[1] These were the statutes which this famous prince did enact at the first for his nauie, which sithens that time haue been verie much inlarged. About the same time Iohn Bishop of Whiterne in Scotland, suffra|gane to the church of Yorke, ordeined Geffrey arch|bishop of Yorke, Wil. Paruus. préest. At the same season also the e|lection of the same Geffrey was confirmed by pope Clement, who among other things that he wrote to the chapiter of Yorke on his behalfe, in the end he addeth these words:

We doo therefore admonish you all, and by the apostolicall bulles command you, that you exhibit both reuerence and honour vnto him as vnto your prelat, that thereby you may appeare com|mendable both before God and man.
Giuen at La|teran in the nones of March and third yeare of our gouernment.