till a certaine time after Eaſter. Howbeit, Earle Iohn came ſecretly ouer, in hope to haue not only the aſſiſtance of the Welchmen and of many o|ther his friendes in Englande, but alſo of the Scottes, howbeit, the Kyng of Scottes woulde not meddle. Hee therefore with ſuche Welchmen and other as he had brought ouer, and ſuch Eng|liſhmen as he could get to take his part, beganne ſuch attemptes (as before yee haue hearde) to the diſquieting of the whole Realme, and great diſ|pleaſure of the Kyng.
[1] Moreouer, beſyde that power of the Barons which layde ſiege to Windſor Caſtel, there were noble men alſo in other parties of the Realme, that were ready to reſiſt hym.The Archb. of Yorke. Hugh B [...]rdolf. William de Stuteuille. And amongſt o|ther, Geffrey ye Archbiſhop of Yorke, with Hugh Bardolfe one of the Kings Iuſtices, and Willi|am de Stuteuille, aſſembled an army, and com|ming to Doncaſter, fortified the Towne: but when the Archbiſhop would haue gone forwarde to beſiege the Caſtell of Tickhill whiche Earle Iohn had in poſſeſſion, the other two his aſſoci|ates would not conſent to goe with him, bycauſe they were ſeruauntes, and reteyned with Earle Iohn. Heerewith the Archbiſhop beeyng ſore of|fended, departed from them, calling them Trai|tors to their Kyng, and enimies to the Realme.
[1] About the ſame tyme alſo, dyd the Frenche King enter into Normandy with an army, and comming to the Towne of Giſors, he beſieged it, the which one Gilbert de Vaſcoll or Guaſcoll that was Captayne thereof, to hys hygh reproch, yeelded vnto hym, with an other Caſtell alſo called Nefle, whiche hee hadde lykewiſe in kee|ping.
[1] After thys, the Frenche King entring into the Countrie of Veuxm, or Veulqueſſin,VVil. P [...] wanne dy|uers Townes and fortreſſes in the ſame, and paſſing forwarde, tooke Val de Rucil, and Neuf|burg, and fynally comming before the Citie of [figure appears here on page 510] Rouen hee layde ſiege thereto:Rouen beſie|ged. but the Earle of Leyceſter beeyng gote into the Citie before the French Kyngs comming thither, ſo encouraged the Citizens,The Earle of Leyceſter. that they ſtoutly ſtanding to theyr defence, cauſed the Frenche Kyng to hys greate diſhonor, to rayſe his field, hauing loſt there more than hee wanne. Yet to ſaue other Townes and Caſtels from taking, and the countrey from de|ſtruction the Rulers of the ſame procured a truce for a greate ſumme of money,Polidor. which they coue|naunted to gyue, deliuering vp foure notable Caſtels by way of engagemente, till the ſumme agreed vpon ſhould be to him cõtented and payd.
[1] In the meane time, Earle Iohn as head of all the conſpirators, perceyuing hymſelfe not able to archieue hys purpoſe as then, nor to reſiſt the Lords and Barons of the Realme, beeing vp in armoure againſte hym, and nowe growen to greater ſtomacke, bycauſe they vnderſtood by the Biſhop of Saliſbury lately arriued, of the Kings welfare, and hope of deliueraunce. And further|more, conſidering that he was diſappoynted both of ſuch Scottes and Flemmings as he had well hoped ſhoulde haue come to his ayde, hee tooke a truce with the Lordes of the Kyngs ſide, by the earneſt trauayle of the Biſhop of Saliſbury,Micha [...] hath Ger. D [...]. till the feaſt of all Sainctes, ſo as the Caſtels of Windſor, Walingford, and the Peake; ſhoulde remaine in the hands of his mother Quene Ele|anor, but ye Caſtels of Nottinghã and Tickhill, [page 511] remayned ſtill in his owne poſſeſſion, the whiche with ſuch other Caſtels as hee helde within the lande, he furniſhed with garniſons of his owne men and friendes, and then went againe ouer in|to Fraunce to the French king, to purchaſe ſome new ayde at his hands, according to his promiſe.
[...]il. Paruus.Here will we leaue Earle Iohn conferring with the
French king, and returne againe to the king of Englande. Vpon Palme Sunday
after that he was deliuered into the handes of the Em|perour, he was brought forth afore the Princes &
lordes of the Empyre,
[...]e Emperor [...]rgeth king [...]chard with [...]aries done [...]he Sicilians in whoſe preſence the Em|perour charged him
with diuerſe vnlawfull do|ings: but namely hee picked a quarell with him for
the wrongs and hurtes done to the Sicilians in time of his ſoiourning in
theyr Ile, as he went towardes the holy lande. For albeeit the ſayde Emperor
had nothing as then to doe in the coun|trey, yet forſomuch as he had lately
recouered the Ile of Sicille out of king Tankreds handes, and was now entituled king thereof by the Pope, in
right of his wife Conſtance, the daughter of Ro|ger king of Sicill, and ſo
by reaſon therof ſeemed to be grieuouſly offended with him for his doings
about the recouering of the money from Tan|cred, which neuertheleſſe was
iuſtly due vnto his ſiſter for hir dower, as in the proceſſe afore I haue
alredy declared: King Richard notwithſtanding theſe and other friuolous
obiections layde to hys charge,
[...]il. Paruus. [...]at. VVeſt.
[...]e kings wiſ| [...]e in ma| [...]g his an| [...]re.
[1] After that the Biſhop of Saliſburie was de|parted towardes Englande,Rog. Houed. the Biſhop of Elie came to the king,The Biſhop of Ely commeth to the king. and trauayled
ſo earneſtly be|twixt the Emperour and him, that finally the Emperour
(partly through his ſute, and partly that he had beene very much called vpon
by the Pope and other for his deliuerie) tooke order with him for the
redeeming of his libertie,
The Emperor agreeth with king Richard for his rãſome.
Nic. Triuet: Mat. Par.
[1] Moreouer we finde in Roger Houeden thatRog. Houed. the Emperour amongeſt other the Articles of thys agreement thus concluded betwixte hym [page 512] and king Richard gaue and graunted, and by his letters patents confyrmed vnto him theſe landes hereafter mẽtioned,Landes aſsig|ned to king Richard. that is to ſay: Prouance with the Citie of Vienne, and Viennois, the Citie of Marſells, Narbõ, Arles, & Lion vpõ the Rhone, with the countrey vp to the Alpes, & all thoſe poſ|ſeſſions which belonged to the Empyre in Bur|goine, with the homages of the king of Aragon, & of the Erle of S. Giles (wherein is to be noted, yt with the precinct of the premiſſes thus graunted to king Richard. v. Archbiſhops ſeas, and. xxxiij. Biſhops ſeas are included.) Howbeit the truth is, that the Emperour neuer had poſſeſſion of theſe countreys, cities, and townes himſelfe, neither would the inhabitants receyue any perſon ſo by him appoynted to theyr Lorde and gouernour, wherefore the king made ſmal account of that his ſo large graunt. But after that he once vnderſtood the certaintie of the ſumme that he ſhuld pay for his raunſome (which buſineſſe he moſt attended) he diſpatched one with letters by and by, and in great haſt into Englande to his treaſorers,Polidor. requi|ring them with all conuenient ſpeede to prouide money, and to ſende it to him by a day, that hee might be ſet at libertie with ſpeede.
Rog. Houed.
Order taken for leuying money to pay the kings raunſome.
[1] The Biſhop of Norwich lamenting the in|iurious dealings of the petty officers,The [...] Norwi [...] and pitying the people of the Church, collected halfe the value of all the Chalices within his Dioceſſe himſelfe, and to make vp the other halfe of the whole ſume, he ſpared not to giue a great portion of his owne treaſure.
[1] The Abbot of Saint Albones acquit all thoſe Churches within the compaſſe of his iuriſdiction,The Al [...] Saint Al [...] by the gyft of an hundred Markes.The Bi [...] Cheſter. But the Bi|ſhop of Cheſter had very yll lucke with his col|lections, for hauing gathered a great ſumme of money to the kings vſe, he was ſpoyled thereof in one night, as he lodged neare vnto Canterburie, being on his iourney towards the king:Mathew [...] Clere. & bycauſe Mathew de Cleere that lay in the Caſtel of Do|uer was knowne to ayde thoſe that robbed the ſayd Biſhop, the Archbiſhop of Canterburie pro|nounced him accurſed.
[1] About this tyme, and on the morrow after the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn
Rog. H [...]
The Bi [...] of Elie.
[1] The Queene mother, the Archbiſhop of Ro|uen, and ſuche other as had gouernment of the lande, hearing of his comming, mette hym at Saint Albones, where hee ſhewed to them the Emperours letters, conteyning the agreement made betwixt him and king Richarde, and with|all appoynted certaine Lordes and Barons to goe with him at his returne backe to the king, as Gilbert Biſhop of Rocheſter, Sifrid Biſhop of Chicheſter, Bennet Abbot of Peterborow, Ry|chard Earle of Clare, Roger Bigotte Earle of Norffolke, Geffrey de Saye, and dyuerſe o|ther.
[1] [2] It was alſo ordeyned at this ſame tyme that the money gathered towarde the payment of the kings raunſome ſhoulde remaine in cuſtodie of Hubert Biſhop of Saliſburie, Richarde Biſhop of London, William Earle of Arundell, Hame|lyne Earle of Warrenne, and of the Maior of London, vnder the ſeales of the Queene mother, and of the Archbiſhop of Rouen: but ſee the happe of things, whileſt eche one was thus occupied a|bout the aforeſayde money it chaunced,Anno [...] VVil. P [...] that king Richarde was at poynt to haue beene deliuered into the handes of his deadly aduerſarie the French king after this maner:
[1] [2] [3] The Emperour vpon diſpleaſure conceyued againſt the Biſhop of Liege, which lately had at|teyned to that benefice cõtrarie to the Emperors pleaſure, who wiſhed the ſame rather to an other perſon, hyred certayne naughtie fellowes to goe [page 513] into Fraunce, where the Biſhop remayned for feare of the Emperors malice, and there to finde meanes trayterouſly to ſlea him,The biſhop of [...]iege mur| [...]hered. which they ac|cordingly did, by reaſon wherof the Duke of Lo|naigne that was brother to the Biſhop, and other of his kinſmen, vpon knowledge had therof, ment to haue made the Emperour warre, in reuenge of that murther. Inſomuche that the Empe|rour to haue the Frenche Kings ayde agaynſte them, was mynded to haue delyuered king Ry|charde vnto him: howbeit after that the matter was taken vp, and a concorde made betwixt the Emperour and his nobles, he chaunged his pur|poſe alſo touching the deliuering ouer the King Richarde, who perceyuing that tyll his raun|ſome were payde (which woulde amounte to the ſumme of an hundred fiftie thouſand Markes) he ſhould not get libertie: and putting greate confi|dence in the dexteritie and diligence of Hubert bi|ſhop of Saliſburie (whome hee ſent as yee haue heard into England to deal for the leuying of the ſame) he thought good to aduaunce the ſame Bi|ſhop to the Metropolitane Sea of Canterburie, which had bene vacant euer ſith the deceaſe of the Archbiſhop Baldwin, that died (as ye haue heard) in the holy land. [...]Vil. Paruus. Herevpon wryting to the By|ſhops of the realme, and to the Monkes of Can|terburie, he required them to proceede to the elec|tion of an Archbiſhop for that Sea, and withall commended vnto them the foreſayde Hubert, as a man moſt ſufficient and meet for that roumth. He wrote likewiſe to the Queene to further that matter, [...]ubert Biſhop Salisburie [...]cted Arch| [...]iſhop of Can|terburie. and eaſily hereby obteyned his deſire. For ſhortly after, the ſame Hubert was elected by the Biſhops and Monkes, which aſſembled togither for that purpoſe. He was the .xlj. Archbiſhop that gouerned that Sea: for although Reginald Bi|ſhop of Bath was elected before him, yet bycauſe he dyed ere he was inſtalled, he is not put in the number.
[1] The king being now put in good hope of hys ſpeedie deliuerance, ſent into Englande, willing his mother Queene Elenor, the Archbiſhop of Rouen and others, to come ouer vnto him into Almain, [...]bert Arch| [...]hop of Cã| [...]burie, Lord [...]efe iuſtice. and in the meane tyme he ordeyned Hu|bert the Archbiſhop of Canterburie to remaine at home as Lorde chiefe Iuſtice.
[1] After this, the Emperour with the aduice of the Princes of the Empyre, hee aſſigned a daye to King Rycharde in whiche hee ſhoulde be de|lyuered oute of captiuitie, which was the Mon|daye nexte after the twentieth day of Chriſt|maſſe. Wherevpon King Richarde wrote vn|to Hubert Archbyſhop of Canterburie in forme as followeth.
[...] tenor of kings [...]rs.
RIchardus dei gratia rex Anlgiae, & dux Nor|maniae & Aquitaniae, & comes Andigauiae,
venirabili patri nostro in Christo, & amico cha|riſsimo Huberto eadem gratia Cantuarienſi Ar|chiepiſcopo ſalutem & ſincere dilectionis plenitudi|nem.
Quoniam certiores ſumus, quòd liberationem noſtram plurimùm deſideratis, & quòd liberatis noſtra admodum vos laetificat, ſcripto volumus quòd latitiae noſtrae participes firis. Inde eſt quòd dilectioni veſtrae dignum duximus ſignificare, dominũ Impe|ratorem certum diẽ liberationis noſtrae nobis praefix|iſſe, in die lunae proxima post viciſsimã die Natiui|tatis domini, & die dominica proxima ſequente co|vonabimur dé regno prouinclae, quod nobis dedito Vnde mittimus in Angliae literas domini Impera|toris ſuper hijs patetes, v [...]bis & caeteris amiois no|ſtris beneuolis. Vos ante interim pro omni poſſe ve|ſtro quos ſcitis nos diligere, cõſolare velitis, & quos ſcitis promotionem noſtram deſiderare.
Teste meipſo apud Spiram .xxij. die Decembris.
[1] The Emperor alſo ſignified by his letters to the Lordes of England his reſolute determina|tion in this matter, as followeth.
HEnricus dei gratia Romanorum Imperator,The tenor of the Emperors letters. & ſemper Auguſtus,
dilectis ſuis Archiep. Epiſ|pis, Comitibus, Baronibus, militibus, et vniuerſis alijs fidelibus Richardi illuſtris regis Anglorũ gratiam ſuam & omne bonũ.
Vniuerſitati veſtrae duximus intimandũ, quòd dilecto amico noſtro Richarde illu|ſtri regi Anglorũ domino veſtro certũ die libera|tionis ſuae ſtatuimus à ſecunda feria poſt die natiui|tatis domini in tres ſeptimanas apud Spiram ſiue a|pud Berenatiã, & inde in ſeptẽ dies poſuimus ei diẽ coronationis ſuae de regno Prouinciae, quod ei promi|ſimus: & hoc certũ habeatis, & indubitatũ, noſtri ſiquidẽ propoſiti eſt, et voluntatis, praefatum dominũ veſtrũ ſpecialẽ promouere ſicut amicũ noſtrum, & magnificentius honorare.
Datum apud Thealluſam vigilia beati Thomae Apoſtoli.
