[1] King Richard hauing thus concluded with Sala|dine, tooke the sea, and comming againe into Cypres, sent his wife queene Berengaria with his sister Ioane (late quéene of Sicile) into England by the long seas,K. Richard taketh his iornie home|wards. but he himselfe not minding to lie long on the seas, determined to take his course into Gre|cia, and so by land to passe homewards with all speed possible. Howbeit yer he could atteine his purpose, his chance was to be driuen by tempest into the coast of Istria, not farre from Aquilia, where he stood in some doubt of his life. For if he had beene knowne and taken, they would surelie haue killed him, bi|cause of the slander that went of him,K. Richard slandered for the death of ye marques of Montferrato. as guiltie of the death of Conrade the marquesse of Montferrato, who indéed was slaine by two of the Assassini in the citie of Tyrus, whilest king Richard was in the holie land (as before yée haue heard.)