[1] [2] Wil. Paruus. Enuious dis|cord among the christians.In the meane while, the christian armie atchiued some worthie enterprises in the holie land, though not manie, by reason of such enuious discord as reig|ned amongst the chéefe gouernours. It chanced yet on the éeue of the Natiuitie of our ladie next after the departure of king Philip, as king Richard mar|ched foorth towards Iaph ancientlie called Ioppa, that the Soldan Saladine taking aduantage of the place, did set vpon the rereward of the christians: but his Saracens (after they had fought right fierce|lie from noone till sunne setting) were so beaten backe at length,K. Richard discomfiteth the Saracens néere to Port Iaph. and repelled with such losse and disad|uantage, that in 40. yeares before they had not su|steined at one time greater damage. Amongst other of the christians slaine at that encounter, was one Iames Dauenes, a man of high prowesse and vali|ancie.