[1] [2] But now to returne, sure it is, that king Richard meant to haue recouered the citie of Ierusalem, and all the holie land out of the Saracens hands, by the assistance of almightie God: if the doubt which he had of his brother the earle of Mortaigns practi|ses, & the French kings dooings, which were brought to him with a greeuous report, had not reuoked him home. For diuerse messengers were sent dailie into the holie land, Galf. Vinsa [...]. to aduertise him of such dangers as were like to insue, if by his speedie returne the same were not preuented. And first after Easter, there came to him the prior of Hereford with letters from the bishop of Elie, conteining a sore information a|gainst his brother earle Iohn, for hauing expelled those whom he had appointed rulers ouer the realme of England, and altered the state of things there con|trarie to the ordinances by him deuised afore his set|ting forward vpon his iournie (as before ye haue partlie heard.)