[1] But to procéed. After the king had set the countrie of Cypres in good staie, he deliuered the keeping thereof vnto Richard de Camuille and Robert de Turneham. This doone,

He arriued there on the saturdaie in Whitsunwéek, being the sa|turdaie also next before the feast of S. Barna|bie.

Galfridus Vinsant.

vpon the wednesdaie in the Whitsunwéeke he tooke the sea againe, and passed o|uer to the citie of Acres, which as then was besieged by the christian armie, as ye may read in the descrip|tion of the holie land, onelie giuing you to vnder|stand, that such was the valiancie of king Richard shewed in manfull constreining of the citie, that his praise was greatlie bruted both amongst the christi|ans and also the Saracens.