[1] [2] [3] [4] Rog. Houed. Inquisitions taken by a iu|rie of sundrie matters.In September, the iustices itinerants made their circuits thorough euerie shire and countie of this realme, causing inquisitions to be taken by substan|tiall iuries of plées of the crowne both old and new, of recognisances, of escheats, of wards, of mariages, of all maner of offendors against the lawes and or|dinances of the relme, and of all other transgressors, falsifiers, and murtherers of Iewes; of the pledges, goods, lands, debts, and writings of Iewes that were slaine, and of other circumstances touching that matter. Likewise of the accompts of shiriffes, as to vnderstand what had béene giuen towards the kings ransome, how much had beene receiued, and what re|mained behind to receiue. Also of the lands that be|longed to erle Iohn, and what goods he had, and what he held in demaine, in wards, escheats, and in gifts, and for what cause they were giuen. Furthermore, of his fautors and partakers, which had made fines with the king, and which not,Usurers. with manie other arti|cles touching the same earle. Also of vsurers, and of their goods being seized, of wines sold contrarie to the assise, of false measures, and of such as hauing re|ceiued the crosse to go into the holie land, died before they set forward. Also of grand assises that were of an hundred shillings land or vnder, and of defaults, and of diuerse other things, the iurats were charged to inquire, and present the same.