[1] Before this K. Richard had ſent the Biſhop of Ely into France vnto his brother Erle Iohn, the which did ſo much with, him that he returned into Normandie, and there ſware feaultie vnto his brother king Richard, and ſo was contented to forſake the French king. But where as king Richard commaunded that all ſuch Caſtels and honors as he had giuen to him afore time ſhoulde now be reſtored to him againe, as well thoſe in England, as the other on the further ſide the ſea:The kings commaunde|ment not obeyed. ſuch as had the ſame Caſtels in keeping woulde not obey the kings commaundement herein, re|fuſing to make reſtitution of thoſe places, accor|ding to the tenor & purport of the kings writ, vn|to ye ſaid Earle of Mortaigne, by reaſon of which refuſall, he returned again to the French king, and ſtuck to him: whervpõ the French king gaue vnto him ye caſtels of Dreincourt, & Arques, the which ought to haue bin deliuered vnto ye Archb. of Rei|mes as in pledge, who had trauelled as a meane betwixt ye French K. to whõ he was vncle, & the K. of England to whõ he was couſin, procuring [page 514] a meting for agreement to be had betwixt them at a certain place betwixt Vaucolour and Tulle in the borders of Lorraine. But notwithſtan|ding all that he coulde doe, matters were ſo farre out of frame, and ſuche miſtruſt was entred into the myndes of the partyes, that no concluſion helde. So that all the hope which king Richard had, was by payment of hys raunſome to redeme his libertie, and then to ſhift wyth things as hee myght.
[1] And ſo finally when the money was once re|die,1194
or rather a ſufficient portion thereof, the ſame was conueyed ouer into
Germany, and payment made to the Emperour of the more parte of the Kings
raunſome, and ſufficient pledges left with him for the reſt, as the
Archebiſhoppe of Rouen, the Biſhoppe of Bath,
Rog. Houed.
King Richard releaſed out of captiuitie.
[1] Herevpon king Richard after he had bene pri|ſoner one yeare, ſixe weekes, and three dayes, was ſet at libertie on Candlemaſſe day (as moſte wryters agree) and then with long and haſtie ior|neys, not keeping the high wayes, he haſted forth towards England. It is reported that if hee had lingred by the way, he had beene eftſoones appre|hended. For the Emperor being incenſed againſt him by Ambaſſadors that came from the French [figure appears here on page 514] King, immediately after he was ſet forward, be|ganne to repent him ſelfe in that hee had ſuffred him ſo ſoone to depart from him, and herevpon ſent men after him with all ſpeede to bring hym back, if they coulde by any meanes ouertake him, meaning as then to haue kept him in perpetuall priſon.
Rog. Houed.
The offers of the French K. and Erle Iohn to haue the K. of Englande
kept ſtill in priſon.
[1] Furthermore, king Richarde the ſame day in which he was reſtored to libertie, ſummoned by his letters Hugh Nouant Biſhop of Couentrie, to appeare in his court to anſwere ſuch things as were to be obiected againſt him, both afore ſpiri|tual iudges, in that he was a Biſhop, & alſo before [page 515] temporall in that he had holden and exerciſed a temporall office.
[2] Alſo the ſame daye the Emperour and the Princes of the Empyre, ſent letters
vnder theyr hands and ſeales to the French king, and to Iohn Erle of
Mortaigne, cõmaunding them immedi|ately vpon ſight of the ſame letters, to
reſtore vn|to king Richard al thoſe Caſtels, cities, townes, landes, and
other things, whiche they had taken from him during the time of his
remayning in captiuitie, and if they
refuſed thus to doe, then they gaue them to vnderſtande by the ſame
let|ters, that they would ayde King Richarde to re|couer that by force,
which had beene wrongfully taken from him. Moreouer king Richard gaue and by
his dead confirmed vnto ſundry Princes of the Empyre for their homage and
fealties, cer|taine yearely pencions,
[...]atly penti|s giuen by [...] king to [...]taine prin| [...] of the Em| [...]e.
VVil. Paruus.
The French king inuadeth Normandie.
[1] Finally after that king Richarde had diſpat|ched his buſineſſe with the Emperour, and the Princes of Almaigne, he ſet forwarde on hys iourney towardes Englande, and hauing the Emperors paſſeport, came to Colen, where of the Archbiſhop he was ioyfully receyued, the which Archbiſhop attended vppon him till hee came to Andwarpe, where king Richarde tooke the wa|ter in a Galley that belonged to Alan de Trench|mere,Rog. Houed. but in the night he went into a Shippe of Rie, being a verie fayre veſſell, and ſo laye a|bourde in hir all the nyght, and in the morning returned to the Galley, and ſo ſayled aboute the coaſt, tyll hee came to the Hauen of Swyn in Flaunders, and there ſtaying fiue dnyes,He landed the xx. of March being ſunday as Ro. Houed. and Radulf de Diceto doe write. on the ſixth daye hee ſette forth againe aad at length in good ſafetie landed at Sand|wiche the .xij. of March, and the morrow after came to Canterburie, where hee was receyued with Proceſſion, as Ger. Dorobor. hath. [figure appears here on page 515] From thence hee went to Rocheſter, and on the Wedneſday being the .xvj. of Marche, hee came vnto London, where he was receyued with great ioy and gladneſſe of the people, gyuing heartie thankes to almightie God for his ſafe returne and deliuerance.
[1] It is recorded by wryters, that when ſuche Lordes of Almaine as came ouer with him ſawe the great ryches which the Londoners ſhewed in that triumphant receyuing of their ſoueraigne Lorde and king, they maruelled greatly thereat, inſomuch that one of them ſayde vnto him, ſure|ly oh king, your people are wiſe and ſubtile which doe nothing doubt to ſhewe the beautifull ſhine of theyr ryches nowe that they haue receyued you home, where as before they ſeemed to be|wayle theyr neede and pouertie, whyleſt you re|mayned in captiuitie. For verily if the Empe|rour had vnderſtoode that the riches of the realme had bin ſuch, neither wold he haue bin perſwaded [page 516] that Englande coulde haue bene made bare of wealth neyther yet ſhould you ſo lightly haue eſ|caped his handes without the payment of a more huge and intollerable raunſome.
[1] The ſame yeare that king Richarde was ta|ken (as before is mentioned by the Duke of Au|ſtrich, one night in the Moneth of Ianuarie a|bout the firſt watch of the ſame night, the north|weſt ſide of the Element appeared of ſuch a rud|die colour as though it had burned, without any clowdes or other darkeneſſe to couer it, ſo that the ſtarres ſhined through that redneſſe, and might be very well diſcerned. Diuerſe bright ſtrakes ap|peared to flaſh vpwards now and then, deuiding the redneſſe, through the which the ſtarres ſeemed to be of a bright ſanguine colour.
[1] In Februarie nexte enſuing, one night after midnight the like wonder was ſeene, and ſhortly after newes came that the king was takẽ in Al|maine.
[1] And likewiſe the ſeconde day of Nouember a little before the breake of the day, the like thing appeared againe with leſſe feare and wonder to the people (than before) being now better accuſto|med to the like ſight againe. And now the ſame day & ſelfe houre that the king arriued at Sand|wiche being the ſecond houre of that day, whileſt the Sunne ſhone verie bright and cleare, there ap|peared a moſte brightſome and vnaccuſtomed clearneſſe, not farre diſtant from the Sunne, as it were to the length and breedth of a mans per|ſonage, hauing a red ſhining brightneſſe withall, lyke to the Rainbowe, which vnketh ſight when many behelde, there were that prognoſticated the king alreadie to be arriued.
Rog. Houed.
Diuerſe ſieges helde at one time.
[1] Alſo the Caſtell of Lancaſter was deliuered to him, the which the ſame Archbiſhops brother had in keeping vnder Earle Iohn,Saint Micha|els Mount. and likewiſe the Abbay of Saint Michaels Mount in Corn|wal, the which Abbey Henry de la Pomerey cha|ſing out the Monkes, had fortified agaynſt the king, and hearing newes of the Kings returne home, died (as it was thought) for pure grief and feare. Theſe three places were ſurrendered to the Archbiſhop before the kings returne, but Tickhill and Notingham helde out.
[1] King Richard being returned into England, and vnderſtanding both howe the French King made warre agaynſte him in Normandie, and that the ſtate of Englande was not a little diſ|quieted, by the practiſe of hys brother Erle Iohn and his complices, ſpecially by reaſon that dy|uerſe Caſtelles were defended by ſuch as he had placed in them, he thought good with all ſpeede to cutte of ſuch occaſions as myght breede a further miſchiefe.The king [...]+eth to Noting+ham and [...]+neth the c [...] And therevpon he firſt went to No|tingham, and within three dayes after his com|ming thither (which was on the day of the An|nunciation of our Ladie) hee conſtrayned them that kept the Caſtell there in his brothers name, to yeeld themſelues ſimply vnto his mercie,Reg. Ho [...] after they had abydden dyuerſe aſſaultes, by the which euen the firſt day the vtter gates were burnt, and certaine defences deſtroyed, which they had made before the ſame.
[1] The chiefe of them that were within this ca|ſtell to defende it were theſe, William de Ven|deuall Coneſtable there, Roger de Mounthe|gun, Raufe Murdac, Philip de Worcetter, and Ranulfe de Worcetter brethren.
[1] The morrow after the ſurrender made, the king went to Clipeſtone,The forreſt Shirewood and rode into the for|reſt of Shirewood, where he had neuer beene be|fore, the view whereof pleaſed him greatly.
[1] The Caſtell of Tickhill was likewiſe at the ſame tyme yeelded vnto the Biſhop of Durham, who receyued it to the kings vſe, and them that kept it as priſoners, without any compoſition, but ſtanding ſimply to the kings mercie. For al|though thoſe that had theſe Caſtelles in keeping, were ſufficiently prouided of all neceſſarie things for defence, yet the ſodaine comming of the king (whome they thought verily woulde neuer haue returned) put thẽ in ſuch feare,The Caſte [...] Tickhill y [...]+ded. that they wiſt not what to make of the matter, and ſo (as menne amazed) they yeelded wythout anye further ex|ception.
[1] The Biſhop of Durham bringing thoſe pri|ſoners with him which had yeelded vp this Ca|ſtell of Tickhill, came to the king the .xxvij.Rog. Hou [...] day of March, the verye day before that Notingham Caſtell was gyuen ouer.
[1] Moreouer this is to be remembred, that du|ring the ſiege of Notingham, there roſe conten|tion betwixt the two Archbiſhoppes of Canter|burie and Yorke,Strife be [...] the Archbi|ſhops for [...]|ing of th [...] Croſſes. about the cariage of their Croſ|ſes: for Hubert Archbiſhop of Canterburie com|ming thyther, hadde his Croſſe borne afore him, the Archbiſhoppe of Yorke (hauing no Croſſe there at all) was verye fore offended that any o|ther ſhoulde goe with Croſſe borne before him in his Dioces, and therefore complayned hereof to the King: But the Archebyſhop of Canter|burie mainteined that he had not done any thing but that which was lawfull for hym to doe, and therevpon made his appeale to Rome, that the [page 517] Pope might haue the hearing and iudgement of that controuerſie betwixt them.
[1] In the meane time, after the king had got the Caſtelles of Notingham and Tickhill into hys handes (as ye haue heard) he called a Parliament at Notingham, where the Queene mother ſat on [figure appears here on page 517] the right hãd of him, and the Archbiſhops of Can|terburie and Yorke on the left, with other By|ſhops, Earles and Barons according to theyr places.
[1] [...]fficers diſ| [...]arged.On the fyrſt day of theyr ſeſſion was Ge|rarde de Camville diſcharged of the office whiche he had borne of Sherif of Lyncolne, and diſpoſ|ſeſſed both of the Caſtell and countie. And ſo likewiſe was Hugh Bardolfe of the Caſtell and Countie of Yorke, [...]eutenant| [...]ips ſet on [...]e. and of the Caſtell of Scar|bourgh, and of the cuſtodie and keeping of the Countrey of Weſtmerlande, the which offices being nowe in the kings handes, he ſet them on ſale to hym that woulde gyue moſt. Hereof it came to paſſe, that where the Lorde Chancellor offred to giue fiftene hundred Markes before hande, for the Counties of Yorke, Lyncolne and Northampton, and an hundred Markes of en|creaſe of rent for euery of the ſame counties, [...]he Archbi| [...]op of Yorks [...]er. Gef|frey Archbiſhop of Yorke offred to the king three thouſand Markes aforehand, onely for the coun|tie of Yorke, and an hundred M [...]ckes yearly of increaſe, and ſo had the ſame committed to hys regiment.
[1] Moreouer in this Parliament, the king de|maunded iudgement agaynſt his brother Iohn, [...]e Biſhop of [...]ſter. and the Biſhop of Couentrey and Cheſter, Hugh Nouaunt, for ſuch trayterous and moſt diſloy|all attemptes as they had made agaynſt him and his Countreyes, and iudgement was giuen that both the ſayde Earle and Byſhoppe ſhould haue ſummons giuen them peremptorily to appeare, and if within fortie dayes after, they came not to anſwere ſuch playntes as might be layde againſt them, then ſhoulde Earle Iohn forfeyt all that he had within the realme, and the Biſhop ſhould ſtande to the iudgement of the Biſhoppes, in that hee was a Biſhoppe, and to the temporall Lordes in that hee hadde beene the Kinges Sherife.
[1] In this Parliament alſo, in the Kalendes of Aprill,A ſubſidie [...] the king procured a ſubſedie to be graun|ted vnto him, that is to witte, two ſhillings of e|uery plough lande through England, which ma|ner of ſubſidie by an olde name is called [...]eemen toll, or Theyme tolle. He alſo commaunded that euery man ſhoulde make for him the thirde parte of knightes ſeruice, accordingly as euerye fee might beare, to furniſh him forth into Norman|die. He demaunded of the Monkes Ciſteaux, all their woolles for the ſame yere. But bycauſe that ſeemed an ouer greeuous burthẽ vnto them, they fined with him as after ſhall appeare.
[1] The fourth day of this Parliament,The Archbi|ſhop of Yorke accuſed. by the kings permiſſion manye grienous complayntes were exhibited agaynſt the Archbiſhop of Yorke, for extortion and other vndue vexations, whiche he had practiſed: but he paſſed ſo little thereof, that he made no anſwere vnto their villes.
[1] Moreouer through the procurement of the Lorde Chancellor, Gerarde de Camville was arreigned of recepting theenes, & robbers,Gerarde de Camuile char|ged with felo|nie & treaſon. which had robbed certaine marchantes of theyr goodes, that were goyng to the fayre of Stamfort: alſo they appealed him of treaſon for refuſing to ſtand to his trial by order of the kings lawes at cõmaũ|dement of the kings iuſtices, bearing himſelf to be Earle Iohns man, and ayding the ſame Erle a|gaynſt the king. But all theſe accuſations hee flatly denyed, and ſo his aduerſaries put in pled|ges to follow their ſute, and he put in the like to defend himſelfe by one of his free holders.
[1] [page 518] The ſame day King Richarde receyued the king of Scottes at Clipeſton,The king of Scottes com|meth to ſee the king of Englande. comming nowe to viſite him, and to reioyce with him for his ſafe re|turne home after ſo long a iourney, and ſo many paſſed perilles.
[1] After they had paſſed the tyme a certaine ſpace in ioy and myrth, the fourth of Aprill at theyr be|ing togither at Malton, the king of Scottes re|quyred of king Rychard to haue reſtored to him the Counties of Northumberlande, Cumber|lande and Weſtmerlande, with the Countie of Lancaſter alſo, the which in right of his auncet|tors belonged to him, (as he alledged.)
