[1] [2] [3] About this time the French king (now that the season of the yeare was come) set forward toward the holie land,The French king setteth foorth from Messina to|wards the holie land. leauing king Richard behind him in Sicile: and the two and twentith day after his set|ting foorth from Messina, he arriued at the siege of Acres or Acon. The same day also that the French king departed from Messina, queene Elianor the mother of king Richard arriued there, bringing with hir the ladie Berengaria the daughter of Sanctius the king of Nauarre, and the fourth day after quéene Elianor tooke leaue of hir sonne king Richard,Quéene Eli|anor retur|neth by Rome. and departed homeward towards England, taking hir iournie by Rome about the businesse of Geffrey the elect of Yorke, as to intreat the pope that he would confirme and consecrate him archbishop, or to autho|rise some other to doo it in his name. The ladie Be|rengaria remained behind with the kings sister Ioane quéene of Sicile.