[1] [2] [3] The iustices also were appointed to cause the ma|nours, farmes and lands which the king held in de|maine, or by wards and escheats, to be surueied by a substantiall iurie, and to take order for the conuer|ting of them to such vse, as the king might be answe|red of the gaines rising by the same at the farmers hands. Also,Iewes. the Iewes were appointed to inroll all their debts, pledges, lands, houses, rents and possessi|ons. Moreouer, inquisition was taken of iustices, shiriffes, bailiffes, conestables, foresters and other officers belonging to the king,Iustices, shi|riffes and o|ther officers. to vnderstand in what maner they had behaued themselues in taking and seizing of things into their hands, and of all such goods, gifts and promises had and receiued by occasi|on of leasure made of the lands of earle Iohn and his fautors, and who receiued the same, and what delaie was granted by commandement of Hubert archbi|shop of Canturburie, then lord chéefe iustice.Hubert arch|bishop of Can|turburie lord chéefe iustice.