[1] In the same moneth of Iune, Richard de Cam|ville, whome the king had left (as ye haue hea [...]d) go|uernour in Cypres, chanced to fall sicke,Richard de Camuille de|ceasseth. and com|ming without licence to the siege of Acres, there di|ed. After whose death the Cypriots and those called Griffones and [...]r [...]ians reuolted from the English obedience, and chose to them a king, one that was a moonke of the familie of Is [...]chus their former [...] but Robert de Turneham, who after the deceasse of Richard Camuille remained so [...] gouernour of the Ile, gathered a power of men togither, and giuing battest to the new king (whom [...]oueden name [...] al|so emperour) vanquished him with his complices, tooke him prisoner, and hanged him on a paire of ga|lowes. The same moneth also died [...]afe Fi [...]z Gef|frey, who had the other king Isac in cu [...]odieî€ and then king Richard deliuered him to the [...]nights of the hospitall, who sent him to the ca [...]ell of Marg [...]t, there safelie to be kept as prisoner to the vse of the king of England.