[1] [2] About this season the archbishop of Canturburie went ouer into Normandie to speake with king Ri|chard, and at the French kings request he passed in|to France, to common with him of peace, which the French king offered to conclude, in restoring all the townes and castels which he had taken (Gisors one|lie excepted) and touching the possession and title ther|of, he was contented to put the matter in compre|mise, to the order and award of six barons in Nor|mandie to be named by him; and of six barons in France which king Richard should name. But king Richard would not thus agree, except the earle of Flanders and others which had forsaken the French king to take his part, might be comprised in the same peace. At length yet in Nouember, there was truce taken betwixt the two kings till the feast of S. Hilarie next insuing.