[1] After this, the two kings came to a communica|tion togither,The 2 kings talke togither. in the which a motion was made, that Lewes the French king his sonne and heire should haue the sister of Arthur duke of Britaine in marri|age, and that king Richard in consideration thereof should surrender vnto them and to their heires the townes of Gisors, Bademont, with the countrie of Ueulquessine or Ueuxine le Normant, Uernon, I|uerie and Pascie; and further should giue vnto them twentie thousand marks of siluer. On the other side it was mooued, that the French king should resigne vnto king Richard all that he could demand in the countie of Engeulesme, and should restore vnto him the counties of Albemarle and Augie, with the ca|stell of Arkes, and all other castels which he had taken in Normandie, or in any partie during these last warres. But there was a respit taken for the full concluding and assuring of these conditions, till the octaues of All saints, that king Richard might vn|derstand the emperours pleasure, without whose con|sent he might not conclude any thing concerning that matter, bicause he had sent such word vnto him by the lord chancellour, who at this time was atten|dant in his court.