[1] Herewith came an other trouble in the necke of this former, to diuerse persons within the realme, through inquiries taken by the iustices of the for|rests: for Hugh Neuill, Hugh Waley, and Heruisi|us Neuill, appointed iustices itinerants in that case, were commanded by the king to call before them archbishops, bishops, earles, barons, knights, and fréeholders, with the reeue, and foure of the substan|tiall men of euerie towne or village,Ordinances of forrests. to heare and take knowledge of the kings commandement, tou|ching the ordinances of forrests, the which were ve|rie straight in sundrie points, so that whereas before those that offended in killing of the kings deere were punished by the purse, now they should lose their eies and genitals, as the lawe was in the daies of king Henrie his grandfather: and those that offended in cutting downe woods or bushes, or in digging and deluing vp of turues and clods, or by any other ma|ner of waie made waste and destruction in woods or grasse, or spoile of venison, within the precinct of the forrests, contrarie to order, they should be put to their [...]ines.