[1] Plaie forbid|den.2 That no man should plaie at anie game within the armie for monie, except knights and chapleins, the which should not loose in one daie and night aboue 20 shillings, they to forfeit an 100 shillings so oft as they lost aboue that summe: the persons aforena|med to haue the same to be distributed as afore is said. The two kings might plaie, and command their seruants in their presence likewise to plaie, so that they excéeded not the summe of 20 shillings. And al|so the seruants of archbishops, bishops, earles and ba|rons, by their maisters commandement might play, not excéeding that summe: but if anie seruants or mariners, or other of like degrée, were found to play without licence, the seruants should be whipped na|ked three daies round about the campe, except they ransomed foorth themselues, at the pleasure of the persons aboue named: and the mariners should be plunged ouer head and eares in the sea three mor|nings togither, after the vse of seamen, except they redeemed that punishment, at the discretion likewise of the said persons: and those of other like meane de|grées being neither knights nor chapleins should be punished as seruants.