[1] In like maner the king sent to Rome to obteine that the said bishop of Elie might be constituted the popes legat through both the prouinces of Cantur|burie and Yorke,The bishop of Elie re|turneth. and likewise through Wales and Ireland. Which was soone granted by the bulles of pope Clement the third, bearing date the 5. of Iune. For the which office the bishops gaue him 1500. marks, to the great offense of the king, as he shewed afterward to cardinall Octauian that came to visit him when he arriued in the riuer of Tiber, being vp|on his iourneie towards Messina, as after may ap|peare. But in the meane time, calling togither the lords and peeres of those his dominions on that side the sea, to wit, Normandie, Britaine, Aniou, Poitou, Polydor. and Guien, he consulted with them what number of soldiors and how manie ships it should be conueni|ent for him to take with him and furnish into Alla: and herewith he did command them also to obeie Robert earle of Leicester, whome he appointed to re|maine amongst them as his lieutenant or vicege|rent of those parts during his absence.