[1] Earle Iohn not ye bishops fréend.Earle Iohn would haue had him punished, and put to some open reproofe for his passed tyrannicall dooings; but the bishops, and other of the barons, for reuerence of his order, procured his deliuerance, with licence to passe ouer into Normandie where he was borne. Thus was the bishop of Elie a man full of pride and couetousnesse ouerthrowne with shame, and receiued for his hie climing a reprochfull downe|fall: for none are more subiect to ruine and rebuke, than such as be aloft and supereminent ouer others, as the poet noteth well, saieng:

Ouid. lib. [...]. de rem. am.Summa petit liuor, perflant altissima venti,
Summa petunt dextra fulmina missa Iouis.