[1] [2] King Richard being hereof aduertised, and tur|ning gréef into valiancie, with all spéed sailed backe vnto Iaph, and landing there with his people, caused his enimies to forsake the towne: but anon assem|bling themselues againe togither, they turned once more to besiege it, wherevpon he issued foorth into the fields,K. Richard rescueth Port Iaph. and fought with them sundrie daies togither, till finallie they were content to forsake their enter|prise, and to depart thence for altogither. In these conflicts the valiant courage of king Richard, and the worthie manhood of his souldiers right well ap|peared: Rad. Niger. Matth. Paris. for he brought not with him at that time vn|to Iaph aboue 80 men of armes, and foure hundred other souldiers with crossebowes, and yet with that small handfull of men, and some aid of them that he found there in the castell, he did not onelie bid battell to the enimies, which were numbred to 62 thousand, but also put them to the woorsse, and caused them to flee backe, to their great shame and confusion.