[1] In this meane time, king Richard being now at rest from troubles of warre, studied busilie to pro|uide monie, meaning to make a new voiage into the holie land.A tax. Fiue shillings of euerie plough land, as saith Matt. Westm. Therefore finding himselfe bare of treasure, by reason the French warres had emptied his cofers, he set a great tax vpon his subiects, and by that meanes, hauing recouered a great summe, he builded that notable strong castell in Normandie, vpon the banke of the riuer of Saine,Chasteau Ga|liard built. named Cha|teau Galiard: which when it was finished, he fell a iesting thereat and said;

Behold, is not this a faire daughter of one yeares growth.
The soile where this castell was builded, belonged to the archbishop of Rouen, for which there followed great strife betwixt the king and the archbishop, till the pope tooke vp the matter (as before ye haue heard.)