[1] The order of his coronatiõ. Matth. Paris. At his coronation, first the archbishops of Can|turburie, Roan, Trier, and Dublin, which were pre|sent, with all the other bishops, abbats and cleargie, apparelled in rich copes, and hauing the crosse, holie water and censures carried afore them, came to fetch him vnto the doore of his priuie chamber, and there receiuing him, they led him vnto the church at West|minster, till he came before the high altar with a so|lemne procession. In the middle of the bishops and cleargie went foure barons, Rog. Houed. bearing candlesticks with tapers, after whom came Geffrey de Lucie bea|ring the cap of maintenance, and Iohn Marshall next to him, bearing a great and massiue paire of spurs of gold: then followed William Marshall earle of Striguill aliàs Pembroke, who bare the roi|all scepter, in the top wherof was set a crosse of gold: and William de Patrike earle of Salisburie going next him, bare the warder or rod, hauing on the top thereof a doue. Then came thrée other earles, Dauid brother to the king of Scots, the earle of Hunting|ton, Iohn the kings brother earle of Mortaigne, and Robert earle of Leicester, ech of them bearing a sword vpright in his hand with the scabberds richlie trimmed and adorned with gold.