[1] But to returne now to the dissention betwixt the Englishmen and them of Messina: Polydor. ye shall vnder|stand that the tumult being once ceassed, and diuerse of the chéefe offendors in the late commotion put to death, king Tancred shortlie after came thither, and sought to auoid all suspicion out of king Richards head, that he might conceiue of him for béeing in a|nie wise culpable in that which his subiects of Messi|na had attempted against him, and therefore hauing recouered monie of his freends, he restored vnto king Richard the dowrie of his sister quéene Ioane, and further offered vnto him to ioine in new alli|ance with him, offering his daughter in mariage vnto Arthur duke of Britaine, the kings nephue, with a great summe of monie for hir dowrie, if it so should please him.