[1] The presum|tuous stout|nesse of the moonks.The shiriffe of Kent also was commanded to seize into his hands all the tenements and possessions that belonged to the moonks (a frie of satan, and as one saith verie well of them and the like leuen of lewd|nesse,
who neuerthelesse were so stout in that quarell, that they would not prolong one daie of the time appoin|ted by the pope for the racing of that church. Herevp|on the king for his part and the bishops in their owne behalfes wrote to the pope. Likewise the abbats of Boreley, Fourd, Stratford, Roberts-bridge, Stan|leie, and Basing Warke, wrote the matter to him: and againe the pope and the cardinals wrote to the king, to the archbishops, and bishops: and so letters passed to and fro, till at length the pope sent a Nun|cio of purpose, to signifie his full determination, as in the next yeare it shall be shewed at full.—sentina malorum,Agnorum sub pelle lupi, mercede colentesNon pietate Deum, &c.)