[1] [2] A Parliament.King Richard aſſembling a Parliament of the Nobles of his realm at Northampton about xvj. dayes after that the Scottiſh king had made this requeſt, gaue him anſwer that by no meanes he might as then ſatiſfie his petition, for if hee ſhould ſo do, his aduerſaries in France would re|port that he did it for feare, and not for any loue or hartie friendſhip.His right be|like was ſmall But yet king Richard in the preſence there of his mother Queen Elenor, & the Lordes ſpirituall and temporall of his realme to|gither at that preſent aſſembled,A grant made to the king of Scots what al|lowance he ſhould haue when he com|meth into England. graunted and by his deed confirmed, vnto the ſayd king of Scots, and to his heyres for euer, that whenſoeuer he or any of them ſhould come by ſummons of the K. of England vnto his Court, the Biſhop of Dur|ham, and the Sherif of Northumberland ſhould receyue him at the water of Tweede, and ſafe-conduct him vnto the water of Theſe, and there ſhould the Archbiſhop of Yorke, and the Sherife of Yorke be ready to receyue him of thẽ, and from thence to giue their attendaunce vpon him vnto the borders of the next ſhire, and thus ſhoulde he be attended from ſhire to ſhire by Prelates and Sherifes, till he came to the kings Court, alſo from the time that the king of Scotland ſhoulde enter this realm of England, he ſhould haue day|ly out of the kings purſſe for his liuerey an hun|dred ſhillings, and after he came to the Court, he ſhould haue of allowance dayly for his liuerey, ſo long as he there remained .xxx. ſhillings, and .xij. manchet Waſtels .xij. manchet Symnels, foure gallons of the beſt wine, & .viij. gallons of houſ|hold wine, two pound of pepper, foure pounde of cumin, two ſtone of wax or elſe foure Links, and xl. great and long colpones of ſuch candels as are ſerued before the king, and .xxiiij. colpones of other candels that ſerue for the houſhold. And when he ſhoulde returne into his Countrey againe, then ſhoulde he be conuayed with the Biſhoppes and Sherifes from Countie to Countie, tyll he come to the water of Tweede, hauing an hundred ſhil|lings a daye of lyueray. &c. as is before ap|poynted.
[1] The charter of this graunt was deliuered vn|to William King of Scottes in the Towne of Northampton in Eaſter weeke, by the handes of William Biſhop of Ely Lorde Chancellor, in the yeare of our Lorde .1194. and in the fifth yeare of king Richard his raigne.
[1] After this, on the .xv. day of Aprill king Ri|chard hauing the ſayd king of Scots in his com|panie, came to Wyncheſter,A C [...] holdes [...] Winche where he called a Councell, and there in open aſſembly he highly [figure appears here on page 518] commended all thoſe of the Nobilitie, that in hys abſence hadde ſhewed themſelues fayth|full, and reſyſted hys brother, and ſuche other hys complyces, which hadde as dyſloyall per|ſones rebelled agaynſt him. Here hee alſo pro|claymed hys ſayde brother, and all thoſe that tooke hys parte, traytours to the Crowne, and tooke order for the puniſhment of them, that (be|ing of theyr faction,) coulde by any meanes bee apprehended.
[2] Alſo (as it were to put away the reproufe of hys Captiuitie and
impriſonement,) hee [page 519] cauſed himſelfe to bee eftſoones
crowned by the Archbiſhoppe Hubert,
[...]e king [...]ed of [...]. and ſo ſhewed himſelfe as a newe crowned King (in hope of
good ſucceſſe & better lucke to follow,) in the preſence of the ſayd
[figure appears here on page 519] king of Scots,
[...]g Houed.
[...] k. of Scots [...]eth one [...] ſwordes [...]ore the K. England.
Thus was the King etfſoones Crowned the ſeconde time at Wincheſter. the .xvij. of Aprill.
[1] Parliament [...]lled.After this, he called a Parliament, by vertue whereof he reuoked backe and reſumed into hys handes all patentes, annuities, fees, and other grauntes (before his voyage into the holy lande) by him made, or otherwiſe graunted or alienated, and bycauſe it ſhuld not ſeeme that he vſed a mere extort violence herein, he treated with euerie one of them in moſt curteous wiſe, bearing them in hand, that he knew wel they ment not to let forth theyr money to him vpon vſurie, but woulde be contented with ſuch reaſonable gain and profits, as had bene rayſed to their vſe in tyme of his ab|ſence of thoſe things which they helde of him by aſſignation in way of lone, ſo that now the ſame might be reſtored to him againe, ſith he ment not to ſell them, but to let them forth as it were to ferme for the time, as all menne might well vn|derſtande, conſidering that he coulde not main|teyne the porte of a king without receipt of thoſe profits which he had ſo let forth. With theſe gẽtle wordes therefore mixed with ſome dreadful alle|gations, he brought them al into ſuch perplexitie, that not one of them durſt withſtand his requeſt,The bold cou|rage of the Bi|ſhop of Lin|colne. nor alledge that he had wrong done to him, ex|cept Hugh the Biſhop of Lincolne, who ſticked not to ſay, that the king in this demaunde did thẽ and the reſt open iniurie.The Biſhop of Durham loſt his Erledome. The Biſhop of Durhã loſt his Erledome and was conſtreined to cõtent himſelfe with his olde Biſhoprike, and to leaue the dignitie of an Earle, or at the leaſtwiſe the poſſeſſions which hee had bought of the king be|fore his ſetting forwarde into the holy lande.
[1] Thus the king recouered againe thoſe things for the which hee had receyued great ſummes of money, without making any recompence, where the moſt part of the occupiers had not receyued ſcarcely a thirde part of the principall which they had layde forth. For no ſufficiencie of graunt, pa|tent, or other wryting to any of thẽ before made, did any thing auaile them. Moreouer, where he had borrowed a great ſumme of money of the Marchãts of the Staple,K Richardes practiſes. he wrought a feat with the Monkes of the Ciſteaux order to diſcharge that debt.The Monkes Ciſteaux. He told theſe Monkes that being con|ſtrayned with vrgent neceſſitie, hee had borowed that money of the Marchantes beyonde the ſea, vpon confidence of their good beneuolence, and therfore he required them to extend their liberality [page 520] ſo farre towarde him, as to delyuer ſo much wool in value, as ſhoulde diſcharge that debt. To bee ſhort, the Monks being ouercome with the kings wards, threatning kindneſſe vpon them, fulfilled his requeſt. Moreouer not ſatiſfied herewith, he leuyed a taſke throughout the Realme, exacting of euerie hyde of lande two ſhillings, according to the graunt made to him at Notingham: and the ſame was generally gathered, as well of the ſpi|rituall mens landes as of the temporall.
Rog. Houed.
The king of Scots maketh ſuite for Nor|thumberland.
[1] [2] Finally, after he had ſundry times moued this ſuyte for the hauing of thoſe landes vnto whiche he pretended a title, and could get nothing of K. Rich. but fayre words, putting him as it were in hope to obtein yt he requyred vpõ his next returne out of Fraunce, vpon the .xxij. day of Aprill be|ing Fryday, he tooke leaue of the king, and retur|ned towardes his Countrey, not verye ioyfull in that hee coulde not obteyne his ſuyte. King Richarde in this meane while cauſed all thoſe priſoners that were taken in the Caſtels of No|tingham, Tickill, Marlebourgh, Lancaſter, & S. Michaels mount, which were of any welth to be put in priſon,Mainpriſe. that they might fine for their raun|ſõs. The reſidue he ſuffred to depart vpõ ſureties that were boũd for thẽ in an C. marks a peece to be forth cõming when they ſhould be called. And now at lẽgth the king after he had gathered ſome greate portion of money, and ordeyned di|uerſe things for the behoofe of the common welth, therby to ſatiſfie the harts of the people, he prepa|red himſelfe to ſaile ouer into Normandie. But firſt he made the Archbiſhop of Yorke,Rog. Ho [...] & the Bi|ſhop of Ely Lord Chancellor friendes, aſwell for the apprehenſion & impriſoning of the Archb. at Douer, as for the diſhonourable expulſion of the Chancellor out of Englãd, in ſuch wiſe that the Chãcellor ſhuld vpõ reaſonable ſummõs giuẽ to him by the Archbiſhop ſweare with the hands of an hundred prieſts with him, that he neither com|maunded nor willed that the Archbiſhop ſhoulde be apprehended. The controuerſie betwixt the Archb. of Canterburie, and the Archb. of Yorke, about the bearing of their Croſſes, the K. woulde not meddle with, for as he ſayd, that perteyned to the Pope. Yet the Archb. of Canterburie cõplay|ned to king Richard of the iniurie done to him at that preſent, by the Archb. of Yorke, preſuming within his prouince to haue his Croſſe borne be|fore him. At length when the kings prouiſion was once readie for his voyage into Normandy, he came to Douer, and hearing that the Frenche king had beſieged the towne of Vernueil, and that the ſame was in daunger to bee taken, hee tooke the Sea togyther with his mother Queene Elenor on the ninth day of May,The king tranſport [...] ouer into Fraunce. and tranſpor|ting ouer into Normandie, arriued at Harfleete with an hundred great Shippes fraught with men, horſes and armour.
[1] The French king hearing of king Richardes arriuall, and that he was comming with a great power to the ſuccour of them within Vernueill,The French king rayſe [...] his ſiege [...] Vernueil. and was alreadie encamped neare to the towne of the Eagle, he plucked vp hys Tentes in the night before Whitſunday, and leauing the ſiege, departed from thence, and tooke a certaine ſmall Fortreſſe by the way as he marched, wherein he left a fewe Souldiers to keepe it to his vſe.
[1] King Richarde herewith entring into the French dominions, ſent three bandes of ſouldiers towards Vale de Ruell, & went himſelf vnto Lo|ches, and beſieging that Caſtell wanne it within [figure appears here on page 520] [page 521] a ſhort tyme. The Normans alſo recouered the Citie of Eureux out of the French mens hands,Nic. Triuet: but thoſe that were ſent vnto Rueill, and had beſieged the Caſtell there an eight dayes wyth|out any gayne, hearing that the Frenche King was comming towardes them, departed thence, and came backe to the Kings campe, where|vpon the French king comming to Ruell razed it to the grounde, bycauſe his enimie ſhoulde not at any time in wynning it neſtle there to the fur|ther domage of the Countrey.
[1] About the ſame tyme Robert Earle of Ley|ceſter iſſuing forth of Rouen in hope to worke ſome feate to the domage of the Frenchmen,Rog. Houed. as he rode ſomewhat vnaduiſedly in the landes of Hugh Gourney,The Earle of Leyceſter ta|ken priſoner. hee fell within daunger of hys enimies, who tooke hym priſoner, and a few other that were in his companie.
[1] The French king after this came with his ar|mie into the coaſts of Touraine, and came neare vnto Vandoſme, and there encamped, whereof king Richarde being aduertiſed, cõmeth to Van|doſme, [figure appears here on page 521] meaning to aſſayle the French K. in his campe, who hauing knowledge therof diſlodged with his armie early in the morning, and fledde away (to his great diſhonour) in all haſt poſſible. The King of Englande with his people follo|wing in chaſe of the French men ſlue many, and tooke a great number of priſoners, amongeſt whome was the french kings chiefe treaſurer.
[1] Alſo the Engliſh men tooke many Wagons and Sumpters laden with Croſſebowes, armor, plate, apparell, and the furniture of the Frenche Kings Chapell.
[1] This chaunced about .xxxvij. dayes after his [...]eeing in the night from Vernueil, of which two flightes made by the French king in maner as ye haue heard, we find theſe Verſes written:
Gallia fugiſti bis, & hoc ſub rege Philippo,Nec ſunt ſub modio facta pudenda tus.Vernolium, ſumit teſtem fuga prima, ſecundaVindocinum, noctem prima, ſecunda diem,Nocte fugam primam rapuiſti, mane ſecundam,Prima metus vitio, vi ſecunda fuit.
In Engliſh thus.
[1]France, twice thou fledſt, while Philip raignde,the worlde doth know thy ſhame,For Vernueil witneſſe beares of t [...] one,next Vandoſme knowes the ſame.Thy firſt by night, and next by day,thy heart and force do ſhowe,That firſt through feare, and next by force,VVe wrought thine ouerthrow.
[1] [2] This meane while in Euien certaine rebels, as the Lorde Geffrey de Rancin or Rancon,Geffrey de Rancon. The Earle of Engoleſme. and the Erle of Engoleſme with theyr complices, vp|pon confidence of the Frenche kings aſſiſtaunce, ſore diſquieted the countrey. Howbeit the ſonne of the King of Naueere,The king of Nauerres bro|ther. and brother to Beren|garia the Queene of Englande, entring into Guienne with an armye, waſted the landes of both thoſe Rebelles, till hee was called home by reaſon of his fathers death which chanced about the ſame time.An. reg. 6. Shortly after Geffrey Rancin died. And king Richard comming into the coun|trey wan the ſtrong Caſtell of Taylleburge by ſurrender, which apperteined to the ſame Geffrey with others, and then going agaynſt the other re|bels,Engoleſme wonne. he wan by force of aſſault the Citie of En|goleſme from him. All which time the Frenche king ſtirred not, by reaſon that there was ſome communication in hande for a truce to bee taken betwixt him & K. Richard,Polidor. VVil. Paruus. which by mediation of certaine Biſhops was ſhortly after concluded, [page 522] to endure for twelue monethes, the Byſhoppe of Elie was chiefe commiſſioner for the Kyng of England,Pol [...]dor. and this truce was accorded aboute La [...]mas, and ſerued to little purpoſe, excepte to giue libertie to eyther Prince, to breath a little, and in the meane time, to prouide themſelues of men, munition, ſhippes and money, that imme|diately after the tearme was expired, they mighte with greater force returne to the field agayne, for they hadde not onely a lyke deſire to followe the warres, but alſo vſed a like meane and practiſe to leaue money.Great exactiõs For whereas they hadde already made the temporaltie bare with often payments, and callyng them foorthe to ſerue with their per|ſons in the warres, they thoughte beſt nowe to fetch a fleece from the ſpiritualty and Churchmẽ, alſo conſidering that they hadde bin by reaſon of their immunitie more gently dealt with, and not appointed to ſerue themſelues in any manner of wiſe,The coulour pretended in leaving of money. and to colour this exaction withall, whiche they knewe woulde be euill taken of many, they bruted it abroade that they leuied this money vp|pon purpoſe, to ſend it into the holy lãd, towards the payment of the Chriſtian Souldiers, whych remained there vppon defence of thoſe Townes, which yet the Saraſſas had not conquered. K. Richard therefore comming to Tours in Tou|rame, required a greate ſumme of money of the Cleargie in thoſe parties, and the like requeſt hee made through out all thoſe his dominions, on that further ſide of the Sea. King Phillippe for his parte demaunded likewiſe intollerable tythes and dueties of all the Churchmen in his territo|ries, and thoſe that hadde the gathering of that money, ſerued their owne turne in dealing moſte ſtraightly with ſilly Prieſtes, making them to pay, what they thought good, though ſometyme beyond the boundes of equity and reaſon.
Rog. Houed.
Inquiſitions taken by a Iu|ry of ſundry matters.
[1] Alſo of the landes that belonged to Earle Iohn and what goodes he had,Earle Iohn. and what he helde in demayne, in wardes, eſcheates, and in giftes, and for what cauſe they were giuen.
[1] Alſo of his fautors and partakers whyche had made fine with the King, and whiche not, with many other articles touching the ſame Earle.
[1] Alſo of Vſurers,Vſurers. and of their goodes being de|ceaſſed, of wines ſolde contrary to the aſſiſe, of falſe meaſures, and of ſuche as hauing receyued the Croſſe to goe into the holy lande, dyed before they ſet forward. Alſo of graund aſſiſes that were of an hundred Shillings lande or vnder, and of defaultes, and of dyuers other things, the Iurates were charged to enquire, and preſent the ſame.
