[1] The king being aduertised of this riotous attempt [page 119] of the outragious people, sent some of his councel|lours, as Ranulfe de Glanuille lord iustice, and other officers to appease the tumult: but their authoritie was nothing regarded, nor their persuasions any whit reuerenced, but their thretnings rather brought themselues in danger of life among the rude sort of those that were about to spoile, rob, and sacke the houses and shops of the Iewes: to the better accom|plishment of which their vnlawfull act, the light that the fire of those houses which burned, gaue after it was once night, did minister no small helpe and oc|casion of furtherance. The Iewes that were in those houses which were set on fire,Iewes burnt to death. were either smoldred and burned to death within, or else at their com|ming foorth most cruellie receiued vpon the points of speares, billes, swords and gleaues of their aduer|saries that watched for them verie diligentlie.