[1] In this meane time, whilest these inquisitions were thus taken in England, king Richard comming foorth of Poictou into Aniou,Officers dri|uen to fine for their offices. The king of|fended with the lord chan|cellor. caused all the bailiffes and officers of that countrie, and also of Maine, to fine with him for their offices. After this, when he came downe into Normandie, he seemed in shew to be offended with his chancellour the bishop of Elie, about concluding of the truce with the French king (where as ye haue heard he was cheefe commissio|ner) misliking greatlie all that was doone therein, and therefore he tooke the seale from him, and caused a new seale to be made, commanding to be proclai|med thorough all his dominions, that whatsoeuer had béene sealed with the old seale, should stand in no force, both for that his chancellor had wrought more vndiscreetlie than was conuenient; and againe, bi|cause the same seale was lost, when Roger Malus Catulus his vicechancellour was drowned, who pe|rished among other by shipwracke,A new scale. néere to the Ile of Cypres, before the king arriued there, being as then on his iournie into the holie land. Therefore all men had commandement to come to this new seale, that they might haue their charters and writings confirmed.