[1] Moreouer, beside that power of the barons which laid siege to Windsor castell, there were Noble men also in other parts of the realme that were readie to resist him.

The archbi|shop of Yorke. Hugh Bar|dolfe.

William de Stuteuille.

And amongst other, Geffrey the archbi|shop of Yorke, with Hugh Bardolfe one of the kings iustices, and William de Stuteuille, assem|bled an armie, and comming to Doncaster, fortified the towne: but when the archbishop would haue gone forward to besiege the castell of Tickhill, which earle Iohn had in possession, the other two his asso|ciats would not consent to go with him, bicause they were seruants, and reteined with earle Iohn. Here|with the archbishop being sore offended, departed from them, calling them traitors to their king, and enimies to the realme.