[1] [2] Also immediatlie after, that is to say, in the yeare of our Lord, a thousand, one hundred, nintie six, which [page 157] was about the seuenth yere of the said kings reigne, there followed a maruellous sore death, which dailie consumed such numbers of people, that scarse there might be found any to kéepe and looke to those that were sicke,A great mor|talitie of peo|ple. W [...]l. Paruus. or to burie them that died. Which sicke|nesse was a pestilentiall feuer or sharpe burning a|gue. The accustomed manner of buriall was also neglected: so that in manie places they made great pits, and threw their dead bodies into the same, one vpon an other. For the multitude of them that died was such, that they could not haue time to make for euerie one a seuerall graue. This mortalitie conti|nued for the space of fiue or six months, and at length ceassed in the cold season of winter.