[1] [2] [3] Thus began the citie first to receiue the forme and state of a common-wealth, and to be diuided into fe|lowships, which they call crafts or corporations. Such also are admitted to the fellowships of these compa|nies,Apprentises. as haue truelie serued as apprentises a certeine number of yeares, as seuen at the least, vnder which time of seruice expired, there is none made frée, nor suffered to inioy the liberties of that citie, sauing such as are borne free, that is to saie, of fréemen with|in the citie,Fréemen. of whome at this time, it is not much ma|teriall to make any further report. The citie thus consisting of the said craftes or occupations, chooseth out of the same a senat or companie of graue coun|cellours, whom they name Aldermen (E) changed into (A) according to the old Saxon pronuntiation.Wards. It is also diuided into 26. tribes or wards, of the which euerie one hath his seuerall Alderman, or ouer|s [...]er, who haue both authoritie sufficient, and large priuileges to mainteine the good gouernement of their portions withall. Out of the number of these, there is another officer yearelie chosen and appoin|ted, called the Maior,The Maior. who ruleth all the rest.