[1] Herevpon therefore on the 26 of March, whiles he (togither with capteine Marchades) went about vnaduisedlie to view the towne (the better to consi|der the place which waie he might conueie the course of his mine) they came so farre within danger, that the king was striken in the left arme,He is woun|ded. or (as some write) in the shoulder, where it ioined to the necke, with a quarell inuenomed (as is to be supposed by the sequele.) Being thus wounded, he gat to his horsse, Ra. Niger. and rode home againe to his lodging, where he cau|sed the wound to be searched and bound vp, and as a man nothing dismaid therewith, continued his siege with such force and assurance, that within 12 daies after the mishap, the towne was yƩelded vnto him, although verie little treasure (to make any great ac|compt of) was at that time found therein.