[1] [2] The French king hearing of king Richards arri|uall, and that he was comming with a great power to the succour of them within Uernueil, and was alreadie incamped néere to the towne of the Eagle,The French king raiseth his siege from Uernueil. he plucked vp his tents in the night before Whitsun|daie, and leauing the siege, departed from thence, and tooke a certeine small fortresse by the waie as he marched, wherein he left a few souldiers to keepe it to his vse. King Richard herewith entring into the French dominions, sent three bands of souldiers to|wards Uale de Ruell, and went himselfe vnto Lo|ches, and besieging that castell wan it within a short time. The Normans also recouered the citie of Eu|reux out of the French mens hands, N. Triuet. but those that were sent vnto Ruell, and had besieged the castell there an eight daies without anie gaine, hearing that the French king was comming towards them, departed thence, & came backe to the kings campe, wherevpon the French king comming to Ruell ra|ced it to the ground, bicause his enimie should not at anie time in winning it nestle there to the further damage of the countrie.