[1] Alſo the Iuſtices were appointed to cauſe the manours, fermes and lãds which the King held in demayne, or by wardes, and eſcheates, to bee ſurueyed by a ſubſtantiall Iurie, and to take or|der for the conuerting of them to ſuche vſe, as the Kyng myght be aunſwered of the gaynes ryſing by the ſame at the Fermers handes.
[1] Alſo, the Iewes were appoynted to enrolle all their debtes, pledges, lands, houſes,Iewes. rentes and poſſeſſions.
[1] Moreouer,Iuſtices She|rifes and o|ther office [...] there was inquiſition taken of Iu|ſtices Sherifes, Bailifes, Conneſtables, Fore|ſters and other officers, belonging to the Kyng to vnderſtande in what manner they hadde be|haued thẽſelues in takyng and ſeaſing of things into their handes, and of all ſuche goodes, giftes and promiſes hadde and receyued by occaſion of ſeaſure made of the landes of Earle Iohn and his fautors, and who receyued ye ſame,Hubert Ar [...]|biſhop of Canterb [...] Lorde chie [...] Iuſtice. and what delay was graunted by commaundemente of Huberte Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury, then Lorde chiefe Iuſtice.
[1] In this meane tyme, whyleſt theſe inquiſiti|ons were thus taken in Englande, King Ry|charde comming foorth of Poictow into Anion,Officers [...] to fine for their office [...] The King offended [...] the Lorde Chauncell [...] cauſed all the Baylifes and officers of that coun|trey, and alſo of Mayne, to fyne with hym for theyr offices, and after this, when hee came downe into Normandy, he ſeemed in apparance to bee offended with his Chauncellour the By|ſhoppe of Elie, about concludyng of the truce with the Frenche Kyng (where as ye haue heard hee was chiefe commiſſioner) miſliking greatly all that was done therein, and therefore hee tooke the ſeale from him, and cauſed a newe Seale to bee made, commaunding to be proclaymed tho|rough all his dominions, that whatſoeuer hadde bin ſealed with the olde Seale, ſhoulde ſtande in no force, both for that his Chauncelloure hadde wroughte more vndiſcretely than was conue|niente, and agayne, bycauſe the ſame ſeale was loſt, when Roger Malus Catulus hys vice-chauncelloure was drowned, who periſhed a|mongſt other by Shipwracke,A new ſeale. neere to the Iſle of Cipres, before the Kyng arriued there, beeyng as then on hys iourney into the holye lande. Therefore all menne hadde commaundemente [page 523] to come to this new ſeale, that would haue theyr charters and writings confirmed.
[1] Furthermore, whileſt the truce yet laſted, king Richard ſayled ouer into
Mat. Paris.
The king re+turneth into Englande. He graunteth the engliſhe men
li [...]ence [...]o turney.
Rog. Houede [...]
Fynes payde not licence to exerciſe tur| [...]mentes.
[1] The charter of this graunte was delyuered by the Kyng vnto William Earle of Saliſburie, to haue the keeping thereof: but Huberte Walter the Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury, and Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, made his brother Theobald Wal|ter collector of the money. The tenor of the charter was as followeth.
[1] [2]1.6.1.
RIcharde by the grace of God Kyng of Eng|lande, Duke of Normandy and Aquitayne, and Earle of Aniou,
to the reuerende father in Chriſt, Hubert Archbiſhop of Caunterbury, and priuate of all England, ſendeth greeting.
Know ye that we haue graunted that tournaments may be kept in Englande in fiue ſteedes, to witte, be|twixte Sariſburie and Wilton, betwixt War|wike and Kenelworth, betwixte Stanforde and Warmeford, betwixt Brackeley and Nixburgh, betwixte Blie and Tickhill, ſo that the peace of our land be not broken nor our Iuſticiers autho|ritie deminiſhed, nor anye domage done to oure Forreſtes: and that Earle that will turney there, ſhall giue to vs twentie markes, and a Baron tenne markes, and a Knighte that bathe landes ſhall gyue foure markes, and hee that hathe no lands ſhall gyue two markes.
Moreouer, no ſtraunger ſhall hee admitted to tourney there, wherevpon wee commaunde you, that at the day of the turneying, ye haue ther two Clarkes, and two of oure Knightes to receyue the othe of the Earles and Barons, whyche ſhall ſatiſfye vs of the ſayde ſummes of money, before the turneying begin, and that they ſuffer none to turney, til (before) they haue made payment, and haue cauſed to be entred how much, and of whom they haue receyued: and yee ſhall take tenne markes for thys charter to oure vſe, whereof the Earle of Saliſbury, and the Earle of Clare, and the Earle of Warren are pledges,
witneſſe my ſelfe, at Ville Leueſche,Biſhops town. the two and twentith of Auguſt.
[8] Furthermore, there were ordinances made and ſet foorthe for the ſafekeeping
of the peace, ſo that ſuche as woulde tourney, neyther by the way in comming
or going, or whileſt the turneying la|ſted, ſhoulde violently take any thyng
to ſerue theyr neceſſarie vſes, without paying therefore to the owner
accordyng to the worth, nor ſhould do iniurie to any man in any manner of
wiſe. But now to the other doings of Kyng Richard. Hee made no long abode in
Englande at this tyme, but ſhortly returned agayne into Normandy, bycauſe
hee hearde that Kyng Phillippe hadde an army ready leuied,I thinke hee came not ouer at all into En|glande at thys tyme, but
ra|ther ſente his mynde vnto the Archbiſh. and therefore meanyng
to buckle with hym vppon occaſion offered, hee made the more haſt, and
beeing landed there, hee approched to the boroures of ye Frẽch dominions,
encamping himſelfe with his army in the fielde
[figure appears here on page 523]
[page 524] to waite for the time that the truce ſhould be
ex|pired, leaſt the enimie ſhould in any exployte pre|uent him. In ſemblable
wiſe King Phillippe ha|uing with hym Earle Iohn Kyng Richardes brother, kept
his Souldiers and men of warre in a readineſſe with hym, to worke any feate
that ſhould be thought expedient aſſoone as the truce ſhould ende.
1195 Meſſengers frõ the Pope. Nonen C [...] yeeldeth [...] king Rich [...] Albemarle beſieged.
Math. VV [...] Polidor.
Rog. Houedẽ. VVil. Paruus. Mat. Paris: Polichron.
Bald wine de Betun.
[1] Thus (as yee haue heard) for feare of ye Cen|ſures of the Churche were the pledges reſtored, and the reſidue of the money behynde releaſſed.
[1] Thys thyng was to King Richarde bothe pleaſaunt, and alſo profitable for his ſoule healthe (as may bee thoughte) bycauſe hee tooke occaſion thereof to amend his owne former life, by conſi|dering how muche hee myghte bee reprehended for his ſundry faultes committed both agaynſte God and man. A maruellous matter to heare, [page 526] howe greatly from thencefoorth he reformed hys paſſed trade of liuing into a better forme and or|der.White Monks Moreouer, the Emperour gaue to the Ciſte|aux Monkes three thouſand markes of ſiluer per|cell of King Richards raunſome, to make ſyluer ſenſe [...]s in euery Church through out where they had any houſes, but the Abbots of the ſame order refuſed the gifte, being a portion of ſo wrongfull and vngodly a gayne. At which thing, when it came to the knowlege of King Richard, he great|ly maruelled at the firſt, but after commended the Abbots in their doings, but chiefly for ſhewyng that they were voyde of the accuſtomed greedi|neſſe of hauing, whiche moſt men ſuppoſed them to be much infected with.
Rog. Houedẽ.
Hugh Nouant Biſhop of Co|uentrie reſto|red to his See.
[1] The Archb. of Yorke.Alſo whereas the Archbiſhop of Yorke hadde offended Kyng Richard, hee pardoned him, and receyued him againe into fauoure, with the kiſſe of peace, wherevppon the Archbiſhoppe waxed ſo proude, that vſing the King reprochfully, hee loſt both his Archbiſhopricke, and the rule of Yorke|ſhire, whyche hee hadde in gouernemente as Sherife.
Pope Cele|ſtine. The Archb. of Caunterbury is made the Popes Legate.
[1] And further, the Pope wrote alſo to the Eng|liſhe Cleargie, giuing them to vnderſtande, that hee had created the ſayde Archbiſhop of Caunter|bury hys Legate, commaunding them ſo to ac|cept him: by vertue of whiche letters, the Archby|ſhop Huberte beeyng nowe both Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, Legate of the Apoſtolike ſea, and Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Englande, appoynted to holde a Counſell at Yorke, and therefore gaue knowledge by the Abbot of Binnham in North|folke, and one maſter Geruiſe, vnto the Canons of Yorke, and to the Archbiſhoppes officials of his purpoſed intention.
[1] The ſayd Canons and officials well conſide|ring of the Popes letters whiche were delyuered vnto them by the meſſengers, ſignifyed for an|ſwere, that they woulde gladly receyue hym as Legate of the Apoſtolyke See, but not as Arch|byſhoppe of Caunterbury, nor as theyr pri|mate.
[1] Heerewith he came vnto Yorke vppon Sainte Barnabees day beeing Sunday, and was recey|ued with Proceſſion.
[1] On the morrowe after, he helde court of pleaes of the Crowne, of aſſiſes, and ſuche other mat|ters, touching the King, and on the nexte daye beeyng Tweſday, he entred into the monaſterie of Sainte Maries in Yorke, and depoſed the Abbot, bycauſe of his infirmitie of body at the re|queſt of the Monkes, but the Abbot appealed to the Popes conſiſtory.
[1] A Synode [...]den at Y [...] After this, hee aſſembled the Cleargie in the Church of Saint Peter in Yorke, and there helde a Synode for reformation of thyngs amiſſe in the Church, and amendmente of manners in the [figure appears here on page 526] Cleargie, ſo that dyuers decrees were made there, the whiche for breefeneſſe we omitte to ſpeake of in perticular. Thys yeare alſo, the ſayd Arch|byſhoppe Huberte cauſed all menne through|out the Realme of Englande to receyue an othe, for to obſerue the Kynges peace, and [page 527] hat they ſhoulde not be robbers, nor receptors of robbers, nor in any wiſe conſenting vnto them, but ſhould do what in them mighte lie, to appre|hend all ſuche offendors, and to diſcouer them to the kings officers to bee apprehended, and to pur|ſue them vppon hew and crie to the vttermoſt of their powers, and thoſe that withdrew thẽſelues from ſuch purſute, ſhould be apprehended as par|takers with the offenders.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [...]e Emperor [...]deth to the [...]g.About this time alſo the Emperour ſent to K. Richarde, requiring him in no wiſe to conclude any peace with the Frenche King, but rather to inuade his dominions, promiſing to ayde hym in all that hee might:An. reg. 7. but Kyng Richard to vnder|ſtand further of the Emperours mind herein, [...]e Bishop of [...]e is ſent to [...] Emperour ſent ouer his Chauncellor the Biſhoppe of Elie vnto him in ambaſſadge, and in the meane time the warre was ſtill continued betwixte hym and the Frenche, by the whiche they were commonly put to the worſe, and Kyng Richarde inuadyng their bordures, did much hurt in waſting ye coũ|treys on each ſide. The Frenche Kyng was at one time ſo narrowly chaſed, that as hee woulde haue paſſed a bridge that lay ouer the water of Sayne, hee was in daunger of drowning by the fall of the ſame vnder him, but yet at lengthe hee eſcaped, [...]he two kin| [...]s talke to| [...]her. and gote to the further ſide. After thys, the two Kings came to a communication togy|ther, in the which a motion was made, that Le|wis the French Kyng his ſonne and heire ſhould haue in marriage the ſiſter of Arthur Duke of Britaine, and that Kyng Richarde in conſidera|tion thereof, ſhoulde ſurrender vnto them and to their heires the Townes of Giſors, Bademont, with the countrey of Veulqueſſine, or Veuxine le Normant, Vernon, Iuery and Paſcy, and fur|ther, ſhoulde giue vnto them twentie thouſande markes of ſiluer and on the other ſyde, the French Kyng ſhoulde reſigne vnto King Richarde all that he could demaund in the countie of Engen|leſme, and alſo reſtore vnto hym the Counties of Albemarle and Augy, with the Caſtel of Arkes, and all other Caſtels which he had takẽ in Nor|mandy, or in any partie during theſe laſt warres. But ther was a reſpite taken for the full conclu|ding and aſſuring of theſe conditions, till ye Oc|taues of all Saints, that King Richard myghte vnderſtande the Emperours pleaſure, withoute whoſe conſent he myght not conclude any thing concerning that matter, bycauſe he had ſent ſuch word vnto him by the Lorde Chauncellor, who at this time was attendant in his court. In the meane time, the Emperoure being aduertiſed of the whole matter, and articles afore mentioned, gaue knowledge to King Richarde by the By|ſhoppe of Elie at his returning backe, that thys forme of peace nothing lyked hym,The Emperor diſſuadeth the king from a|greeing to the peace. for (as hee al|ledged) it ſhould ſound to King Richardes diſho|nor if he ſurrendred any thing that he had not in poſſeſſion, and to encourage him to recouer thoſe things which had bin taken from him, the empe|roure pardoned him of ye ſeuenteene M. markes of ſiluer which yet remained behynde due vnto hym for the Kings raunſome. Howſoeuer the matter paſſed, the two Kings met not in the Octaues of all Saints, according to the appoyntment, al|though they were come, and approched very nere to the place, where they ſhoulde haue communed togither: but through the diſſimulation of the Frenchmen, they departed, withoute ſeeing the one the other,The vvarre is begon afreſh. and immediately they beginne the warre as fiercely, as at any time before. The French Kyng alſo tooke the Towne of Dieppe whiche King Richard hadde lately repared, and [figure appears here on page 527] brenned it, with the Shippes that harbored in the Hauen.
[2] After this, comming to Iſoldun, hee wanne the Towne and beſieged the
Caſtell: but Kyng [page 528] Richarde aduertiſed
thereof,The haſt which king Richard made came
with quicke ſpeede (making of three dayes iourney but one) and entred into
the Caſtell of Iſoldun to defend the ſame againſte his aduerſaries: and
forthwith there reſorted ſuche numbers of men vnto hym when they hearde howe
he was beſieged, that the Frenche Kyng doubting howe to retire from thence
in ſafetie, made ſute firſt to haue licence to depart, and after when that
would not be graun|ted, he required at the leaſt wiſe to talke with the
Kyng of Englãd about ſome agreement:
wher|vnto Kyng Richard condeſcended, and ſo comu|nyng togyther,The two kings againe talke togither of peace. they
concluded vppon a truce to endure from that day, being Saterday next after
the feaſt of Saint Nicholas, vnto the feaſt of S. Hillarie next enſuing, and
then to meete againe neere vnto Louiers with their counſels, that they might
grow by ſome reaſonable way, vnto a fi|nall peace and concord. And according
to thys Article,1196. ſhortly after the ſame feaſt of Sainte Hillarie,
The conditiõs of the peace concluded be|twixt the two kings.
Math. Paris.
[1] [2] Math. VVeſt.Vpon the other parte, the King of Englande ſhould reſigne Giſors, and certayne other places, and namely Veuxin or Veulqueſſine to ye Kyng of Fraunce.Mat. VVest. Mat. Par. Herevpon were ſureties alſo bounde for performance, and the forfeyture of fifteene thouſande markes aſſigned to be payde by ye par|tie that firſt brake the peace. Wherevppon, ſhort|ly after, when the French Kyng repenting hym ſelfe of the agreement, began to make war a new, King Richard ſeaſed into his hands all ye goodes and poſſeſſions that belonged to the Abbots of the order of the great Monaſtery of Cluny, and of Saint Denice and la Charitie, whiche hadde become ſuretie for the French King in ye ſumme of 1500. markes aforeſayde.
