[1] Furthermore to depart with the citie of Mount saint Angelo,A chaire of gold. with all the countrie thervnto belong|ing, which was indéed assigned to hir for hir dowrie, he thought in no wise profitable: but king Richard did not onelie require that citie and countie with a chaire of gold,K. Richards demands for the dowrie of his sister wife to K. William according to the custome of that king|dome in right of his sister, as due to hir by way of hir dowrie, but also he required to his owne vse a ta|ble of gold conteining twelue foot in length, and one foot and an halfe in breadth, & two tressels of gold to beare vp the same table, with 24. siluer cups, and as manie dishes of siluer, with a tent of silke of such largenesse that two hundred knights might sit at meat within it: also fortie thousand measures of wheat, with as manie of barlie, and as manie of wine, beside one hundred armed gallies, with all fur|niture and vittels sufficient to serue the gallie-men in the same for the terme of two yeares. These things he demanded as due to him being heire to his father king Henrie, accordinglie as was deuised by king William in his last will and testament, which de|mands seemed intollerable to the said Tancred: so that if he could haue shifted the matter, he was loth to haue heard thereof.