[1] [2] After this, when the foresaid William ceased not to make congregations of the people,He is called before the archbishop of Canturburie lord chéefe iu|stice or presi|dent of the realme. at length the archbishop sent a commandement vnto him, that he should appeare before him and other of the councell, at a certeine prefixed daie, to answer to such things as might be laid to his charge. To be short, he did so at the time appointed, but with such a rout of the com|mon people about him, that the archbishop durst not pronounce against him, but licenced him to depart for that time, giuing him soft and gentle words. Howbeit, certeine persons were then appointed by the said archbishop and other of the councell to watch him sometime, when he should haue no great compa|nie about him, and then to apprehend him.