Rog. Houedẽ.
The Erle of Albemarle de|parted his life.
[1] Otho ſonne to the duke of Saxony.There was a motion alſo made for a marri|age betwixte the Lorde Otho, ſonne to Henry Duke of Saxony, Kyng Richardes nephewe by hys ſyſter, and the Lady Margaret, daughter to the Kyng of Scottes, ſo as they ſhould haue en|ioyed the Countreys of Lothian, Northumber|lande,Lawnes. and the Countie of Careleil with the Ca|ſtels.
[1] For the concluſion of this marriage, the Arch|biſhop of Caunterbury was ſente about Chriſt|mas to commune with the Kyng of Scottes: but bycauſe the Scottiſh Queene was then con|ceyued of childe, hir huſbande (in hope that God woulde ſende hym a ſonne) refuſed to ſtand vnto the aboue mentioned couenauntes.
[1] About thys time alſo,
VVil. P [...] Ran. H [...]
The Ab [...] Caen ſe [...] Englan [...]
[1] [2] The Kyng ſuppoſing hys wordes to be true, or at the leaſt wayes likely ſo to bee, and that in reforming ſuch vntroth in his officers, it ſhoulde bee both profitable to him, and well liked of the people, ſent this Abbot ouer, with commiſſion, to be as it were his generall Auditor. Howbeeit, the Byſhoppe of Caunterbury Hubert, whiche was gouernour of the Realme in cauſes both Tem|porall and ſpirituall, by reaſon he hadde both the Kings authoritie as his vicegerent, and alſo the Popes as his Legate authoriſed, dyd ſomewhat ſtomacke ye matter, in that it ſhoulde be thought, that he did ſuffer ſuch abuſes in the Kyngs offi|cers, and not reforme them: but he helde hym cõ|tente and ſayde little, ſith the Abbot ſhewed him the Kings commſſion to do that which he wente aboute, although hee brought it not to paſſe, for whereas hee came ouer in the Lente ſeaſon, and gaue out commaundements, that all ſuch as had any thing to doe in receipt of the Kyngs money, ſhould appeare before him at after Eaſter, he tar|ried not to ſee Eaſter himſelfe, but was called in|to another world, by the ſtroke of death, there to render an accomptes for his owne actes heere in thys life committed.
[1] At the ſame time,
Fabia [...]. VVil. P [...] Mat. P [...] Ran. Hig [...]
William [...]+bert.
[3] Moreouer, he declared to the Kyng, that by the extortion and bryberie of
certaine menne of great wealth, he loſt many forfaytes and eſchea|tes. Many
Gentlemen of honor ſore hated hym for his preſumptuous attempts to the
hyndering of theyr purpoſes: but he had ſuche comforte of the king, that he
little paſſed of their malice, but kept on his intent, till the king beeing
aduertiſed of the aſſemblies whiche he made, commaunded hym to ceaſſe from
ſuche doings, that the people myghte fall
agayne to theyr ſciences and occupa|tions whiche they hadde for the more
part lefte off, at the inſtigation of thys Willyam wyth the Long bearde, ſo
named of the long, heare of his beard,
VVhy he [...]vare his long [...]earde.
Mat. Paris.
[1] [...]eruaſius Dorober.And by ſuche perſwaſyons and meanes as he vſed, he hadde gotten two and fyftie thouſande perſons, readye to haue taken his parte, as ap|peared after by a rolle of theyr names founde in hys keepyng, beſydes dyuers Inſtrumentes of yron to breake vp houſes, and other thynges, ſeruyng to ſuche lyke purpoſes.
[1] Thus hee broughte the Comm [...]uers into a great lykyng of hym: but the ryche and weal|thye Citezens ſtoode in greate feare, ſo that they kepte theyr houſes, in armes, in doubte to bee robbed and ſlayne by hym in the nyghte ſea|ſon.
[1] The Archebyſhoppe of Canterburye (vnto whome the rule of the Realme chiefely be [...]n|ged,) beeing aduertiſed heereof, ſendeth for the greateſt number of the Citizens, and vſing them wyth gentle woordes, perſwaded them to dely|uer pledges, the better to aſſure hym, that no ſuche thyng ſhoulde chaunce, whyche was ſuſ|pected of manye, thoughe he was lothe to con|ceyue anye ſuche opinyon of them. They bee|ing ouercome with his courteous wordes, gaue vnto him pledges.
[1] After this, when the foreſayd Willyam ceaſ|ſed not to make congregations of the people,He is called be+fore the Archb [...] of Canterbury Lorde chief Iu|ſtice or preſi|dent of the realme. at lengthe the Archebiſhoppe ſente a commaunde|mente vnto hym, that hee ſhoulde appeare be|fore him and other of the Counſell, at a certayne prefixed daye, to aunſwere to ſuche thynges as myghte he layde to his charge.
[1] To be ſhorte, he didde ſo, at the tyme appoin|ted, but with ſuche a route of the common peo|ple aboute hym, that the Archebiſhoppe durſte not pronounce agaynſte him, but licenced him to departe for that tyme, giuyng him ſofte and gentle woordes: But certayn perſons were then appoynted by the ſayde Archebyſhoppe and o|ther of the Counſell to watche hym ſometyme when he ſhould haue no great companie aboute hym, and then to apprehende him.
[1] Amongſt thoſe that were thus commaunded to attache hym, were two burgeſſes of the Ci|tie, the whych hauing eſpyed a conuenient tyme for the execution of theyr purpoſe, ſette vppon hym to haue taken hym, but he getting an Axe, defended hymſelfe manfully: and in reſyſtyng, ſlewe one of them, and after that fledde into the Churche of Saynt Marye Bowe,He fleeth into the churche of S. Mary Bovv. kepyng the ſame not as a place of Sainctuarie, but as a for|treſſe: In ſo muche that by the helpe of ſuche as reſorted vnto hym, he defended it agaynſte his aduerſaryes, tyll with fyre and ſmoake, they conſtrayned hym to come foorthe, and all thoſe that were there with him:His concubine. Amongeſt them al|ſo was his concubine, who neuer lefte hym for any daunger that myght betyde him.
[1] The people regardyng the daunger of theyr pledges, came not out to ayde hym, as it was muche doubted they woulde haue done. Where|fore being thus attached, he was brought forth, and commyng out of the Churche, the ſonne of that burgeſſe whome he had ſlayne, (as you haue heard) ſtrake hym very ſore into the belly with a knife, in reuẽge of his fathers death. After this, he [page 530] was had to his araignmẽt before the Archbiſhop, ſittyng within the Towre, and beeing condem|ned, was from thence drawn with horſſes to the place of execution called the Elmes, and there [figure appears here on page 530] hanged on a Gybet,He is execu|ted. with nyne of his adherents, whiche hadde defended the Churche agaynſt the kings power: and yet for al this, the grudge cea|ſed not,VVil. Paruus Mat. Paris. but the common people reyſed a greate ſlaunder vpon the Archbiſhoppe, both for cauſing him to be taken out of the churche,The Archbish. of Canterburye euill ſpoken of, for the death of VVilliam Fitz O [...]bert. where he clai|med the priuiledge of Sayntuarie, and alſo for putting him to death, who was innocent (as they alledged) and not giltie to thoſe crimes that were layde agaynſt him: who ſought onely the defence of poore people agaynſt extortioners, and ſuche as were wrong doers.
[1] This rumour roſe ſo faſte, that at lengthe (by bruting abroade,An old vvhore monger, and a nevve ſaint. that certayne miracles ſhoulde be wroughte by a chayne, wherin he was bounde in tyme of his impriſonment) hee was taken for a Sainte. The place alſo where he ſuffred, was viſyted by women, and other ſuperſtitious folks, as a plotte of great holyneſſe tyll at lengthe the Archebiſhoppe cauſed it to be watched, to the end that no ſuche fooliſheneſſe ſhould be vſed there. At length the opinion whiche the people had thus fondly conceyued of his dertue and innoceneye, was by little and little remoued out of their hea|des, when his actes were more certaynely pu|blyſhed: as the ſlea [...]ng of a manne with his owne handes, and the vſyng of his Concubine within Bowe Churche, during the tyme of his being there.
[1] Alſo the Archbiſhoppe accurſed a Prieſt, which had firſte broughte vp the falſe reporte and fayned Fable of the miracle wroughte by the chayne, wherby the occaſion of Idolatrie was firſt giuen, and might eaſily haue bin continued, if the Arch|biſhop had not bin the wyſer man, and by ſuche meanes repreſſed the rumour.
[1] But now to returne vnto the doings of kyng Richard in France. Ye haue heard how a peace was concluded (as ſome haue written) but the ſame continued not long: for the Frenche kyng ſeeming to repente hymſelfe of that he had done, (as is aforeſayd) breaketh the peace, and reyſing a power, beſieged Albemarle, and at lengthe wanne it, and raſed it downe to the ground, and kyng Richarde gaue vnto hym three thouſande Markes of Syluer for the ranſom of his knigh|tes, and yeomen, or demylaunces (as I may call them) that were taken in that fortreſſe. After thys, the Frenche kyng wan Nonencourte, and Earle Iohn tooke the caſtell of Gamages.
[1] [2] Aboute the ſame tyme alſo kyng Rycharde gaue vnto hys Nephew Otho the Earledome of Poictowe:The Earledome of Poict [...]. Whyche I haue thoughte good to note oute of Roger Houeden,Iohn Bou [...] his doubt. to remoue the doubte of Iohn Bouchet, that in the thyrde parte of hys Annales of Aquitayne, meruay|leth of an olde Pancarte or Recorde, whyche he had ſeene, by the tenoure whereof, it appea|reth, that this Otho entitled hymſelfe Duke of Aquitayne and Earle of Poictou, beyng in his Caſtel of Manſterculbonin nere to Poictiers, in the yeare a thouſande, one hundred nyntie nyne, in preſence of Geffrey de Luſignen, and others, and graunted vnto a certaine perſon, the office of cutting the money in the mynte of that towne, as by the ſame Pancarte it further appeareth. The ſyghte whereof, broughte the ſayde Bou|chet into a greate perplexitie, conſyderyng that no Chronicle whyche hee hadde eyther ſeene, or hearde of, made mention of any Otho that ſhould be Duke of Aquitayn, or Erle of Poictou, eyther before that tyme, or after: Where againe it was euydente to hym, that Queene Elea|nore the mother of Kyng Rycharde, as then [page 531] lyuing, named hir ſelfe Ducheſſe of Aquitaine, and Counteſſe of Poictou: and likewyſe Kyng Richard entitled himſelfe duke of Aquitayn, and Earle of Poictou, euer after he had [...]nced the Earle of Barcelones daughter, as by dyuers re|cordes both of the mother, and the ſonne hee had ſeene perfect notice. At length yet he geſſeth (and that truly) that it ſhould be this Otho, to whom the mother and ſonne had aſſigned the Duchie of Aquitayne and countie of Poictou, for the main|tenance of his eſtate, he holdyng the ſame till the yeare .1199. in the whiche he was made Empe|rour by king Richards good helpe, as after ſhall be ſhewed more at large.
[1] Ranulph earle of Cheſter, toke his vvyfe the Ducheſſe of Britayn, pri|ſoner.About this time alſo as the Counteſſe of Bri|tayn, the mother of duke Arthur came into Nur|mandie to haue ſpoken with king Richard, Ra|nulph Earle of Cheſter hir huſbande meeting hir at Pountourſon, tooke hir as priſoner, and ſhutte hir vp within his caſtel at S. Iames de Bevme|ron: and when hir ſonne Arthur could not finde meanes to deliuer hir out of captiuitie, he ioyned with the king of France, and made great hauock in the lands of his vncle king Richard, whervpon the king gathered a mightie armie, and inuading Britayn with great force, cruelly waſted and de|ſtroyed the countrey.
[1] A dearth.Here is alſo to bee noted, that in this .vij. yeare of king Richard, a great dearth chanced through this realme of England, and in the coaſts about the ſame. Alſo aboute, the ſame tyme dyed Wil|liam Erle of Saliſbury,The death of the Earle of Salisburye. the ſonne of Erle Pa|trike, whoſe daughter and heire Kyng Richarde gaue in mariage, together with the Erledome of Saliſbury, vnto his ha [...]e brother, Iu [...]named Lõg Eſpe [...]
[1] [2] It chaunced moreouer,Rog. Houed [...] Mat. Paris. aboute the ſame time, that Erle Iohn the kings brothir with cer|tain capitaynes of ſuche hyred ſouldiors [...]s ſome ca [...] [...]anc [...]nt, other the Row [...], and the French hiſtories name them Caſt [...]u [...]s, or Coterells went abrode to atchieue ſome enterpriſe againſt the bi|ſhop of Beauvoys, and other Frenchmen, whiche had d [...]mache hurt to king Richards ſubiectes in thoſe parties. The chief leaders of thoſe Rõil|tes or Caſte [...], whiche went foorth with Erle Iohn, and ſerued v [...]r him at that tyme, wire two Pr [...]co [...], Marchades, and Lupeſcaro.Marchades, & Lupeſcaro. Theſe riding forth [...] coũtrey about Beau|voys, made haue [...]ing and ſpoyling all afore them. And as Philip the Biſhop of Beau|voys, a man more giuen to the campe than to the Churche, had knowledge hereof, thinkyng them to be a meete pray for him, with ſir William de Merlow and his ſonne, and a greate number of other valiaunt men of warre, came forth into the fields, & encoũtring with the enimies, [...]ought ve|ry ſtoutly. In the ende yet the Biſhop, the Arch|deacon,The Bishop of Beauvoys ta|ken priſoner [figure appears here on page 531] and all the chiefe capitaynes were taken the reſidue ſlayne and chaſ [...]d.
[1] After this, Earle Iohn and the foreſayd Ca|pitaynes paſſed foorth, and wann the towne of Milly, and ſo returned.
[1] The two Prelates, Erle Iohn and Marcha|des, preſented with grente triumph vnto Kyng Rycharde earely in the mornyng, lying yet in his hedde, as thoſe that were knowne to bee his greate eniemies, ſaying to hym in Frenche, Ryſe Richarde, aryſe, wee haue gotten the great Chauntour of Beauvoys, and a good quier man (wee take it) to aunſwere him in the fame note, and here we delyuer them vnto you to vſe at your diſcretion.
[1] The king ſeeing them ſmyled, and was verye gladde for the taking of this Biſhop, for that he had euer founde hym his greate aduerſarie: and therefore beeyng thus taken fightyng in the fielde with armour on his backe, he thought he myght bee [...]olde in temporall wyſe to chaſtyſe hym: Sith hee (not regardyng hys callyng) practiſed to moleſte hym wyth Temporall weapons: And herevppon hee committed hym to ſtrayte pryſon all armed as he was.
[1] It chanced ſoone after, that two of his chap|laynes came to the Kyng vnto Rouen, where this Byſhoppe was deteyned, beſeechyng the Kyng of licence to attend vppon theyr mayſter nowe in captiuitie: Vnto whome (as it is of ſome reported) the Kyng made thys aunſwere: I am contente to make you Iudges in the cauſe betwixte mee and your maiſter. As for the euils whiche he hath either done, either elſe gone aboute to doe vnto mee, lette the ſame be forgot|ten. This is true, that I being taken as I re|turned [page 532] from my iorney made into the holy land, and deliuered into the Emperors hands, was in reſpect of my kingly eſtate, vſed acording thervn|to verie friendly and honorably, till your maiſter comming thither (for what purpoſe hee himſelfe beſt knoweth) had long conference with the em|peror. After whiche, I for my parte in the nexte morning taſted the frute of their ouernights talk, being then loden, with as many yrons, as a good Aſſe mighte not verie eaſily haue borne. Iudge you therfore, what maner of impriſonment your maiſter deſerueth at my handes, that procured ſuch eaſe for me at the Emperors handes.
