[1] But now to leaue forren matters, and to returne home into England: Ger. Dor. we find, that on the second of December, the monks of Canturburie chose to their archbishop Reignold bishop of Bath, who within fif|teene daies after his election, departed this life, and lieth buried at Bath. Also this yeare, or (as Ger. Dor. saith) in the yeare following, the bishop of Durham sought meanes to withdraw his subiection from the archbishop of Yorke,Strife be|twixt ye arch|bishop of York and the bishop of Durham. for which attempt the archbi|shop of Yorke, vpon trust of the popes grant, did not excommunicate the said bishop, notwithstanding that he appealed to the popes consistorie three seue|rall times, putting his owne matter and his chur|ches to be examined and tried by the pope, wherevp|on he obeied not the excommunication: and signifi|eng the cause vnto Rome, obteined such fauour, that the pope and his cardinals reuersed the sentence, and iudged the excommunication to be of none effect. And further they decreed, that if the archbishop of Yorke had broken the altars and chalices, as infor|mation was giuen, in which the bishop of Durham had celebrated after his appeale made to the court of Rome, that then should the said bishop of Durham be acquited from owing any subiection to the said archbishop for so long as they two should liue to|gither.