[1] [2] Moreouer, king Richard wan diuerse townes and castels out of the enimies hands, Rog. Houed. as Ascalon, Da|rus, and diuerse other, and some he fortified, as Asca|lon aforesaid, and Port Iaph, otherwise called Ioppa. There were sundrie encounters also betwixt the Sa|racens and christians, wherein king Richard and his people bare themselues so manfullie, that the victo|rie for the most part continuallie rested on their side. At one time also, hearing of a great conueie of vit|tels, munitions, and other things which came from Babylon towards Ierusalem to furnish Saladine and his armie (which conueis they call carauannes) king Richard with a competent power of men met them on the waie, and distressed those that were at|tendant vpon the safegard of that carriage, being in number about two thousand horssemen, besides a great multitude of footmen, and therewith tooke the carriages with foure thousand and six hundred ca|mels and dromedaries, besides an innumerable sort of mules, asses, and other beasts of burthen.