[1] The two Chaplaines had their mouths ſtop|ped with theſe wordes thus by the King vttered, and ſo departed their wayes. The Biſhop being ſtill deteyned in priſon, procured ſuite to be made to the Pope for his deliuerance: but the Pope, be|ing truly informed of the matter, and wiſely con|ſidering that the king had not taken the Biſhop preaching, but fighting, and kept him priſoner ra|ther as a roughe enimie, than as a peaceable pre|late, would not be earneſt with the king for hys deliuerance, but rather reproued the Biſhoppe, in that he had preferred ſecular warrefare before the ſpirituall, and had taken vppon him the vſe of a ſpeare in ſtead of a croſier: an helmet in ſtead of myter: an habergeon in ſtede of a white rochet: a tergate for a ſtoale: and an yron ſworde, in lieu of the ſpirituall ſword: and therfore he refuſed to vſe any commandment to king Richarde, for the ſetting of him at libertie. But yet he promiſed to doe what he coulde by way of intreating, that he might be releaſſed.
[1] It is reported by ſome writers, that the Pope at firſt, not vnderſtanding the truth of the whole circumſtance, ſhould ſend to king Richard, com|manding him by force of the Canons of ye church to delyuer his ſonnes the Biſhop and Archdeacon out of their captiuitie. To whom the king ſente their armour with this meſſage in Latine, Vide an tanica filij tui ſit, an non, that is, See whether theſe are the garments of thy ſonnes, or not: allu|ding to the ſaying of thoſe ye caryed Ioſephs cote to Iacob. Geneſ. 37. Which whẽ ye Pope ſaw, he ſaid: Nay by S. Peter, it is neither the apparell of my ſons, nor yet of my brethren: but rather they are the ve|ſtures of the children of Mars and ſo he left thẽ ſtill to be raunſomed at the kings pleaſure. The Biſhop thus ſeeing no hope to be deliuered with|out ſome agreement had betwixt the two kings, became now through yrkſomneſſe of his bondes, an earneſt mediatour for the peace, wheretofore he had bin an extreme ſtirrer vp of warre. Suche a Schoolemaiſter is impriſonmente, and plucker downe of loftie courages. But to proceede.
[1] [2] An. reg. 8. About the ſame tyme the Archbiſhop of Roan put all the countreye of Normandie vnder ſen|tence of interdiction, bycauſe kyng Richarde had begonne to fortifye a Caſtell at Liſle Dandely,Normandie i [...]+terdited by t [...] Archbishop [...] Rouen. vpon a peece of grounde whiche the Archbiſhoppe claymed to appertayne vnto his ſea. The matter was broughte afore the Pope, who perceyuyng the intent of King Richarde was not otherwyſe grounded vpon any couetous purpoſe to defraude the Churche of hir ryght, but only to buyld a for|treſſe in ſuche place as was moſte expedient for defence of the countrey about, to preſerue it from inuaſyon of the enimies: He counſelled the Arch|biſhop not to ſtande againſte the King in it, but to exchaunge with hym for ſome other landes, whiche was doone, and the Interdiction by the Pope releaſſed. The Biſhop of Ely Lord Chã|cellour,The Biſhop [...] Elye dep [...] this lyfe. being ſente about this buſineſſe towardes Rome, departed this life by the way at Poictiers in Ianuarie. But the Biſhops of Durham and Liſteux that were ſent with him, paſſed forward, and comming to Rome, informed the Pope of the matter, who toke order with the Biſhoppes (as before is mencioned.) The kyng gaue to the Church in Rouen in recompence, his milles whi|che he had in Rouen, ſo that the ſayde Churche ſhould paye the almes of olde tyme appoynted to be giuen for the ſame. He gaue to the ſaid churche likewyſe the towne of Diepe, and the Towne of Buſſeles, ſo that the Churche ſhoulde lykewyſe paye the almes aſſigned foorth of the ſame, being the ſumme of .372. poundes of Aniouyne money: Alſo the manour of Louers, and the Forreſt of Alermounde with the deere, and the appurtenan|ces. But now to other doings.
[1] About the ſame time, or not long before, where as there had beene long contention betwixte the kings of England, Rog. H [...] The king and the Earle of Tholouſe a|greed. and the Earles of S. Gyles for the Earledome of Tholouſe, King Richarde by way of aliaunce fell nowe at an appointement with Erle Raimond, that helde thoſe landes: for where as the Counteſſe Conſtaunce wife to the ſaide Raymond Erle of Tholouſe and Aunte to Kyng Phillip was now departed this life, King Richarde concluded a mariage betwene the ſayde Erle and his ſiſter Ioane, Quene of Sicill, ſom|time wife to William King of Sicill, ſo that be|ing thus ioyned in alliaunce with the ſaide Earle of Tholouſe on the one ſide, Mat. Paris. The Earle of Flanders alyed vvith K. Ric [...] he procured a leage alſo with the Earle of Flaunders Baldwyne on the other, vnto whome hee gaue fiue thouſande markes in rewarde, vpon condition that he ſhuld con [...]naunte not to growe to any agreement with the Frenche King without his conſent.Iaco. Me [...]. Les An [...] de France.
[1] Likewiſe the Earle of Bolongne Reginald, that was ſon to the Earle of Chaſteau Martine, alied hymſelfe with them againſt the Frenche King, and ſo dydde Baldwine Earle of Guy|nes with diuers other.
[1] And thus Kyng Richarde by ſuche aliaunce [page 533] hauyng his parte greatly ſtrengthened, prepared himſelfe to the warre more earneſtly than before, and taking order with the Erle of Flanders, that they ſhould inuade the French dominions in two ſeuerall quarters bothe at one time, as the Earle by Flannders, and he himſelfe by Normandye, acording to appointment betwixt them deuiſed.
[1] Iaco. Meir. VVil. ParuusThe Erle preparing an armie, firſte wan the Towne of Dowaye, and then beſieged Saincte Omers, and wan it after .v. weekes ſiege: wher|vpon they of Ayre yelded vnto him.Tovvns vvon by the Earle of Flaunders. Shortely afer he entred into Artoys, and beſieged the Ci|tie of Arras.
[1] At the ſame time king Richard marching to|wards Gyſors, wanne in his waye the Caſtelle of Corſelles, and deſtroyed it. That doone, hee came to Gyſors,Gyſors beſie|ged. and beſieged the towne, waſting all the countreye rounde aboute hym where hee came.
[1] The Frenche king beeing thus troubled wyth the inuaſion of his enimies in two ſeueral places at one preſent time, ſente certayne bandes of hys ſouldiors towards Arras, to keepe the Earle of Flaunders play, whileſt he himſelf goeth againſt king Richard: and cõming vnto Gyſors findeth it ſtraitly beſieged of the ſame king ſo that he wiſt not well how to enter the towne.
[1] At lengthe yet fayning to gyue battayle to Kyng Richarde, who vppon deſyre to receyue it, came abroade into the field,The French king entreth to Gyſors. the French king ruſheth foorth with all his whole force to make towardes the Towne, and ſo gotte into it, thoughe not withoute greate loſſe and damage of his people.
[1] King Richard not meanyng to breake vp his ſiege from beefore the Towne, (notwythſtan|ding the Frenche kyng hadde entred it) ſtayed a certayne tyme of purpoſe to wynne it, know|ing the gayne to bee the greater,King Richard reiſeth his ſi [...] and hys name more famous, if hee myghte atchieue hys pur|poſe, nowe that his aduerſarie was within it. But when hee ſawe it woulde not bee, hee reyſed his ſiege, and departed towardes Cleremonte, ſpoyling all the Countrey by hys forray [...] as hee [figure appears here on page 533] wente, ſo that hee wanne greate pillage, where|with hys Souldiers were loaden and made ve|rie ryche.
[1] It chaunced, that in a ſkirmiſhe, Hugh de Chaumount was taken Priſoner,Hugh de Chau+mount taken priſoner. one that was of the Frenche Kynges priuie councell, and king Richarde appoynted hym to the keepyng of Roberte Ros, who charged one of hys ſer|uauntes named William de Spyney with the cuſtody of hym. But the ſayde Hugh corrup|tyng hys keeper the foreſayde William, eſcaped out of the Caſtell of Bonneville, where he was within warde, to the greate diſpleaſure of kyng Rycharde, who cauſed Roberte Ros to paye for a fyne,Robert Roſſe p [...] to his fyne fo [...] eſcape. the ſumme of twelue hundred markes, whyche the Priſoner ſhoulde haue payde for hys raunſome: and further, commaunded William de Spyney to bee hanged for hys diſloyall dea|ling.
[1] Kyng Phillippe, after that the King of Eng|lande was remoued from Giſors (as before yee haue hearde,) aſſembled a greate hoſt, and with banner diſplayed, entred into Normandy;Mat. Paris. and waſted the countreye from Newburg to Beau|mountle Rogier, and that done, returned into Fraunce, licencing his men to returne vnto theyr homes.
[1] About the ſame time,
Ni. Triuet.
The Frenche kings requeſt for a combate.
[1] 1196.Herevpon, when ſhortly after it was ſignified to Kyng Richarde,Mat. Paris. that ſhips vſed to come oute of Englande to Sainte Valerye with victualles whiche were ſoulde and conueied awaye vnto the Frenche king and other his enimies, hee rode to Sainte Valeries, and ſet the towne on fire, and ſuche ſhippes of Englande as he founde there, he [figure appears here on page 534] alſo brent, [...]hips brent, & [...]ariners han|ged. and hanged the mariners by the necke, deuiding the graine and other victualles whiche were founde in the ſame Shippes amongeſt his owne ſouldiers.
[1] [...]es Annales [...]e France.About the ſame time he got the fauour of them of Champaigne and of the Brytons, and Wil|lyam Creſpine alſo was conſtrayned to delyuer vnto hym the Caſtell of Auge, but the Frenche king recouered it by ſiege, whileſt king Rycharde entryng into Aluergue wanne dyuers caſtelles there, to the number of tenne out of king Philips handes.An. reg. 9. In the meane time the Earle of Flaun|ders made ſore warre agaynſte the frenche king for his part, and treyning the ſame kyng within ſtreites, ſo that he was almoſt encloſed on eche ſide, he conſtrayned him to agree to ſuch compo|ſition as pleaſed the ſame Earle to appoynt, but afterwardes the frenche king refuſed to ſtande to the couenauntes of that agreement, and ſo the warre continued betwixt them as before.
Rog. Houed.At length king Richarde and the frenche
king concluded vpon an abſtinence of warre to endure from the feaſt of Saint
Hillary for one hole yere,
One year [...]
[...]mon [...]el [...]
VVil. P [...]
[1] In which ſeaſon Baldwine Earle of Flaun|ders came into Englande to doe hys deuotions vnto the ſhrine where Thomas the Archebiſhop, laye buried at Canterburye. The ſame yeare alſo ſomewhat before this time,Griffin king [...] of VVales d [...]+ed this lyfe. Riſe ap Griffin king of Wales departed thys life, after whoſe deathe there fell diſcorde betwixt his ſonnes for the ſuc|ceſſion, till the Archebiſhoppe Hubert went to the marches of that country and made an agreemẽt betwixt them.
[1] [2] Not long after, Roger the brother of Robert earle of Leiceſter, elected biſhoppe of Saint An|drewes in Scotland, receiued the order of prieſte|hoode, and was conſecrate biſhoppe by the handes of the biſhop of Aberdine. And this yeare it was ordeigned that meaſures of all manner of grayne ſhoulde conteigne one quantitie throughout the Realme, that is to ſay, one reſonable horſelode,VVeyg [...]s and meaſures. and that the meaſures of wine and ale wyth all manner of licours ſhuld be of one iuſte quantitie according to the diuerſitie of the licour: alſo that weightes ſhoulde be of like rate throughout the Realme, and that clothe ſhoulde conteine twoo yardes in breadth within the liſts, of perfect good|nes throughout, aſwell in the middes as by the ſides, and that one manner of yarde ſhuld be vſed through the realme: it was alſo ordeigned that no marchantes within the Realme ſhoulde hang anye redde or blacke clothes afore theyr ſhoppe windowes, nor ſet vp any pentiſes or other thing whereby to darken the light from thoſe that come to buye theyr clothe, ſo as they might be deceyued in chooſing thereof.
[1] Alſo it was enacted that there ſhoulde be foure or ſyxe ſubſtanciall honeſt menne choſen in eue|rye towne: and lykewyſe in Shyres, wyth the head officers of Cities and Boroughes, whiche hadde a Corporation, to ſee that the Aſſyſes a|foreſayde were truely kepte, and that if anye were founde to be offendyng in the premiſſes, to cauſe their bodyes to bee attached and commit|ted [page 535] to priſon, and their goodes to be ſeyſed to the kings vſe: And if thoſe that were choſen to haue regarde thereto, were tryed to bee negligente, ſo that by other, and not by them anye offen|ders chaunced to bee conuicted afore the Iuſti|ces, then ſhoulde the regarders bee put to theyr fynes, for the negligente looking to their offices and charge.
[1] Kyng Richarde helde his Chriſtmaſſe this yeare at Roan, and Huberte the Archbiſhoppe of Canterburye Legate of the Apoſtolique ſea, named Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Englande,1198. was aboute the ſame time in the marches of Wales at Hereforde, and there receyued into his han|des, the Caſtels of Hereforde, Bridgenorth and Ludlow, remouing thoſe that had the ſame in ke|ping,Monkes placed agayne in the churche of Co|uentrie. & appoynting other in their roomths. After|wards coming by Couentrie, he placed ye Monks agayne in the Cathedrall churche of that Citie by commandement of Pope Celeſtine, and cha|ſed out the ſecular Canons, whiche the Biſhop Hugh Nouant had brought into the ſame church when he remoued the Monkes.
[1] In the Chriſtmaſſe weeke alſo there came to Rouen meſſengers from the Archebiſhoppes of Coleyn and Mentz, and from other ſtates of the Empire,Meſſengers frõ the ſtates of Germanie. the whiche declared vnto kyng Richard, that all the Princes of Germanie were appoin|ted to aſſemble at Coleyn, the .xxij. of Februarie about the chooſing of a newe Emperour, in place of the late deceaſſed Henrye: and therefore they commaunded him by force of the othe and league in whiche he was bounde to the Emperour and Empire, that all excuſe of denyal or occaſions, to the contrary ceaſſyng and ſette a parte, he ſhould make his repaire vnto Coleyne at the foreſayde daye, to helpe them in chooſing of ſome woorthye perſonage that mighte and was able to haue the Empire. King Richard doubting to put hym|ſelfe in daunger, bicauſe he had not diſcharged all the debte due for his raunſome, ſtayed at home, but yet he ſent diuers noble men thyther, and did ſo muche in fauour of his nephue Otho, that by the helpe of the foreſayd two Archbiſhops of Co|lemand Mentz. the ſame Otho was elected em|perour. But of this matter more ſhall bee ſayde hereafter.
[1] Three hundred knights of m [...]n of a [...] to bee founde.Moreouer about the ſame tyme king Richard required by the Archebiſhop of Canterburye his chiefe Iuſtice, an ayde of .iij. hundred knightes to be founde by his ſubiectes of England, to remain with him in his ſeruice for one whole yere, or elſe that they woulde giue him ſo muche money, as myght ſerue to reteyne that number after the rate of .iij. ſ. a daye of Englyſhe money for euerye knyghte. Whereas all other were contented to be contibutories herein, onely Hughe Biſhop of Lincoln refuſed,The biſhop of Linc [...]ne. and ſpake ſore againſt the Arch|biſhop that moued the matter.
