[1] Geffrey de Rancon. The earle of Engolesme. The king of Nauars bro|ther.In this meane while certeine rebels in Guien, as the lord Geffrey de Rancin or Rancon, and the earle of Engolesme with their complices, vpon con|fidence of the French kings assistance, sore disquie|ted the countrie. Howbeit, the sonne of the king of Nauarre, and brother to Berengaria the quéene of England, entring into Guien with an armie, wa|sted the lands of both those rebels, till he was called home by reason of his fathers death which chanced a|bout the same time. Shortlie after Geffrey Rancin died, Anno Reg. 6. and king Richard comming into his countrie, wan the strong castell of Tailleburge by surrender, which apperteined to the same Geffrey with others, and then going against the other rebels, he wan the citie of Engolesme from him by force of assault.Engolesme woone. All which time the French king stirred not, by reason that there was some communication in hand for a truce to be taken betwixt him and king Richard, which by mediation of certeine bishops was shortlie after concluded, Polydor. Wil. Paruus. to endure for twelue moneths. The bishop of Elie was chéefe commissioner for the king of England, and this truce was accorded about Lammas, and serued to little purpose, except to giue libertie to either prince to breath a little, and in the meane time to prouide themselues of men, Polydor. muniti|on, ships & monie, that immediatlie after the terme was expired, they might with greater force returne to the field againe, for they had not onelie a like de|sire to follow the warres, but also vsed a like meane and practise to leuie monie.