[1] [2] [3] The king of Scots therefore hauing receiued this oth, Matth. Paris Polydor. and thinking the time to serue his purpose for re|déeming of those castels, which were deliuered to king Henrie as gages for his ransome, paid now vnto king Richard ten thousand markes, and had re|stitution of the same, that is of Berwike, Roxburgh,Restitution made to the K. of Scots. Wil. Paruus. Sterling, and Edenburgh. But William Paruus sai|eth, that Edenburgh was restored to him in the daies of king Henrie, by reason of his wife which he tooke in the parties beyond the seas: and herewith agréeth the Scotish chronicle. King Richard also as|signed to queene Elianor his mother, the accusto|med dower, with manie lordships and honours be|side, as an augmentation thereof. Rog. Houed. About which time died William de Mandeuille earle of Albemarle at Rouen, and Hugh de Putsey the nephue of the bi|shop of Durham died at Ac [...]et, and was buried at Durham. N. Triuet. Also Formalis archbishop of Trier died at Northampton, and was there buried in the church of S. Andrews.