[1] But howe ſo euer that requeſte tooke place, King Richarde (as we fynde) leuyed thys yeare a Subſidie of fiue ſhillings of euery hide of lande within the realme two Commiſſioners, that is to witte, one of the Spiritualtie, and a knyghte of the Temporaltie being appoynted as Com|miſſioners in euery Shire, with the aſſiſtance of Sheriffe, and others, to ſee the ſame aſſeſſed and rated after an hundred acres of lande to the hyde of lande, according to the cuſtome.
[1] The ſame yeare alſo the Monkes of the houſe of the holye Trinitie,The Mon [...] of Chriſts c [...]+che ſend to Pope, com [...]+ning of thei [...] Archbishop [...] otherwyſe called Chriſtes churche in Canterbury, exhibited their complaint vnto Pope Innocent, that theyr Archebiſhoppe Hubert (contrary to his order and dignitie) exer|ciſed the office of highe Iuſtice and ſate in iudge|ment of bloud, beeing ſo encombred in temporall matters, that he could not haue time to diſcharge his office touchyng Spirituall cauſes: where|vpon the Pope ſent vnto kyng Richard,The Pope [...]+deth to the [...] admo|niſhing hym not to ſuffer the ſayde Archebiſhop to bee any longer troubled with temporall affai|res, but to diſchardge hym thereof and not to ad|mit any ſpirituall perſon from thenceforthe vnto any temporall adminiſtration.
[1] He further prohibited by vertue of their obe|dience all manner of Prelates and menne of the churche that they ſhoulde not preſume raſhlye to take vpon them any maner of ſecular function or office. Whereupon the Archebiſhoppe was diſ|charged of his office of chief Iuſtice, and Geffrey Fitz Peter ſucceded in gouernement of the realme in his ſteede. Geruaſius Dorobernenſis ſayth, that the Archebiſhoppe reſigned that office of hys owne accorde, and that not till after his retourne from the marches of Wales, where he had ouer|throwen the Welchemen, and ſlayne fyue thou|ſande of them. Whiche victory other aſcribe vnto Geffrey Fitz Peter, whiche Geffrey (as the ſayd Dorobernenſis ſayth) ſucceeded the Archebiſhop in the office of Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, but not vntill Auguſte, in the tenthe yeare of the Kings Reigne.
[1] In which tenth yeare immediatly vpon the ex|piring of the truce whiche was taken till harueſt might be ended,An. reg 1 [...] the warre betwixt the two kyngs of Englande and Fraunce beganne eftſoones to be purſued with like earneſtnes as before, wherupon many encounters chaunced betwixt the parties, wyth taking of Townes and fortreſſes. as com|monly in ſuche caſes it happeneth.
[1] Twice the French king was put to the worſe, once in September betwixt Gamages and Ver|non, wher he was driuen to ſaue himſelf by flight loſing twenty Knights, and threeſcore ſeruitors or yeomen, whiche were taken, beſides thoſe that were ſlayne.
[1] [2] [page 536] And againe in the ſame moneth on Michael|maſſe euen betwixte Curſeilles and Gyſours, at what time he came to ſuccor Curſeilles, bringing with him .400. knightes, beſide ſeruitors, & a great multitude of cõmons. But the caſtel was won be+fore he could approch to it. And K. Richard ad|uertiſed of his coming, haſted forth to mete him, and giuing the onſet vpon him, forced him to flee vnto Gyſors, where at the entring of the bridge there was ſuche preaſſe, that the bridge brake, ſo that amongſt other,King Philip al|moſt drovvned the king himſelfe wyth hys horſe and all fel into the riuer of Gethe, and with muche a doe was relieued, and gotte out of the water, no ſmall number of right hardie and vali|ant Gentlemen, beeing taken at the ſame tyme, whiche put themſelues forwarde to ſtay the En|gliſhmen tyll the king was recouered out of that preſent daunger.
[1] To conclude,Seuen ſcore hath Rog. Ho|ueden. there were taken to the number of an hundred Knightes, and two hundred bar|ded [figure appears here on page 536] horſes, beſides ſeruitours on horſebacke, and footmen with Croſſebowes. [...]ath. Paris. [...]g. Houed. Amongſt other Pri|ſoners theſe are named, Mathewe de Montmo|rancie, Gales de Ports, Iollen de Bray, and ma|ny other innumerable.
[1] [2] King Richard hauing got this victorie, wrote letters therof vnto ye Archbiſhops, biſhops, abbots erles & barons of his realme, yt they might prayſe GOD for his good ſucceſſe. And ſuche were the proceedyngs of the K. of Fraunce at thys tyme, the farther relation whereof ſhall ſtay a whyle, till we haue touched other things that hapned in England at the ſame ſeaſon. And firſt ye ſhall vnderſtand, that Hugh Bardolfe, Roger Arun|dell, and Geffrey Hachet, to whome as Iuſtices, the counties of Lincolne, Notingham, Yorke, Derby, Northumberland, Weſtmerland, Cum|berlande, and Lancaſter, were appoynted for circuites, helde not only pleas of aſſiſes, and of the Crowne, [...]quiſitions [...]ken. but alſo tooke Inquiſitions of Eſ|cheates, and for faytures of all manner of tranſ|greſſions, and of donations of benefices, of ma|ryages of widowes and maydes, and other ſuch lyke things as appertayned to the king, whereby any aduantages grewe to his vſe, the which for tediouſneſſe we paſſe ouer.
[1] [2] [3] Theſe thynges were ſtrayghtly looked to, not without the diſquieting of many. And heere|with came an other trouble in the necke of this former, to dyuers perſons wythin the Realme thorough Inquiries taken by the Iuſtices of the Forreſtes, for Hugh Neuyl, Hugh Waley, and Heruiſius Neuylle, appoynted Iuſtices Itineran|tes, in that caſe, were commaunded by the king to call afore them Archebiſhoppes, Biſhoppes, Earles, Barons, Knyghtes, and Freeholders, wyth the Reeue, and foure of the ſubſtanciall men of euery towne or village, to heare and take knowledge of the kings commaundement, tou|chyng the ordinaunces of Forreſtes,Ordinances of forreſtes. the whiche were verie ſtraighte in ſundry poyntes, ſo that where as before thoſe that offended in killyng of the kyngs deere were puniſhed by the purſe, now they ſhould loſe their eyes and genitories, as the lawe was in the dayes of king Henry his grand|father: and thoſe that offended in cutting downe wooddes or buſhes, or in digging and deluing vp of turues and cloddes, or by any other maner of way made waſte and deſtruction in wooddes or graſſe, in waſte or venyſon, within the precinct of the Foreſtes, contrary to order, they ſhould be put to their fines. He gaue commaundement al|ſo, that it ſhoulde bee lawefull to the Forreſters to take and put vnder arreſt, as well Prieſtes,Prieſts to be a|reſted offẽding in foreſtes. and thoſe of the Clergie, as temporall men, be|yng founde offendyng in Forreſt groundes and chaſes.
[1] Manye other ordinaunces were decreed tou|ching the preſeruation of Foreſts, and the kings prerogatiue, aduauntages and profites riſing and growing by the ſame, as well for ſauyng of hys wooddes and waſtes, as in pannage and agiſte|mentes, greately to the reſtraynte of them that myghte vſurpe or incroche vppon the groundes within compaſſe of his foreſtes.
[1] Ye haue heard before, how the Monks of Cã|terbury did ſende to exhibite a complaynte to the Pope, for that their Archbiſhoppe tooke vpon him to deale in exerciſe of matters belongyng to a temporall man,Gerua. D [...]. and not to ſuche one as had rule ouer the ſpiritualtie: but thys was not the cauſe that dydde greeue them ſo muche, as that hee went forwarde wyth the erection of that chur|che at Lameth, which his predeceſſor the Arch|biſhop [page 537] Baldwin had firſt begonne at Hake|ton,The Churche of Lammeth. nowe called Saint Stephens (as before ye haue heard) and after was driuen throughe the importunate ſuite of the Monkes to leaue off, and raſe that, which he had there begonne, to obey the Popes pleaſure: and after layde a newe foundation at Lameth.
[1] [2] The Monkes of Canterburie therefore ſtill fearing leſte that churche ſhulde greately pre|iudice ſuch right and liberties, as they preten|ded, namely in the election of their archbiſhop, woulde neuer reſte, but ſtill complayned and followed their ſuite in moſt obſtinate manner in the court of Rome, aſwel in the dayes of the ſayde Baldwine, as nowe agaynſte Huberte, (when he took in hande to continue the worke accordyng to the purpoſe of hys predeceſſoure the ſayde Baldwine, whiche was to haue in|ſtituted a Colledge there, and to haue placed ſecular Canons in the ſame) and ſuch was the earneſt trauaile of the Monkes herein, that in the end nowe after the deceaſſe of Pope Cele|ſtine, they founde ſuch fauour at the handes of Pope Innocent hys ſucceſſor, that the ſame Innocent directed his letters of commaunde|ment to the Archbiſhoppe,The Pope com+maundeth the church of Lam|meth to be ra|ſed. and other biſhopps of this lande, to deſtroye and raſe the ſame foundation, as a peece of woorke derogatorie to the ſea of Caunterbury, and verie preiudi|ciall to the eſtate of holy church. The Archebi|ſhoppe at the firſt truſted to be borne out by the king (who was highelye offended wyth the Monkes for theyr preſumptuous dealing) and therefore refuſed to obeye the Popes com|maundement The king in deed ſtomacked the matter ſo highely, that he ſente letters vnto the Monks by no worſe meſſengers than by Gef|frey Fitz Peter, and Hugh Fitz Bardolfe his Iuſtices, ſignifying to them not only hys high diſpleaſure for their preſumptuous proceedings in their ſuit without his conſent, but alſo com|maunding them to ſurceaſſe, and not to pro|ceede further in the matter by vertue of anye ſuche the popes letters, which they had purcha|ſed contrary to the honour and dignitie of his crowne and realme.
[1] [2] Moreouer, he wrote to the biſhops, cõmaun|ding them to appeale, and to the Archbiſhop, forbidding hym in anye wiſe to breake downe that churche whiche hee had ſo builded at La|meth.The preſump|tuoes ſtoutneſſe of the Monks. The Sherif of Kent alſo was cõmaun|ded to ſeaſe into his handes all the tenementes and poſſeſſions that belonged to the Monkes, who neuertheleſſe were ſo ſtout in that quarell that they woulde not prolong one daye of the tyme appoynted by the Pope for the raſing of that church. Hereupon the kyng for hys parte and the biſhops in their owne behalfes wrote to the Pope. Likewiſe the Abbots of Boxeley, Fourd, Stratford, Roberts Bridge, Stanley, and Baſing Wark, wrote to hym the matter: and agayne the Pope and the Cardynalles wrote to the king, to the Archebiſhoppes, and biſhoppes: and ſo letters paſſed to and fro, till at length the Pope ſente a Nuncio of purpoſe, to ſignifie his full determination, as in the nexte yeare it ſhall be ſhewed at full.
[1] Aboute the ſame tyme Geffreye Fitz Peter,VVelchmen vanquished. Geruaſ. Doro aſcribeth this victorie vnto Hubert Arch [...] of Canterbu [...] and ſayth the [...] vvere ſlayne a+boute .500. of the enimies. Lorde chief Iuſtice of England, reyſed a power of men, and wente into Wales to ſuccoure the tenãts of Williã de Brauſe, which were beſie|ged of the king, or rather Prince of that coun|trey [figure appears here on page 537] named Owen, the brother of Cadwalayn, in Mawdes Caſtell,Maudes caſtel. but the Lorde chiefe Iu|ſtice comming to the reſkue of them within gaue battayle to the aduerſaries, and vanquiſhyng them, ſlewe three thouſande of them, and ſeuen hundred of thoſe that were taken priſoners and [page 538] wounded. And all the whyle the warres con|tinued in Fraunce, and the loſſe for the moſte parte ſtill redounded to the Frenchemen. Erle Iohn brent Newburg, and toke eightene knightes of ſuche as were ſente to the reſkue.
[1] The Earle of Leyceſter.The Earle of Leyceſter with a ſmall com|panie came before the Caſtell of Paſcy, which (although the Frenchemen helde it) didde yet of ryght belong vnto the ſayde Earle. The Souldiours within iſſued foorth, and being too ſtrong for the Earle, cauſed hym to flee, for o|therwyſe he had bin taken. But returning on the morrowe after with more companie about hym, and laying ambuſhes for the ennemie, hee approched the ſayde Caſtell, and trayned the Frenchemen foorth tyll he had them within his [figure appears here on page 538] daunger, and then cauſing his men to breake out vpon them tooke an .xviij. knightes, and a greate multitude of other people.Marchades. Alſo Mar|chades with his route of Brabanders did the Frenchemen muche hurt in robbyng and ſpoy|ling the countreys.
[1] About which ſeaſon the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury went ouer into Normandie to ſpeake with king Richarde, and at the Frenche kings requeſt he wente into France, to commen with him of peace, the whyche the Frenche king of|fered to conclude, in reſtoryng all the townes and Caſtels whiche he had taken (Giſours on|ly excepted) and touching the poſſeſſion and ti|tle therof, he was contented to put the matter in comprimiſe, to the order and awarde of ſixe barons in Normãdie to be named by him, and of ſixe Barons in Fraunce whyche kyng Ri|charde ſhoulde name.
[1] King Richarde woulde not thus agree, ex|cept the Earle of Flaunders and other whyche had forſaken the Frenche king to take his part, myght be cõpriſed in the ſame peace. At length yet in Nouember, there was truce taken be|twixt the two kings til the feaſt of S. Hillarie next enſuyng.
[1] In the mean time Pope Innocent the third vnderſtanding in what preſent daunger things ſtoode in the holy lande, and on the other ſyde, conſydering what a weakenyng it was vn|to Chriſtendome, [...] taken [...] the [...] kings. to haue theſe two Kinges thus to warre with mortall hatred one againſt the other: hee thoughte it ſtoode him vppon to trauaile betwixt them, to bring them vnto ſome peace and agreement. Heervpon he diſpatched one Peter the Cardinal of Capua into France, as legate from the ſea of Rome, vnto the two foreſayd kinges, to enſtruct them in what pre|ſent daunger the ſtate of the Chriſtians in A|ſia preſently ſtoode, ſo that without the ayde of them and of other Chriſtian Princes, it coulde not be holpen, but needes it muſte come to vt|ter ruine, and the Saraſyns ere long to be poſ|ſeſſed of the whole. Therfore bothe in reſpecte hereof, and alſo for the auoydyng of the fur|ther wylfull ſpillyng of Chriſtian bloud in ſuche ciuile and vngodly warre, he beſought them to ſtaye theyr handes, and to ioyne in ſome friendly bande of concord, whereby they might with mutuall conſent beſtow their ſer|uice in that neceſſarie and moſt godlye warre, wherin by ouercõming the enimies of Chriſt, they mighte looke for worthye rewarde at his handes, whiche is the giuer of all victories.
[1] The Cardinall comming into Fraunce, and doing his meſſage in moſte earneſt wiſe, was preſent at the enterview appointed betwixt the two Kings in the feaſt of Saint Hillarie,1199. but yet coulde not he bring his purpoſe to full ef|fect:Rog. Houede. onely he procured them to take truce for the terme of fiue yeares:A truce conclu|ded for .v. yeres further he coulde not get them to agree.
[1] The faulte by authors is aſcribed aſwell to king Richard, as to king Philip: for king Ri|charde being firſt euyll vſed, and put to hinde|raunce, determined eyther to vanquiſhe, or ne|uer to giue place.
