[1] [2] [3] ¶ But here to leaue king Richard in consultati|on for matters apperteining to his iournie, and shew brieflie what happened (by the waie) to the Iewes, which as then dwelt heere in England, after that king Richard was passed euer into Normandie: W. Paruu [...]. ye haue heard how after the riot against them at Lon|don, when the king was crowned, he tooke order that they should remaine in peace vnder his prote|ction, and commanded that no person should in anie wise molest them. But now after that he was gone ouer, and that the souldiers (which prepared them|selues to follow him) began to assemble in r [...]s, the heads of the common people began to wax wild, [...] faine would they haue had some occasion of raising a new tumult against the Iewes,The hatred borne to the Iewes. whome (for these vn|mercifull vsurie practised to the vndooing of manie an honest man) they most [...]adlie hated, wishing most earnestlie these expulsion out of England Her|vpon by reason of a riot committed latelie against them, at the towne of L [...]n in Norfolke, where ma| [...]ie of them were slaine, other people in other parts of the realme, taking o [...]casion hereat, as if they had béene called vp by the sound of a bell or trumpet, a| [...]ose against them in those [...] where they had any habit [...] them afte [...] a disordered [...].