[1] [2] [3] At the same time king Richard marching towards Gisors, wan in his waie the castell of Corselles, & de|stroied it; that doone, he came to Gisors, and besieged the towne,Gisors be|sieged. wasting all the countrie round about him where he came. The French king being thus trou|bled with the inuasion of his enimies in two seuerall places at one present time, sent certeine bands of his souldiors towards Arras to kéepe the earle of Flan|ders plaie, whilest he himselfe went against king Ri|chard: and comming vnto Gisors, found it streictlie besieged of the same king, so that he wist not well how to enter the towne. But yet at length faining to giue battell to king Richard (who vpon desire to receiue it, came abroad into the field) the French king rushed foorth with all his whole force to make towards the towne, & so got into it,The French king entreth into Gisors. though not with|out great losse and damage of his people.