[1] ¶All this was [...]th pleasant and profitable for king Richards soules helth (as may [...] thought) bicause he tooke occasion therof to amend hi [...] owne former [...] by considering how much he might be reprehe [...]e [...] for his sundrie faults committed both against God and man. A maruellous matter to [...]eare, how much frõ that time forward he reformed his former trade of liuing into a better forme & order. Moreouer, the emperour gaue to the Ci [...]teau [...] moonks 3000 marks of siluer, parcell of king Richards ransome,White monks to make siluer censers in euerie church throughout where they had any houses: but the abbats of the same order re|fused the gift, being a portion of so wrongfull and vn|godlie a gaine. At which thing, when it came to the knowledge of K. Richard, he greatlie maruelled at the first, but after commended the abbats in their dooings, and cheeflie for shewing that they were void of the accustomed gréedinesse of hauing, which most men supposed them to be much infected withall.