[1] The people regarding the danger of their pled|ges, came not out to aid him, as it was much doub|ted they would haue doone. Wherefore being thus at|tached, he was brought foorth, and comming out of the church, the sonne of that burgesse whome he had slaine (as you haue heard) strake him verie sore into the bellie with a knife, in reuenge of his fathers [page 150] death After this, he was had to his arraignment be|fore the archbishop, sitting within the towre, and be|ing condemned, was from thence drawne with hors|ses to the place of execution called the Elmes, and there hanged on a gibet,He is exe|cuted. with nine of his adherents, which had defended the church against the kings power: and yet for all this, the grudge ceassed not, but the common people raised a great slander vpon the archbishop, Wil. Paruus. Matth. Paris. both for causing him to be taken out of the church,The archbish. of Canturbu|rie euill spokẽ of, for ye death of William Fitz Osbert. where he claimed priuilege of sanctu|arie, and also for putting him to death, who was inno|cent (as they alledged) and not giltie of those crimes that were laid against him: who sought onelie the de|fense of poore people against extortioners, and such as were wrong dooers.