[1] [2] [3] R. Houed. At length king Richard and the French king con|cluded vpon an abstinence of warre to indure from the feast of S. Hilarie for one whole yere,One yeare & 4 moneths saith Wil. Paruus. purposing in the meane time to make a finall peace and agréement. In which season Baldwine earle of Flanders came into England to doo his deuotions vnto the shrine where Thomas the archbishop laie buried at Canturburie.Griffin king of Wales de|parted this life. The same yeare also some what before this time, Rise ap Griffin king of Wales departed this life, after whose death there fell discord betwixt his sonnes for the succession, till the archbishop Hu|bert went to the marshes of that countrie and made an agréement betwixt them. Not long after, Roger the brother of Robert earle of Leicester, elected bi|shop of saint Andrews in Scotland, receiued the or|der of priesthood, and was consecrated bishop by the hands of the bishop of Aberdine.