[1] Furthermore, to put awaie as it were the reproofe of his captiuitie and imprisonment) by the reuiuing of his noblenesse, which he had in high estimation,
he caused himselfe to be estsoones crowned by the archbishop Hubert, on the 18 of Aprill, at Win|chester,The king crowned a|new. and so shewed himselfe as a new crowned king (in hope of good successe and better lucke to fol|low) in the presence of the said king of Scots, who bare one of the three swords before him, R. Houed. The king of Scots bea|reth one of the swords before the king of England. going in the middle betwixt two earles, that is to saie, Hamelin earle of Warren going on his right hand, and Ra|nulfe earle of Chester on his left. The canapie vnder the which he went was borne vp also by foure earles, Norffolke, Lislewight, Salisburie, and Ferrers. The bishop of Elie lord chancellour went on the right hand of the king, and the bishop of London on the left. At dinner also the citizens of London serued him in the butterie by reason of two hundred marks which they had giuen the king that they might so doo,The citizens of London. notwithstanding the claime and challenge made by the citizens of Winchester, the which serued him in the kitchin.—pretio nam dignior omni estNobilitas, haec non emitur nec venditur auro)