[1] [2] The duke streightwaies caused the house where he was lodged, to be set about with armed men, Ra. Niger. and sent other into the house to apprehend him. He being warie that he was descried, got him to his weapon: but they aduising him to be contented, and alledging the dukes commandement, he boldlie answered,

that sith he must be taken, he being a king, would yéeld [page 136] himselfe to none of the companie but to the duke alone, and therefore if it would please him to come, he would yéeld himselfe into his hands.
The duke hearing of this,K. Richard submitteth himselfe to the duke of Austrich. spéedilie came vnto him, whom he meeting, deliuered vp his sword, and committed him vnto his custodie. The duke reioising of such a preie, brought him vnto his palace, and with gentle words enterteined him, though he meant no great good to|wards him, as well inough appeared in that he com|mitted him to the keeping of certeine gentlemen, which without much courtesie looked streightlie i|nough to him for starting awaie, in somuch that they kept him in cold irons (as some authours doo write. N. Triuet. ) He was taken after the maner aforesaid in December vpon S. Thomas éeue, in the yéere of our Lord 1192. and in the fourth yeare of his reigne.