[1] [2] King Richard seemed to like the matter well i|nough, and foorthwith deliuered a part of his armie vnto the king of Ierusalem and to the prince of An|tioch, appointing them to pursue the king of Cypres by land, whilest he with one part of his gallies and Robert de Turneham with the other might search about the coast by sea, to prohibit his passage by wa|ter. In euerie place where they came, such ships and gallies as they found they seized into their hands, and no resistance was made against them, by reason the people fled to the woods and mountains, leauing the cities, townes and castels void in all stéeds, where the king or the said sir Robert de Turneham with their vessels began to appéere.Robert de Turneham. When they had taken their pleasure thus alongst the coasts, they returned againe vnto Limezun. The king of Ierusalem and the other that went foorth by land, when they could not spéed of their purpose, returned also, in which meane time a great number of Cypriots came in, and submitting themselues to king Richard, were receiued as his subiects.