[1] This abſtinence of warre was concluded & taken in the yeare .1199. after the incarnation, and tenth of king Richards reigne. But im|mediatly after, there aroſe matter of newe diſ|pleaſure betwixt thieſe twoo Kyngs to keepe their minds in vre with ſecret grudges, though by reaſon of the truce they outwardlye abſtei|ned from declaring it by force of armes. It chaunced that in the election of a new emperor, the Electors could not agree, one parte of them choſing Otho Duke of Saxonye, nephew to [page 539] to king Richard by his ſiſter Mande, and ano|ther parte of them namyng Philippe Duke of Tuſkayne, and brother to the laſte Emperour Henrye.
[1] Contention a|bout the choo|ſing of the em|perour.King Richard (as reaſon was) did procure what fauour he coulde to the furtheraunce of his nephew Otho: and king Philip on the con|trary part, did what he could in fauour of the foreſayde Philippe. At length Otho was ad|mitted by the Pope to ende the ſtryfe: but yet the grudge remayned in the heartes of the two Kinges.
[1] Philip fyndyng himſelfe muche greeued in that he had miſſed his purpoſe, and Richarde being as little pleaſed, for that hee had won his ſo hardly, and with ſo muche adoe.
[2] And thus matters paſſed for that yeare. In the beginning of the nexte, the
Popes Nuncio came with letters, not only to the Archbiſhop
& Biſhops of England, but alſo to the king him|ſelfe, ſignifying the Popes reſolute decree tou|ching the
church and colledge of Lameth to be broken downe and ſuppreſſed.
Rog. Houedẽ.
The Popes let|ters to the king for the churche of Lameth.
[1] In this meane time, King Richard beeyng now at reſt from troubles of warre, ſtudyed buſily to prouide money, meaning to make a new voyage into the holy lande. Therefore fin|ding himſelfe bare of treaſure, by reaſon the French warres had emptied his cofers, he ſet|teth a great taxe vpon his ſubiects,A Taxe. Fiue shillings of euery plough land, as ſayth Mathevv VVeſtmin. and by that meanes, hauing recouered a great ſumme, hee builded that notable ſtrong Caſtell in Normã|dy, vpon the banke of the Riuer of Sayne, na|med Chateau Galiard:Chaſteau Ga|lyard buylt. which when it was fi|niſhed, he fell a ieſting thereat and ſayd, behold, is not thys a fayre daughter of one yeares growth. The ſoile wher this Caſtel was buil|ded, belonged to the Archbiſhop of Rouen, for whiche there followed greate ſtrife betwixte the Kyng, and the Archbyſhoppe, till the Pope tooke vp the matter (as before ye haue heard.)
[1] After this, he determined to chaſtiſe certayne perſons in Poictou, whiche during the warres betwixt him and the Frenche King, had ayded the Frenchmen againſt him: wherevpon with an army, he paſſed forthe towards them, but by the way he was enformed, that one Widomer a Vicount in the countrey of Britayne,Images of a Emperor an [...] of his vvyf [...] and children of fine gold [...] The Annal [...] of Aquitayn [...] hadde found a great treaſure: and therfore pretending a right therto by vertue of his prerogatiue, hee ſent for the Vicoũt, who ſmelling out the mat|ter, and ſuppoſing the King woulde not be in|different in parting the treaſure, fled into Ly|moſin, where although the people were tribu|taries to the K. of England, yet they tooke part with the French King.
[1] Ther is a town in ye contrey called Chaluz Cheuerell,Chalus Cheuerelle. Rog. Houe [...] into whiche the ſayde vicount reti|red for ſafegarde of himſelfe, and then gaue the townſemen a greate portion of treaſure, to the ende they ſhould defend him and his quarel for the reſt. King Richarde ſtill following him, as one that coulde not auoyd his fatal ordinance, haſted into the confines of Lymoſin, fully de|termining eyther to winne the towne by force, if the inhabitants ſhould make reſiſtance, or at the leſt wiſe, get into his hands the praie, which he ſo earneſtly purſewed.
[1] [2] At his firſt approch he gaue many fierce aſſau|tes to the Towne, but they within hauing tho|roughly prouided aforehande for to defende a ſiege, ſo reſiſted his attempts,King Richa [...] beſiegeth C [...]+lus. that within three dayes after his comming, he ceaſſed to aſſaulte the towne, meaning to vndermine the walles, which otherwiſe he perceyued would very hard|ly be gotten, conſidering the ſtouteneſſe of them within, and withall, the naturall ſtrengthe and ſituation of the place it ſelf. Herevpon therfore the .xxvj. of March, whiles he together with ca|pitayn Marchades goeth about vnaduiſedly to view ye town (the better to conſider ye place which waye hee might conueye the courſe of his myne) they came ſo farre within daunger,He is vvo [...] that the king was ſtriken in the left arme or (as ſome write) in the ſhulder, where it ioyned to the necke,Rad. Nig [...] wyth a quarrel enuenimed (as is to be ſuppoſed by the ſe|quele.) Being thus wounded, he gat to his horſe, and rode home agayne to his lodgyng, where hee cauſed the wounde to be ſearched and bounde vp; and as a man nothing diſmayde therewith, hee continued his ſiege with ſuch force and aſſurance, that within twelue dayes after the miſhappe, the towne was yelded vnto hym, althoughe verye little treaſure (to make any great accompt of) was at that time founde therin.
[1] [2] In this meane ſeaſon, the king had committed the cure of his wounde vnto one of Marchades [page 540] his ſurgeons, who taking in hand to pluck out the quarrel, drew forth only the ſhaft at the firſt, and left the yron ſtill within, and afterwardes going about moſt vnſkilfully to get forth ye head of the ſaide quarrel, he vſed ſuche inciſions, and ſo mangled the kings arme, ere he coulde cut it, that he himſelfe diſpaired of all helpe and lenger life,The king deſ| [...]ired of lyfe affirming flaſly to ſuch as ſtood about him, that he could not long continue by reaſon of his but [...]herly handling. To be ſhort, feling himſelf to waxe weaker and weaker, and preparing his mind to death, which he perceiued now to be at hand, [...]e ordeyneth [...]s teſtament. he ordeined his teſtament, or rather refor|med and added ſundry thinges vnto the ſame which he before had made at the time of his go|ing forth towards the holy land. Vnto his bro|ther Iohn he aſſigned the crowne of Englande and all other his lands and dominions, cauſing the nobles ther preſẽt to ſwear fealtie vnto him. His money, his iewels, and all other his goods mouable he willed to be diuided into .3. partes, of the which Otho the emperor his ſiſters ſonne to haue one, [...]g. Houedẽ. his houſeholde ſeruantes an other part, and the third to be diſtributed to the poore Finally, remmebring himſelf alſo of the place: of his burial, he cõmaunded that his body ſhuld be enterred at Fonreuerarde at his fathers feet, but he willed his hart to be conueyed vnto Ro|uen,Mat. Pa [...]. and there buryed, in teſtimonie of the loue whiche he had euer borne vnto that citie for the ſtedfaſte faithe and tryed loyaltie at all tymes found in the citizẽs there. His bowels he ordei|ned to be buryed in Poictiers as in a place na|turally vnthankefull and not worthy to reteine any of the more honorable partes of his bodye.
[1] Moreouer he cauſed the Arcbaleſtar that had wounded him, to be ſoughte out, whoſe name was Barthram de Gurden, [...]g. Houed. or as ſome write, he named himſelfe Peter Bafill, who being brou|ghte before him, he demanded wherin he had ſo much offended him, that he ſhoulde to [...]ye in a|wayſe to ſlea him rather than Marchades, who was then in his company, and attendant on his perſon? The other anſwered boldly again, ſay|ing, I purpoſed to kil thee, bicauſe thou ſleweſt my father, and two of my brethren heretofore, and wouldeſt alſo now haue ſlayn me, if I had hapned to fall into thy hands: Wherfore I en|tended to reuenge their deaths, not caryng in the meane tyme what became of my ſelf, ſo that I might in any wyſe obteyne my will of thee, who in ſuche ſort haſt bereft me of my friendes. The king herkning vnto his wordes, and pon|dering his talke by good aduiſement, [...]at. Paris. he freely pardoned him, and with all commaunded that he ſhoulde be ſette at libertie, and thereto haue an hundred ſhillings giuen hym in his purſe, and ſo to bee lette goe. Moreouer, he gaue ſtraight chardge that no manne ſhould hurte him, or ſeeke anye reuenge for thys his deathe hereafter. Thus the penitent prince not on|ly forgaue, but alſo rewarded his aduerſarie. Howbeit after his deceaſſe, Marchades getting him into his hands, he firſt cauſed the ſkinne to be ſtripped of his bodie, and after hanged him on a gibet.
[2] At length king Richard by force of ſickeneſſe increaſed with anguiſh of the
incurable wounde,King Richard departed th [...] lyfe. departed this lyfe, on the tuiſday before
Palme-Sunday, beyng the ninth of Apryll, and the .xj. day after he was hurt,
in the yeare after the birth of our Sauior .1199. in the .xliij. yeare of
his age, and after he had reigned ix. yeares .ix. monethes and odde dayes:
he lefte no iſſue behind: him.
His ſtature and shape of body.
Gal. Vinſ [...]
His diſpoſition of mynde.
[1] Th [...]ſe were his vertuous qualities, but his [...]ices (if his vertues, his age, and the warres whiche he maintained were throughly weyed) were either none at all, or els fewe in number, & not very notorious. He was noted of the cõ|mon people to be partly ſubiect vnto pride, which ſurely for the more parte foloweth ſtouteneſſe of mynde: He was noted alſo ſomewhat of incon|tinencie, to the which his youth might haply bee ſomewhat bent: and laſtly of couetouſneſſe, in|to the whiche infamie moſte Capitaynes & ſuche Princes as commonly folow the warres doe of|tentimes fall, when of neceſſitie they are driuen to exact money, as wel of their frẽds as enimies, to mainteyn the infinite charges of their warres.
[1] Hereof it came, that on a time whiles hee ſo|iourned in Fraunce aboute his warres whiche he held againſt King Phillip, ſomwhat before the truce was taken betwixte them,Fulco a prieſt. there came vnto him a french prieſt whoſe name was Ful|co, a preacher and a man of ſome reputation of holineſſe amongeſt the common people. This prieſt required the king in any wiſe to put from [page 541] him three abbominable daughters which he had, and to commit them to mariage, It all God pu|niſhed him for them Thou [...]eſt hipocrite (ſayde the king) to thy verie face: for all the worlde [...]no|weth, that I haue not one daughter. I lye not (ſaide the prieſte) for thou haſte three daughters: one of them is called pride, and an other coue|touſ [...]eſſe, and the thirde lecherie. With that the king called vnto him his Lordes and Barons, and ſayde vnto them: This hipocrite [...] required [...] to [...]ie forth my three daughters, which as he ſayth. I ther [...] and maintaine, that is to ſaye, pride, [...]touſneſſe, and lecherie. And nowe that I haue [...]de ou [...] apt huſbandes for them, I will [...]o [...]i [...]ich effecte, and [...]erke no more delates: I therefore requi [...] my pride to the high minded [...]mp [...]s, and [...], whiche are as: proude as Lucifer [...]neſſe [...] ye couetouſneſſe; I giue to the to [...]r [...] Monkes, o|therwiſe ca [...]ed of the [...]iſt [...]aut order, for [...]y couet the deu [...]ll and all. My lecheri [...] co [...] to the p [...]tate [...] of the Churche, who haue [...] pleaſure and felicitie ther [...].
[1] There liued in the dayes of thys King Ri|charde, men of worthie ſame amongſt [...] of the Clergie. Baldwine Archbiſhoppe of Can|terburie, [...]vvin and [...]ert Arch| [...]ps of Can| [...]rie. and Hubert that ſucceeded him [...] that ſea, alſo Hugh Biſhop of Lincbine, a man to [...] his worthineſſe of life [...]ghly, to bee cou [...] Moreouer William biſhop of Ely, who [...]ug [...] otherwiſe hee was to bee d [...]d to for his am|bition and pompouſe ha [...]tines, yet the king [...]|ſed his ſeruice for a time greatly to his pro [...] and aduauncement of the publique affaires. Alſo of learned men, we finde diuers in theſe dayes that flouriſhed [...]ere in this lande, a [...] Baldwin [...] of De|uonſhire that came to bee Biſhop of W [...]ites in this king [...] tyme and after his deceaſſe, he was aduaunced to the Gouernement of the Archebi|ſhops ſea of Canterbury: hee wrote diuers trea|tiſes, namely of matters pertaining to diuini|tie. Daniell Morley well ſeene in the Mathe|maticals. Iohn de Hexam, and Richard de Hexham two notable hiſtoricians. Guch [...]m [...]s: Stephanides a Monke of Canterburye, [...] Bale. who wrote muche in prayſe of the Archebiſhoppe Becket.
[1] Beſide theſe, we finde one Richard, that was an Abbot of the order Premonſtratenſis, Ri|chard Diuiſtenſis, Nicholas Warkington, Ro|bert de Bello Foco, an excellente Philoſopher. &c. See Bale Centuria tertiae.
[1] In martiall renoume there flouriſhed in thys kings dayes diuerſe noble captaines, as Roberte Earle of Leceiſter, Ranulfe de Fulgiers, two of the Bardulphes, Hugh and Henrie, three Wil|lyams, Marſhall, Brunell, and Maundeuil, with two Roberts, Roe and Sabevile. Furthermore, I fynde, that in the dayes of this king Richard, great dearth raigned in Englande, and alſo in Fraunce,A great dearth. for the ſpace of three or foure yeares during the warres betweene hym and Kyng Phylippe, ſo that after his retourne oute of Germanie, and from impriſonment, a quar|ter of wheate was ſoulde at .xviij. ſhillings eight pens, whiche was no ſmall price in thoſe dayes, if you conſyder the alaye of moneye then cur|raunt.
[1] Alſo imediatelye after: that is to witte, in the years of our Lorde a
thouſande, one hundred [...]ntia [...], whiche was about the .vij. yeare of the ſaide king raigne, there
folowed a maturi|lous ſore death whych dayly conſumed ſuch nũ|ber of
A great morta|litie of people.
VVil. Paruus
[1] [2] This mortalitie continued for the ſpace of [...] o [...] [...]j, moueth [...] and at length ceaſſed in the cold ſeaſon of [...]ynte [...]. In the Octaues of P [...]the|coſte before this great death,Tvvo Sunnes. in the fi [...] ho [...]re of the day, there appeared two Sunnes, the true Sunne and an other, as it were a counterfaite ſunne: but ſo apparantly, that [...]arue it was to the common people, to diſ [...]rene the one from the other. The ſkilfull alſo were compelled by inſtruments to diſtinguiſh the one from the other in taking their altitudes and places, whereby its the ende they founde the newe apparition, Is it were, to waite vppon the P [...]net, and ſo conti|nued by the ſpace of certaine houres.
[1] At lengthe when the beholders & (of whome Wilhelmus Paruus that recorded thinges in that age was one) had well wearied their eyes in diligent marking the manner of this ſtronge appearaunce, the counterfayte ſunne vaniſhed awaye.
[1] This ſtraunge wonder was taken for a ſig|nification of that whiche followed, that is to witte, of warre, famine, and peſtilence: or to ſaye the truthe, it betokened rather the conti|nuaunce of two of thoſe miſchieues. For warre and famine hadde ſore afflicted the people before that time, and yet ceaſſed not: But as for the peſtilence, it began ſoone after that vnketh ſight, whereof enſued ſuche effecte, as I haue alreadye rehearſed.