[1] [2] On the 12. daie of Maie, the ladie Berengaria daughter to the king of Nauarre was maried accor|ding to a precontract vnto king Richard at Lime|zun aforesaid in the Ile of Cypres,The king of England ma|rieth the ladie Berengaria. She is crow|ned quéene. one of the kings chaplins executing the order of the marriage. The same daie also she was crowned by the bishop of Eureux, the archbishops of Apamea and Aur, with the bishop of Baion ministring vnto him. After the solemnitie of this marriage and coronation ended, king Richard se [...] forward with his armie into the countrie of Cypres, and first wan (by surrender) the citie of Nichosia, and after the strong castell of Che|rin, within the which was the daughter of the king of Cypres, which ladie humblie yeelded hir selfe vnto K. Richard, who (counting it reproch to be extreame with such as submit themselues, and speciallie the fe|male sex, according to the old saieng,
Parcere subiectis nobilis s [...]it ira leonis)had pitie of hir case, and sent hir to his wife the new quéene, willing that she might be honorablie vsed. From thence passing forward, these castels were de|liuered into his hands,Castels deli|uered to the king of En|gland. Baffes and Buffenent Den, Amur, Candace, and afterwards all the other ca|st [...]ls and cities, townes and places of strength with|in that Ile one after an other. Finallie, hearing that the king of Cypres was inclosed in an abbeie called Cap S. Andrew, he marched thitherwards: but when the king of Cypres heard of his approch,The king of Cypres again submitteth himselfe to the king of England. Rafe Fitz Geffrey. he came foorth and submitted himselfe wholie into his hands. The king first appointed him to the kéeping of his chamberlaine Rafe Fitz Geffrey, and after sent him vnto the citie of Tripoli, there to be kept in close pri|son. Who when he heard he should be committed to close prison, and remaine in fetters, said, that if he laie in irons, he should shortlie end his life. Where|vnto king Richard when he heard of it, answered:
He saith well, and therefore bicause he is a noble man, and our mind is not to haue him dead, but one|lie to be kept safe from starting anie more awaie, and dooing new hurt, let him be chamed in giues and fetters made of siluer, and so he was.