[1] [2] ΒΆ But to speake of all the worthie exploits atchi|ued by king Richard and his valiant capteins there in the holie land against the infidels, it would re|quire a long treatise, and therefore here we passe them ouer. This is to be noted, that amongst other of whom we find honorable mention made by wri|ters for their high valiancie shewed in those exploits, these are named as cheefe,The names of such noble men as were famous for their valiant dooings in this voiage. Robert earle of Leicester, Hubert bishop of Salisburie, with the earles of S. Paule and Dreux, beside diuerse other, as Hugh de Gourney, William de Borrez, Walcline de Fer|rers, Roger de Toonie, Iames de Auencs, the bishop of Beauuois, William de Barres, William de Tarland, Drogo de Merlo, Robert de Nealle, Hen|rie Fitz Nicholas, Robert de Newburg, Rafe de S. Marie, Arnold de Bois, Henrie de Mai [...]oc, Willi|am & Saule de Bruil, Andrew de Chauignie, Henrie de Graie, Peter de Pratellis, Stephan de Turne|ham, Baldwin Carron, Clarenbald de Mount Cha|blon, Manser de Lisle, Richard de Orques and Theo|dorike [...]hilip, Ferrike de Uienne, Gilbert Male|maine, Alexander d' Arsie, Stephan de Longchamp, Seguin de Barret, Roger de Glanuille, Raimond Fitz Prince, Bartholomew de Mortimer, Gerard Furniuall, Rafe de Malleon, Roger de Sa [...]ie, Wil|liam de Poole, Hugh de Neuill,De Poole [...] de Stagno. Henrie Teutch or (if ye will) Teutonicus the kings standardbearer, with diuerse others, as well Englishmen, Frenchmen, Normans, Poictouins, Aniouines, Britans, Gas|coignes, as other nations, of whome partlie men|tion is alreadie made before in this booke, and partlie for breefenesse diuerse are omitted.