[1] Finallie after king Richard had dispatched his businesse with the emperour, and the princes of Al|maigne, he set forward on his iornie towards Eng|land, and hauing the emperours passeport, came to Cullen, where he was ioifullie receiued of the arch|bishop, the which archbishop attended on him till he came to Antwerpe, where king Richard tooke the water in a gallie that belonged to Alane de Trench|mere, but in the night he went into a ship of Rie, R. Houed. be|ing a verie faire vessell, and so laie aboord in hir all the night, and in the morning returned to the gallie, and so sailed about the coast, till he came to the hauen of Swin in Flanders, and there staieng fiue daies, on the sixt day he set foorth againe, and at length in good safetie landed at Sandwich the twelfe daie of March, and the morrow after came to Canturburie,He landed the 20. of March being sundaie as R. Houeden and Rafe de Diceto write. where he was receiued with procession, as Ger. Dor. saith. From thence he went to Rochester, and on the wednesday being the sixteenth of March, he came vn|to London, where he was receiued with great ioy and gladnesse of the people, giuing heartie thanks to almightie GOD for his safe returne and de|liuerance.