[1] [2] Now will we staie the proceedings of the king of France at this time, and make no further relation thereof for a while, till we haue touched other things that happened in England at the same season. And first ye shall vnderstand, that Hugh Bardolfe, Ro|ger Arundell, and Geffrey Hachet, to whom as iu|stices, the counties of Lincolne, Notingham, Yorke, Derbie, Northumberland, Westmerland, Cumber|land, and Lancaster were appointed for circuits, held not onelie plées of assises, and of the crowne, but al|so tooke inquisitions of escheats,Inquisitions taken. and forfaitures of all maner of transgressions, and of donations of be|nefices, of marriages of widowes and maids, and other such like things as apperteined to the king, whereby any aduantages grew to his vse, the which for tediousnesse we passe ouer. These things were streightlie looked vnto, not without the disquieting of manie.