[1] After all this, K. Richard desirous to set order in the gouernment of his realme, appointed Hugh bi|shop of Durham to haue the rule of the north parts as cheefe iustice from Humber northwards toward Scotland,Hugh bishop of Durham gouerneth the north parts. Matth. Paris. deliuering vnto him also the kéeping of Winchester castell: the residue of the kingdome (with the custodie of the towre) he assigned to the go|uernance of William Longchampe bishop of Elie,William Lõg|champe bishop of Elie. whome he had made cheefe iustice of that part, and chancellour of the realme, a man of great diligence and knowledge in the administration of things, but verie factious and desirous of rule, honour and riches farre aboue all measure. And with these two he ioi|ned in commission Hugh Bardulfe, William Mar|shall earle of Chepstow, or rather Penbrooke, Gef|frey Fitz Peter, & William Brewer, men of great honour, wisedome, and discretion.