[1] Moreouer, this is to be remembred, that during the siege of Notingham,Strife be|twixt ye arch|bishops for ca|rieng of their crosses. contention arose betwixt the two archbishops of Canturburie and Yorke, a|bout the carriage of their crosses. For Hubert arch|shop of Canturburie comming thither, had his crosse borne before him; the archbishop of Yorke (hauing no crosse there at all) was verie sore offended, that anie other should go with crosse borne before him in his diocesse, and therfore complained hereof to the king. But the archbishop of Canturburie mainteined that he had not doone anie thing but that which was law|full for him to doo, and therevpon made his appeale to Rome, that the pope might haue the hearing and iudging of that controuersie betwixt them.