[1] Some write that those ambassadours sent from the French king, R. Houed. The offers of the French K and erle Iohn to haue the K. of England kept still in prison. with other from earle Iohn, came to the emperor before king Richard was deliuered, offering in the French kings name fiftie thousand marks of siluer, and in the name of earle Iohn thir|tie thousand, vpon condition that K. Richard might remaine still in captiuitie vntill the feast of S. Mi|chaell next insuing; or else if it might so please him, he should receiue a thousand pounds of siluer for euerie moneth, whilest king Richard should be deteined in his prison, or otherwise fiftie thousand marks of sil|uer more than the first offer, at one entire paiment, if he would deliuer him into their hands, or at the leastwise to kéepe him prisoner by the terme of one whole yeare.