[1] [2] The bishop of Norwich lamenting the iniurious dealings of the pettie officers,The bishop of Norwich. and pittieng the peo|ple of the church, collected halfe the value of all the chalices within his diocesse himselfe, and to make vp the other halfe of the whole summe, he spared not to giue a great portion of his owne treasure. The ab|bat of S. Albons acquitted all those churches with|in the compasse of his iurisdiction,The abbat of saint Albons. by the gift of an hundred marks.The bishop of Chester. But the bishop of Chester had verie ill lucke with his collections; for hauing gathered a great summe of monie to the kings vse, he was spoi|led thereof in one night, as he lodged neere vnto Canturburie, being vpon his iournie towards the king.Matthew de Cléere. And bicause Matthew de Cléere that laie in the castell of Douer was knowne to aid those that robbed the said bishop, the archbishop of Canturburie pronounced him accurssed.